Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 855: Who can fight?



  After Madara escaped from the reincarnation world and appeared in front of Cross Country and the Five Shadows, it is estimated that only Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, the two people who knew Madara was about to appear early, could stay calm!

On the other hand, looking at the third Tsuchikage, the fourth Raikage, the fourth Kazekage, and even the fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei, the moment they saw Madara appear, their pupils shrank slightly, and their eyes were full of shock.

Especially the Third Tsuchikage, when he looked at Madara's figure, his body couldn't stop trembling.

At this time, the third Tsuchikage really wanted to ask Cross Country why Madara could appear here.

Unfortunately, the Third Tsuchikage was not given any time to ask. Madara's figure came to the side of the cross country with a "swish" and slowly sat next to the cross country. Master Madara ignored the five people in the ninja world. Shadow asked calmly: "Nara Cross Country, I found that the control of death on me has weakened. Could it be that you defeated him?"

 “If it’s not me, can there be someone else?”

 At this moment, no one can understand how much the conversation between Cross Country and Madara shocked the other four shadows.

The God of Death in the legend was actually defeated by the Shadow Mage. How strong is the Shadow Mage?

  Could it be that the injuries on his body were caused by the fierce battle with the **** of death?

These are not things that the other four shadows can imagine, so when Master Ban was talking to Cross Country, they could only stand aside silently, like a group of onlookers who were onlookers.

 When Master Ban heard the answer from the cross country, he smiled slightly and didn't say much.

On the contrary, under the condition of spiritual communication, Madara said indifferently to Cross Country: "I understand your intentions, so I am going to help you once. I am not helping you because I am ready to watch you rule the ninja world, but because I want to To repay you, you helped me escape from the control of Death. However, Nara Cross Country, I must tell you that Death cannot die and can only be sealed. You missed the opportunity to perfectly seal Death until the next time he appears. When you are pregnant, it will definitely become more terrifying.”

"It's just like"

 “It’s the same as me who successfully escaped from your reincarnation.”

“Okay, I won’t say any more to you, I’ll just return the favor to you now.”

 “Be able to surpass yourself at your peak and go one step further after regaining your peak strength.”

 “To be honest, I really need some fun opponents!”

After saying that, Madara stood next to Yuki, quietly looking at the third Tsuchikage, the fourth Kazekage, the fourth Raikage, the fourth Hokage, and the fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei in front of him, and then said lightly: " Among you little guys, except for the two days of Peng Ohnoki, the rest of them have disappointed me."

"Especially you."

Slowly pointing his finger in the direction of the Fourth Hokage, Madara sneered: "The master who is a shadow mage is actually so weak?"

"It seems that the laws in the ninja world have not taught you that you must always obey the orders of the stronger, forever."

 “Never, never be left behind!”

 "You talk too much nonsense! Uchiha Madara, die!"

Just when Madara finished speaking, the fourth generation Raikage, who was relatively reckless and impulsive, did not hesitate at all and directly exploded the chakra in his body.

The fourth generation Raikage's fighting method is the same as that of the third generation Raikage. Unfortunately, the fourth generation Raikage is not as strong as the third generation Raikage who was once subdued by Cross Country.

 Compared with the Third Raikage, the Fourth Raikage's attack is stronger, but it has lost some balance. It is far from being as capable of attacking and defending as the Third Raikage.

 So, when Madara was mocking the five shadows in front of him, the Fourth Raikage suddenly pounced in front of Madara while his whole body was filled with violent thunder chakra. Thinking that with his own speed, he can successfully deal with Madara in front of him, then the Fourth Raikage's punch was about to land on Madara's chest. Who would have thought that Madara happened to be attacked by the Fourth Raikage? When he did, he slowly opened his palm, and with a "bang", he grabbed the fist of the Fourth Raikage!


Seeing Madara actually grabbing his attacking fist, the Fourth Raikage really wanted to rub his eyes to see if the scene in front of him was real or fake.

I never expected that someone in the ninja world could actually resist his fist.


When his fist was wrapped by a terrifying force, the Fourth Raikage's pupils narrowed slightly, and the look of horror in his eyes became more intense. Instead, it was Madara who held the Fourth Raikage's fist and didn't even move his body position, still sitting on the chair next to the cross-country. Immediately, he just glanced coldly at the Fourth Raikage in front of him, and suddenly there was a "click"!

  The entire arm of the Fourth Raikage was shattered when Madara exerted his strength!

It was just a round of confrontation. The Fourth Raikage was seriously injured and could never regain his peak strength.

 Look at Mr. Madara.

The Fourth Raikage in front of him was eliminated in an instant. The palm that originally held the fist of the Fourth Raikage slowly moved to the position of the Fourth Raikage, and then a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 “Is it Kazekage?”

“Compared with the previous Kazekage, you are really too young, but the magnetic escape you mastered is a little bit more interesting!”

As he spoke, a "black hole" seemed to appear in Madara's palm, which was clearly the power of heaven in the Six Paths of Reincarnation!


  Master Madara used the Ten Thousand Elements of Heaven, and then attracted the Fourth Kazekage directly in front of him.

  While being sucked in, the Fourth Kazekage wanted to explode his own power. Unfortunately, when Madara used the power of the Rinnegan Heavenly Path, he also used the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path at the same time.

That is to say, when Madara used the All-Seeing Tension to attract the Fourth Kazekage, the chakra in the Fourth Kazekage's body was also slowly invaded by the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path. Without chakra, the strength of a ninjutsu-type ninja like the Fourth Kazekage will inevitably decline. Especially in front of Madara, the Fourth Kazekage who lost his chakra was as weak as a child.

 Next second!


The body still did not move. He just kicked the Fourth Kazekage hard when he was attracted by the Wanxiangtian.

With a "pop" sound, the Fourth Kazekage knelt down directly in front of Madara when his abdomen was severely injured. And counting from the time Madara started fighting against the Five Shadows, only three seconds had passed. In just three seconds, Madara defeated the Fourth Raikage and the Fourth Kazekage one after another.

Such terrifying combat power made the Fourth Hokage, the Third Tsuchikage, and the Fifth Mizukage Terumi secretly exclaim in their hearts:

  "Who really exists in the ninja world."

 “Can you fight Uchiha Madara?”

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