Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 861: endless night

 “The sun and moon are eyes?”

“Shadow Mage, what does it mean?”

As a Tsuchikage, the third generation Tsuchikage's observation ability is naturally very keen, so the third generation Tsuchikage just whispered there in a low voice. The third generation Tsuchikage heard the whisper of the cross country, frowned slightly, and asked directly towards the cross country.

When Cross Country saw the Third Tsuchikage asking questions, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

 Obviously, the smile on Cross Country's face was due to relaxation, because he finally understood why the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village and Yun Ninja Village were about to start a war just after they met.

 The main reason is naturally still hatred.

 But it’s a secondary reason.

 It’s Master Ban’s plan!

As early as when Cross Country had a confrontation with the Devil Sea God created by Ban Ye, Cross Country knew that Ban Ye had some kind of secret technique that could affect the emotions of others. In the Iwa Ninja Village, when the ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village were assembled and stationed together in Kawa no Kuni, Madara suddenly activated the secret technique to influence the emotions of others, inciting the emotions of the ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village. , so that the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village inevitably started fighting under the obstruction of the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage.

As for where Madara cast the secret technique, Cross Country’s answer is that he doesn’t know.

 Because when Madara used his secret technique, he used his eye power on the sun and moon.

 Use the sun and moonlight to further exert the power of the eyes and affect the emotions of the ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village. This is clearly what Madara did.

“You can use the sun and moonlight to affect other people’s emotions. Lord Ban, it seems that you have made great progress.”

 “But now that I have seen through your secrets, your secrets.”

 “It’s really useless!”

Secretly thinking to himself, Cross Country first faced the Third Tsuchikage in front of him and said: "Tsuchikage, now go and manage the ninjas of your Iwa Ninja Village, and at the same time instruct the Raikage to go and manage the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village under your command. What happens next No matter how things are beyond your imagination, don’t be too surprised, because this is the first confrontation between me and Uchiha Madara, do you understand?”


Hearing what Cross Country said, the Third Tsuchikage glanced at Cross Country suspiciously, but in the end he still listened to Cross Country and went to manage the ninjas in his Iwa Ninja Village. In fact, the third Tsuchikage and the fourth Raikage didn't have many things to deal with at this time. They just told the ninjas of Kumo Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village under their command not to panic.

When the emotions of the ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village and Yun Ninja Village stabilized, Cross Country took a deep breath and suddenly looked up at the sun in the sky.

 There, there is Mr. Madara’s eye power.

 The same place is full of Ban Ye’s conspiracy.

 Since this is the case.

Then seal the sun, seal the moon at the same time, and Master Madara’s secret technique can be completely cracked!

So, just when Cross Country decided to seal the sun, seal the moon, and crack Madara's secret technique, Cross Country took a deep breath and directly mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand.


Just by using the power of the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country still cannot use his own secret technique of Shadow Escape to affect the sun and moon tens of thousands of miles away. It is also because of this that when Cross Country mobilizes the spiritual energy in his own Yin Escape brand, he silently begins to absorb the surrounding natural energy. When the natural energy filled the entire body of Cross Country, allowing Cross Country to complete the Immortal Mode of the Shifty Bone Forest, he felt that the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand had been strengthened a bit. Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly. , murmured:

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”


  There is no need to hit the palm of your hand on the ground like the normal casting of Shadow Arrival.

Staring at the sun on the horizon, Cross Country just murmured the name of the secret technique he wanted to cast. Immediately, the spiritual energy released by Cross Country turned into a black shadow and gradually spread to the sun on the horizon.

It can be said that everyone in the ninja world can see a spectacle at this time, that is, a darkness on the ground suddenly sweeps up to the sun in the sky.

While looking at that spectacle, not to mention the ordinary ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village, even the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage were shocked at how terrifying the cross-country strength was. And when the ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Village and the Rock Ninja Village discovered that the black shadow spreading towards the sun was actually spreading from their own camp, almost all the ninjas in the Rock Ninja Village and the Cloud Ninja Village knew that it was a shadow. The terrifying power of the mage, so when staring at the black shadow, he couldn't help but swallow hard.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

  Carefully manipulated the secret technique of Shadow Escape, and soon he was successfully enveloped in the sun.

 However, the dark shadow shrouded the surface of the sun, which at most only blocked the sun's light, making the light in the ninja world slightly dim. There is no doubt that the power of cross-country is still incomparable to the sun in the sky, but just the secret technique of Shadow Release is shrouded above it, which can already block Master Madara's secret technique, isn't it?

Immediately, he used the same method to successfully seal the moon. After completing the sealing of the sun and the moon, Madara's secret technique was successfully cracked. Instead, the light of the sun and moon was blocked by the cross-country secret technique of shadow escape. Covering it up instantly plunged the ninja world into darkness.

 Looking at the dim light around them, needless to say, many people felt very uncomfortable.

Even the third Tsuchikage and the fourth Raikage looked at each other in shock as they silently watched Xue Yue cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape, sealing the sun and moon one after another.

After being silent for a long time, the Third Tsuchikage murmured:

"The sun and the moon are shrouded in darkness. Is this the war we are about to start?"

 “Fight for the light!”

"may be."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Listening to the words of the Third Tsuchikage, the fourth generation Raikage suddenly lost his previous silence and said calmly: "I thought before that the gap between me and the shadow mage was slowly narrowing, but I didn't expect it. The Shadow Mage is getting stronger now. It's a pity that the Third Hokage of Konoha Village, if he knew how to deal with the relationship between himself and the Shadow Mage, we might be the ones in trouble now."

"Tsuchikage, for the time being, I have no intention of dominating the ninja world. After seeing the power of the shadow mage, I just want to win this war."

"And you?"

“After knowing how strong the Shadow Mage is, do you still have the intention to compete with him?”

“Are you the same as me?”

 “How does it feel to want to take refuge in the shadow mage?”

As soon as the Fourth Raikage finished speaking, the Third Tsuchikage smiled coldly and did not answer.

 Because, the third Tsuchikage knew that what the fourth Raikage said was just a test.

As the "shadows" of a village, how could they have the idea of ​​joining the cross-country trade? Just when the fourth generation Raikage finished speaking, the third generation Tsuchikage sneered slightly, but silently thought in his heart:

“The idea of ​​​​taking refuge in the Shadow Mage is not there, but the Shadow Mage.”

 “It’s really scary!”

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