Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 853: Five Shadows (middle)

 The fourth Raikage and the third Tsuchikage are both proud people.

 But in the face of cross-country, even the fourth generation Raikage and the third generation Tsuchikage must restrain their pride. This is the status of the shadow mage in the ninja world. Therefore, when the seriously injured Cross Country comes in front of the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage, even if the Kingdom of Water does not fall and half of the Fire Kingdom is destroyed, such as the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage being seriously injured. Before going off-road, you must maintain a dignified attitude.

 And this kind of preconceived attitude is also very scary.

Off-road, who was almost seriously injured, entered the conference room with the support of the Fourth Hokage. The atmosphere in the conference room could be said to have solidified.

After being silent for a long time, the third Tsuchikage took a deep breath, faced the cross country and asked: "Shadow Mage, who is our enemy?"

 “one of our enemies”

 “The name is Madara Uchiha!”

Listening to the Third Tsuchikage's questions, Cross Country used spiritual communication to connect with the Fourth Hokage, and used this method to prepare for a secret conversation with the Fourth Hokage. When talking about enemies, Cross Country did not want to directly intimidate the Fourth Raikage and Third Tsuchikage in front of him, but Cross Country miscalculated Uchiha Madara's influence, especially in front of the Third Tsuchikage.

It can be said that Uchiha Madara is the third Tsuchikage's nightmare. Even after he has fully grown up, the third Tsuchikage cannot forget the tragic situation he faced in front of Uchiha Madara. Therefore, when Cross Country slowly said Madara's name, the Third Tsuchikage took a breath of air and fell completely silent.

 On the contrary, it was the Fourth Raikage. He thought the enemy was just Madara.

Immediately, looking at the nervous look of the third Tsuchikage, the fourth Raikage, who didn't understand what Madara's name actually meant, frowned slightly and asked, "How can an old guy hurt you so much?" Is that so, Master Shadow, did you call us here just for Uchiha Madara?"

“Old guy? You actually said that Uchiha Madara is an old guy?”

Just when the Fourth Raikage finished speaking, the nervous Third Tsuchikage glared at the Fourth Raikage fiercely and said coldly: "If nothing else, it is the name Uchiha Madara that wants to cause a War is really too simple. Young Raikage, if you don’t know how terrifying Uchiha Madara is, don’t make such nonsense here. Look at how serious the Shadow Mage’s injuries are, and you should understand how terrifying Uchiha Madara is. Are you ready? Besides, the tragedy of the Kingdom of Water is right in front of us. If you want your Kingdom of Thunder to become like the Kingdom of Water, then just leave!"

Having said that, the Third Tsuchikage suddenly thought of something, and immediately faced the cross country again, and asked: "Shadow Mage, our enemy should..."

“Isn’t it Uchiha Madara alone?”

 “That’s right, there’s another one.”

Nodding, Cross Country said: "If I tell you about that guy, you may not believe it, but if he can destroy the Kingdom of Water in just a few days, you should be able to recognize their existence from his record. "

 “That guy is”

"grim Reaper!"

grim Reaper?

Does that thing really exist?

Obviously, just as Cross Country thought, when the name of the God of Death was suddenly spoken, whether it was the slightly younger Fourth Raikage or the old and immortal Third Tsuchikage, they all did not believe in the God of Death. It actually exists. However, because of their preconceptions, both the Third Tsuchikage and the Fourth Raikage knew that no matter how incredible the truth told by Off-Road was, they had to believe it and admit it, so even if Off-Road said that the God of Death was them The enemies, the third Tsuchikage and the fourth Raikage nodded silently, which seemed to agree that the Shinigami was their enemy.

  followed by.

 Another round of silence.

 There is no doubt that both the Third Tsuchikage and the Fourth Raikage need to digest the facts before them.

On the contrary, it was the Fourth Kazekage. When he was with the Third Tsuchikage and the Fourth Raikage, he rarely spoke. It was not that he did not have the qualifications, but compared to the Sand Ninja Village, the Iwa Ninja Village, and the Kumo Ninja Village, it was really They don't have much say.

While looking at the silent Third Tsuchikage and Fourth Raikage in front of him, Cross Country slightly frowned and asked the Fourth Hokage in mental communication: "Minato-sensei, where is Mizukage?"

 “Mizukage is recovering from his injuries.”

With a faint smile on his lips, the Fourth Hokage smiled and replied: "Now I will send someone to invite the Mizukage, Cross Country, and the Five Shadows meeting to officially begin."


 Listening to the words of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country slowly sat on the chair, just like the Third Tsuchikage, the Fourth Raikage, and the Fourth Kazekage in front of him who remained silent. Not long after, the person sent by the Fourth Hokage picked up Terumi Mei. Just by looking at Terumi Mei's face, he knew that Terumi Mei's condition in the recent period was definitely not getting better.

 Speaking of it, the Kingdom of Water is facing such a terrible disaster. It would be strange if Terumi Mei, a Mizukage, suddenly gets better.

 When Terumi Mei took his seat, together with the Fourth Hokage, the five shadows were now gathered in the Land of Waves, indicating that the meeting of the five shadows was about to begin.

As the owner of this place and the convener of the Five Shadows Conference, Xue Yue knew it was time to speak despite his injuries. Therefore, when everyone remained silent and their eyes fell on Cross Country, after using the method of spiritual communication to communicate with the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country slowly stood up and said: "Actually, everyone can understand the general outline of the matter. Understood. Yes, this time our ninja world is facing a common enemy, and that person is Uchiha Madara and the legendary God of Death."

"I don’t need to say more about Uchiha Madara. Apart from me, the third Tsuchikage must know the best. As for the God of Death, besides me, the person who knows the most is probably the Mizukage. Because the Kingdom of Water has just faced The disaster of the Death God's invasion, the entire Water Kingdom fell under the Death God's invasion, this..."

“This is the most important thing we have to discuss together.”

After saying that, Cross Country paused and continued: "I think everyone here can understand to some extent why I was injured. Yes, it was Uchiha Madara and the Shinigami who jointly injured me. I will not be injured in a short period of time." It is possible to regain strength, so the subsequent war will require the help of everyone here. For the time being, my proposal is to form a ninja coalition to fight against Death and Uchiha Madara. The Kingdom of Water has fallen, and half of the territory of the Kingdom of Fire. They are all destroyed, and this is a disaster for our entire ninja world."

"The ultimate goal of Madara Uchiha and the God of Death is to rule the ninja world, so every country in the ninja world is not immune."

"At this time, if anyone is unwilling to cooperate, he is the enemy of the ninja world."

 “Then now I want to ask, who can form a ninja coalition?”

 “Don’t agree?”

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