Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 862: need you

 When night falls, war will begin.

 In future history, if the battle between cross-country and Banye is described, it must be described in such terms.

However, when Cross Country used his own secret technique of Shadow Escape to seal the sun and the moon, causing the ninja world to enter eternal night, Cross Country only successfully solved Madara's secret technique, but it cannot be said to have solved it. The internal conflicts within the Ninja Alliance were revealed.

 Because, off-road, it was still a little late when he discovered that Madara cast the secret technique.

When Cross Country began to decipher Madara's secret technique, Madara's secret technique had already taken root in the ninja alliance and in the hearts of every ordinary ninja. Therefore, as long as these ordinary ninjas who possess Madara's secret technique meet, they will still It will bring back the original hatred. However, after cross-country decoding Madara's secret technique, Madara's secret technique can only affect a few emotions of these ordinary ninjas, at least it can allow these ordinary ninjas to suppress the hatred in their hearts.

 In the future, if Cross Country wants to truly integrate the ninja coalition, it will still have to be done slowly and gradually, as Shikaku said.

While the cross-country is in the country of Kawawa, the dispute between Yunnin Village and Iwa Ninja Village has finally ended. Even if there are some small frictions occasionally, they continue to pay attention to the Iwa Ninja Village with Kagura's eyes, and the cross-country ninjas of Yun Ninja Village , can also be blocked at the first opportunity. However, it was impossible to spend so much energy on cross-country, so soon, several teams of elite Nara clan were dispatched from the country of waves to teach them the secret technique of shadow escape.

When teaching them the secret technique of Shadow Escape, Cross Country naturally did not have the time to teach them carefully, so Cross Country chose a rougher method, which was to directly instill his own spiritual energy into the bodies of these Nara clan members. .

Undoubtedly, doing this cross-country is equivalent to cutting off the future training path of these Nara clan ninjas.

 Because when the strong spiritual energy of Cross Country invaded their bodies, they could temporarily use the spiritual energy of Cross Country to cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape to stop the dispute between the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village and the ninjas of Yun Ninja Village. Moreover, the part of the cross-country mental energy in the body has been used up. These ninjas of the Nara clan only need to come in front of the cross-country to replenish the cross-country spiritual energy like charging, but now they have the cross-country spiritual energy in their bodies. , in the future, unless they cultivate spiritual energy with a higher quality than cross-country spiritual energy, their spiritual energy will stagnate no matter how they cultivate it.

 But, there is nothing we can do about it, right?

The members of the Nara clan generally have relatively average qualifications. Cross-country does not need to use such methods to encourage others. If we cultivate a group of elites who can prevent the occurrence of civil war, then cross-country will have more troubles in the future. Under such circumstances that involve the spirit of cross-country, the future battle between cross-country and Banye will also be at a disadvantage. Therefore, even those Nara clan members who were deliberately trained in cross-country knew that their future training path would stop here. After learning the order of cross-country, these Nara clan members also readily accepted the power of cross-country.

 This is obviously the benefit of the name Shadow Mage.

 Similarly, it can also be seen from this point how high the prestige of off-roading is among the Nara clan!

Soon, in addition to the Iwa Ninja Village, the ninja troops from the Cloud Ninja Village gathered outside the Kawakori Country. The ninja troops from the Suna Ninja Village also arrived at the Kawakuni Country. Instead, the Konoha Village ninjas led by the Fourth Hokage The troops still failed to enter the territory of Sichuan Country. Because the Country of Fire is already turning into a battlefield, what the Fourth Hokage has to do is not only to assemble the ninja troops, but also to move the current Konoha Village to the territory of the Country of Waves.

 There is no doubt that this is preparation in advance to avoid the complete destruction of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire.

And the third Tsuchikage, the fourth Raikage, and the fourth Kazekage knew what the fourth Hokage was going to do early on, so after the ninja troops of the Iwa Ninja Village, the Sand Ninja Village, and the Cloud Ninja Village were perfectly assembled, the three Ying jointly suggested to Cross Country that they should first follow the Kingdom of Sichuan and invade the territory of the Kingdom of Fire. However, facing Sanying's opinion, Cross Country suddenly became silent.

Moreover, just when Cross Country remained silent, he replaced himself in the Country of Kawa with a shadow clone, and Cross Country quietly came to the front of the Fourth Hokage, which is now the territory of the Country of Waves.

“Minato-sensei, how are the preparations going?”

 “Well, I’m ready.”

 Taking a deep breath, the Fourth Hokage has been busy every day recently, and the things he needs to deal with are no less than off-roading. Apart from anything else, just saying how much energy it takes to move a ninja village is beyond the imagination of Cross Country, so looking at the tired look of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country felt a little apologetic in his heart.

When he came to the Fourth Hokage, he felt that the power of Nagato's Rinnegan Eye was perfectly COPYed in the Yin Escape Brand. He wanted to hand over the Rinnegan Eye that he had mastered to the Fourth Hokage. I thought that if the Fourth Hokage could possess the Rinnegan Eye, he would surely be able to master power beyond that of the Fourth Raikage, the Third Tsuchikage and others. But he was afraid that there was Madara’s foreshadowing in Nagato’s reincarnation eye, so in the end he could only suppress the impulse in his heart and said with a smile:

“Minato-sensei, since everything is ready, you should also take a short rest.”

“The Kingdom of Sichuan still needs you, but we must recharge our batteries. We cannot die in the hands of the enemy but die of exhaustion in our own camp.”

 Speaking, Cross Country took a rough look at the new Konoha Village with Kagura's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, taking a look at the new Konoha Village is not the real purpose of off-roading. Immediately, when Cross Country used Kagura's Heart Eye Perception, he found that his goal was indeed to follow the Fourth Hokage to the New Konoha Village in the Country of Waves. With a faint smile on his lips, Cross Country was about to go there. In front of the guy you need.

On the contrary, it was the Fourth Hokage. He was like a roundworm in the belly of Cross Country. He just noticed a faint smile on Cross Country's face, and a bitter smile slowly appeared on his own face:

 “Off-road, you are ready”

 “Are you going to find the Third Hokage?”

Minato-sensei, since you have already guessed it, why do you want to break it?

Listening to the words of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country just nodded silently, and did not say what he was looking for for the Third Hokage. Since the Fourth Hokage knew that Cross Country was going to find the Third Hokage, he naturally knew that as long as Cross Country met the Third Hokage, it would be impossible for the Third Hokage to witness the restoration of peace in the ninja world.

 So at this time, what the Fourth Hokage wanted to ask most about off-roading was why.

 Why did he take the life of the Third Hokage at such a moment?

 The Fourth Hokage knows about off-roading, so why doesn’t the Fourth Hokage know about off-roading?

Staring at the wry smile raised at the corner of the Fourth Hokage's mouth, Cross Country took a deep breath, and then said seriously in front of the Fourth Hokage:

"Minato-sensei, if I want to defeat Madara Uchiha, I not only need your power, but also..."

 “The power of the Third Hokage!”

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