Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 854: Five Shadows (Part 2)

  Why should we form a ninja coalition in cross-country?

the answer is.

 Paves the way for the unification of the ninja world.

 Simply using force to unify the ninja world would have many hidden dangers. Whether people from each country can live in peace is a very serious problem. Before the cross-country unification of the ninja world, if the ninja coalition can be successfully formed and the ninja coalition can enjoy the feeling of fighting together, then in the future, after the cross-country unification of the ninja world, the hatred of each country will be quickly eliminated.

 At least, it is much faster than conquering each country one by one cross-country and then resolving hatred.

 In the discussion between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, their plan was to create an enemy if there was no enemy.

Isn’t Master Ban temporarily sealed into the world of six reincarnations?

Didn’t the representative of Death temporarily disappear?


There are actually many hidden figures in the cross-country "Twilight" organization, such as Orochimaru. If he uses the dirt to reincarnate, he will bring some trouble to the ninja world. In addition, Nagato after being "blackened" can use it to run around in the ninja world for a period of time. If Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage and others indulge a little bit, it will make the ninja world feel a bit of a crisis.

 However, the main problem is the fourth generation Raikage and the third generation Tsuchikage.

For example, the Fourth Hokage, needless to say, is a member of the Cross Country "Twilight" organization. Besides, the plan just now was set by the Fourth Hokage, so Cross Country believes that the Fourth Hokage must not disagree with the formation of the Ninja Alliance. of. The more embarrassing person is Terumi Mei, the Fifth Mizukage. There are not many ninjas under her command. Even if she wants to disagree with the formation of a ninja coalition, Terumi Mei needs to have the ability to stop it!

The Fourth Kazekage is an ally of Cross Country, and his son Gaara is a disciple of Cross Country. Cross Country also believes that the Fourth Kazekage does not have too many problems.

 On the contrary, it is a more difficult problem for the third generation Tsuchikage and the fourth generation Raikage to solve.

In the original Naruto novel, the third generation of Tsuchikage was able to agree to form a ninja coalition, thanks to the mouth escape that Gaara inherited from Uzumaki Naruto. If Gaara hadn't revealed the Third Tsuchikage's inner thoughts, it would have been impossible for the stubborn Third Tsuchikage to join the Ninja Alliance. Even if he was fighting against the "Akatsuki" organization, he would have to fight alone.

The situation of the Fourth Raikage is even more special. If the two pillars in the original Naruto novel failed to cut off one of his arms and make him realize the threat of the "Akatsuki" organization, would the Fourth Raikage agree to form a ninja coalition?

However, just when Cross Country was secretly thinking that the two obstacles to forming a ninja coalition were the Third Tsuchikage and the Fourth Raikage, a man suddenly stood up slowly. When Cross Country looked at him, a look of surprise appeared. It just appeared in Cross Country's eyes.

Because the person who got up was the Fourth Kazekage, the off-road feeling must be able to agree with the Fourth Kazekage proposed by him.

Standing up slowly, the Fourth Kazekage did not leave, but asked seriously in front of Yuexiu: "Kage Master, you have always had a good relationship with our Sand Ninja Village, and my child Gaara is also yours. Disciple. But it is not easy to form a ninja coalition to fight against the enemy. Have you ever thought about who the commander of the ninja coalition is? "

As he said that, the Fourth Kazekage looked at the Fourth Raikage next to him, and then at the Third Tsuchikage opposite him, smiled self-deprecatingly, and said: "In terms of strength, then your Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, Yun The Fourth Raikage of Ninja Village is the most capable to compete for the position of commander of the coalition forces. In terms of qualifications, no one is more qualified than the Third Tsuchikage. Only the Fifth Mizukage and I are facing such an embarrassing situation. , at least we are the "shadow" of a village, you can't."

 “Just let us be the captains of a small team?”

After saying that, the Fourth Kazekage slowly sat on the chair, and his words suddenly caused the other Five Shadows to have other thoughts.

After listening to the words of the Fourth Kazekage, Terumi Mei, the fifth Mizukage, suddenly remembered the fall of the Kingdom of Water. He sat there in a daze, and even had flaws in his mind. If he fails to overcome the flaws in his mind in the future, , it is absolutely impossible for Terumi Meditation to regain its peak strength.

When the Fourth Kazekage sat down, he seemed to be mocking himself, but in fact he regarded Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage, the Fourth Raikage, and the Third Tsuchikage as enemies. This is the horror of power. Being the "shadow" of a village is not as powerful as becoming the commander-in-chief of a village.

If he could seize the position of commander of the ninja coalition, the Fourth Kazekage felt that he could have unlimited power. This was the reason why he launched an attack off-road in the first place.

 Looking at the third generation Tsuchikage and the fourth generation Raikage, they did not speak in silence, but this was the most terrifying thing.

Suddenly, it was discovered that because of the sudden stabbing of the Fourth Kazekage, the entire situation was under the control of the Fourth Kazekage and turned into a intrigue. In the spiritual communication, Cross Country said calmly with the Fourth Hokage: "Minato-sensei, it seems like you want to give the other three Kage some color."

 “Well, there is no other way.”

 Sighing deeply, the Fourth Hokage replied: "Off-road, are you sure you can defeat him?"


He also sighed helplessly, and said with deep regret: "But there is no way, we need to put some pressure on them, don't we?"

The moment Cross Country’s words fell, the power in Cross Country’s Yin Escape Brand suddenly began to surge!


 Because, off-road began to gather the power of reincarnation in his Yin Escape brand, and was ready to use Ban Ye to appear here!

 There is no common enemy, so cross-country needs to create a common enemy.

And because of the accident before him, even if he knew there was some danger in the cross-country, he had to free Madara and let the three shadows with ghosts know how ridiculous their hesitation was.

 Let’s talk about Mr. Ban.

He was the hero in the original Naruto novel. He found that the reincarnation world created by off-roading was beginning to collapse. How could he miss this wonderful opportunity in front of him?

Especially when he was about to leave the world of reincarnation, he felt that the restraint of death on him was slowly decreasing, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Banye's mouth.

 Next second!


 In the conference room of Wuying, a figure suddenly appeared!

And when that figure suddenly appeared, with everyone's pupils shrinking slightly, the smile on that figure's face suddenly became a little stronger!

 “It feels so good to be out of reincarnation!”


“Aren’t you five little guys the Five Shadows now?”

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