Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 860: sun and moon as eyes

Most of the stories in the original Naruto novels are on the bright side, such as the formation of the Ninja Alliance. It really means forming as soon as it is formed. There are not many episodes in it, and there is no chaos like cross-country formation of the Ninja Alliance. Almost as soon as the ninja coalition was assembled, the ninjas in each ninja village listened to their "shadow". Everyone quickly developed a tacit understanding together, and there was no such thing as plotting against each other in the war. When facing the enemy, he just shows his ruthlessness.

 But the story of Naruto’s original work will always be the story of Naruto’s original work!

The war happening in front of Cross Country is more like the prelude to the gathering of the Ninja Alliance, that is, the explosion of hatred accumulated for many years.

 However, after listening to Yamazaka Haiichi's report on what happened in the Kingdom of Sichuan, Cross Country fell into silence. How to solve the war in the Kingdom of Kawa? Not even the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage can solve it. Can cross-country go there in person to solve it?

 When he fell into silence and deep contemplation, the first person that crossed his mind was Nara Shikaku.

 Uncle Lujiu is a cross-country think tank, there is no doubt about this.

 So, he soon came to Nara Shikaku and explained what happened in the country of Kawa. When Cross Country's words just fell, Shikaku frowned slightly and said to Cross Country in front of him: "Xiao Cross, if you want to solve the problems in the Kingdom of Sichuan, you have three ways to choose from, divided into upper and middle. It’s up to you to choose between three strategies.”


Off-road slightly raised his eyebrows, faced Lu Jiu and said, "Uncle Lu Jiu, I would like to hear the details."

“Well, let me tell you slowly.”

Lu Jiu took a deep breath and said slowly: "The last resort is the fastest effective method, and it is also the method with the greatest hidden dangers, which is to suppress it with force. Off-road, with your strength, it is necessary to suppress two ninjas." It is not difficult to defeat all the ninjas in the village, but this time you used your terrifying strength to suppress them, making them dare not speak out. If something special happens during the war, the war will still start. of."

"This is a difficult problem in forming a ninja coalition. Even our ninjas in Konoha Village cannot avoid it. Moreover, now it is just a meeting between ninjas from two villages, and a war has broken out in the territory of Kawa no Kuni. In the future If the Suna Ninja Village and all the ninjas of Konoha Village gathered together, the scale of the war would be huge."

“It must be getting bigger and bigger, right?”


 Uncle Lujiu is right, using force to suppress is indeed the method with the most hidden dangers.

He nodded silently and asked, "Uncle Lujiu, what's the best strategy?"

 “Deflect hatred!”

Listening to Cross Country's question, Shikaku smiled and said: "We have a common enemy, and that person is Uchiha Madara. The hatred in the past is the hatred in the past, and it is definitely not as fierce as the hatred now. So, for the time being, you After suppressing the hatred in their hearts and stopping the war, as long as everyone's hatred is transferred to Uchiha Madara, the ninja coalition can temporarily live in peace. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and no one wants to face the common situation. When there are enemies, there is one more enemy, right?”

“So, in cross-country, it still depends on you whether you can grasp the key to the middle strategy.”

"Because in the ninja world, you are the only one who has the ability to prevent the civil war from happening, and only you can successfully divert their hatred, isn't it?"

After saying that, Lu Jiu paused, and then said without any hesitation: "Of course, the best strategy is still the best strategy, which is to completely resolve the hatred in their hearts. As the war continues, even those with life-and-death hatred will The hatred between ninjas can be gradually smoothed out, and that kind of hatred can be transformed into the friendship of comrades. Unfortunately, it is only the beginning of the war. It will take some time to complete this, especially. It needs to be broken in slowly.”

“In general, off-roading, how you choose to resolve the hatred between ninjas depends on you.”

“Of course, if I were you, when choosing a strategy, I would start from the bottom, the middle, and the top, and slowly advance.”

 “First use your overwhelming strength to suppress them, so that they dare not speak out their hatred, and then when the war begins, quietly transfer their hatred and make them hate Uchiha Madara.”

“In the end, as the war continues, hatred slowly resolves, and friendship appears on the battlefield. It is the right way to slowly resolve the hatred in every ninja’s heart in this direction.”

“So, cross-country, do you know how to do it now?”

Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading!

Almost as soon as Shikaku finished speaking, Shikaku took a deep breath and sighed that Shikaku's mind was indeed not nonsense. The title of Konoha's number one think tank was simply the most suitable title for Shikaku.

  followed by.

After Tsukishika finished his conversation, Cross Country nodded vigorously. Immediately, he used the Shadow Blast Technique directly. Cross Country's figure came from the Land of Waves to the Third Tsuchikage in an instant.

At this time, the Third Tsuchikage was obviously troubled by the formation of the ninja coalition.

 Because during the battle, the Third Tsuchikage discovered in shock that the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village were so powerful that the ninjas who almost died tragically were all ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village.

At this moment, it is naturally impossible to say that the third Tsuchikage did not have the slightest grudge against the casualties. Even the Third Tsuchikage was thinking that it would be great if he could attack the ninjas of Kumo Ninja Village. Unfortunately, Madara's terror still shrouded the Third Tsuchikage's head, causing the Third Tsuchikage not to act recklessly when facing a powerful enemy. It's nothing more than arrogance, otherwise the battle between Yun Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village will really become the prelude to the civil war of the ninja alliance.

 Let’s talk about off-road, almost by seeing the frowning look on the third Tsuchikage’s face, off-road can tell what the third Tsuchikage’s inner thoughts are. For a moment, Cross Country was just glad that he came at the right time, otherwise if the third Tsuchikage really led the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village to go to war, the consequences would be simply unimaginable.

Then, he had a brief conversation with the Third Tsuchikage. Cross-Country was planning to use Shikaku's method. He would first use his strong strength to suppress those who caused trouble in Iwa Ninja Village and Cloud Ninja Village, and then gradually use Shikaku in future wars. long-term strategy. However, just when Cross Country finished talking to the Third Tsuchikage, and just walked out of the Iwa Ninja Village camp in Kawanoguni, and was preparing to suppress all the people who were causing trouble in Iwa Ninja Village and Cloud Ninja Village, suddenly Cross Country raised his head and looked towards The sun in the sky.

Especially when he felt the power of the sun, he narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured:

 “The sun and moon are eyes?”

“So Madara, you have been using your pupil power to induce the civil war on our side to start!”

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