Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 863: fire and earth

 “But the Third Hokage.”

Almost as soon as Cross Country finished speaking, the Fourth Hokage wanted to say something for the Third Hokage, but he was half-way through the words. In the end, the Fourth Hokage still couldn't finish his words.

 Because, even the Fourth Hokage himself knew that cross-country strength was more important than the life of the Third Hokage. After all, only Cross Country in the Ninja World has the ability to resist Madara. The stronger the Cross Country becomes, the faster peace will come to the Ninja World. On the contrary, the stronger Madara becomes, the slower peace in the ninja world comes. Therefore, it is necessary to become stronger in cross-country. On the contrary, the life of the Third Hokage becomes less important.

Then, when the off-road slowly walked towards the place where the third Hokage lived, the fourth Hokage looked at the back of the off-road and could only sigh silently.

 As for off-roading.

 When entering the place where the Third Hokage lived, he heard the heavy breathing of the Third Hokage.

When Cross Country came to the Third Hokage, the pale-faced Third Hokage slowly laid his eyes on Cross Country and said with a faint smile: "You are here."

 “Well, here I come.”

It is very strange that the Third Hokage did not have any intention of hating himself. Cross Country raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "The chakra in your body is gradually disappearing. It is the physical energy in your body that is slowly dissipating. I really didn’t expect that you, who was so strong back then, would die like this. Before you die, do you have anything else to say to me? I can still do my best.”

 “Last words? That’s a lot!”

 The Third Hokage's body is very weak, which is the reason why the Third Hokage's body energy gradually disappears. There is no doubt that the current Third Hokage is on the verge of running out of fuel, so after listening to Cross Country's words, the Third Hokage breathed heavily for a few times before slowly saying: "There are many important things, to be honest. , I can’t even remember it. But off-road, I have four things that I need to beg you for. As long as you can help me complete those four things, even if you die.”

 “I have no regrets!”

"What's up?"

As soon as the Third Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country asked.

 “The first and second things are about Asuma and Konohamaru.”

The Third Hokage spoke very slowly, and Cross Country listened very patiently. When the Third Hokage talked about Sarutobi Asuma and Konohamaru, the Third Hokage, who originally seemed to be looking away from everything, suddenly showed a bit of bitterness in his eyes. Come on, he said slowly: "Off-road, Asma is ignorant. If he knew about us, he would definitely take revenge on you. With your character, I never thought you could spare Asma." , I just hope you can let Asma be an ordinary person."

"He is a child who has been spoiled by me since he was a child, so if something offends you, I hope you can bear with it more."

 Speaking, the Third Hokage paused, and then said: "As for Konohamaru, how is he doing at your place?"

 “Konohamaru? In fact, he’s doing pretty well.”

Thinking of Konohamaru, Cross Country thought of Kushina Uzumaki, and said with a smile: "When Naruto was young, Kushina-san was not with him, so now Konohamaru is under the care of Kushina-san. Kushina-sama has almost raised Konohamaru as her own child, so don’t worry too much about Konohamaru. Don’t forget that Konohamaru is my disciple, and I can’t let him suffer. . You can always believe what I, Nara Yuki, say, the Third Hokage?"

 “Instead, it’s that guy Asma.”


  When mentioning Asuma Sarutobi, I felt sad for the Third Hokage.

 I think back when I went off-road to watch the original Naruto novel, I still had a somewhat good impression of Sarutobi Asuma. However, when we really came to the world of Naruto and knew that Asuma Sarutobi was a prince, I felt a little displeased when I looked at Asuma Sarutobi, especially Sarutobi. Asma's escape from the battlefield caused some ill feelings in cross-country.

Now, Cross Country just hopes that Sarutobi Asuma will not cause trouble for him, otherwise even if the Third Hokage really instructs Cross Country to not hurt Sarutobi Asuma's life, Cross Country will be afraid that he can't help it. He thought that if Sarutobi Asuma offended him in the future, he would just destroy Sarutobi Asuma's meridians and let him live as an ordinary person.

  followed by.

Off-road just sat silently next to the Third Hokage, waiting for the Third Hokage to explain the next two things, or to explain his last words.

 Instead, it was the Third Hokage.

 Finding that Cross Country did not mention Asuma Sarutobi, the Third Hokage knew what the idea of ​​Cross Country was. Sometimes, the people who know you best are not your relatives, but your enemies. The Third Hokage is undoubtedly the enemy of Cross Country, so when he found that when Cross Country mentioned Sarutobi Asuma, his eyes were slightly violent, he knew that Sarutobi Asuma's future was not so easy. Of course, this was Saru Fly Asma to find cross-country trouble.

 Before he died, the Third Hokage could clearly see a lot of things.

Therefore, he did not say much about Sarutobi Asuma, so as not to offend Konohamaru. Taking a deep breath, the Third Hokage was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "The third thing is Konoha Village, cross-country, no matter how much you hate me, I hope you can pass on the Konoha Village. Minato told me about Konoha Village, and even your dreams. I feel it now. "You're right. Danzo and I are old, and our eyes are a bit narrow. We only focus on one village and don't pay attention to the ninja world."

“Your dream is very good, I just hope you don’t forget the legacy of Konoha Village.”

 “As for the last thing”

 “Cross-country, before I die, can you let me see my teacher?”

 “Hashirama-sama, Tobirama-sama, I miss them so much!”

 The first Hokage?

 The Second Hokage?

At this moment, when Cross Country knew the last wish of the Third Hokage, Cross Country wanted to tell the Third Hokage that the soul of the Second Hokage was in his body, while the first Hokage was directly devoured by Madara. But in front of the Third Hokage, Cross Country really didn't want to tell him the cruel truth, so when the Third Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country murmured: "For the time being, the First Hokage, I can't let you see it. As for the Second Hokage, you can meet him if you want!"

With that said, Cross Country made a seal without any hesitation, and used the water body technique to create water molecules containing the aura of the Second Hokage.

The Third Hokage just felt the aura of the Second Hokage in the cross-country water body, and crystal tears burst out of his eyes. However, what really surprised Cross Country was not that the Third Hokage burst into tears. What really shocked Cross Country was that after the Third Hokage sensed the Second Generation Hokage's aura from Cross Country Moisture, he actually actively contributed himself. The soul is ready to make up for the final flaw in the Five Elements Escape Technique for cross-country!

“Is it just a lack of fire escape and earth escape?”

“Off-road, it’s a coincidence that these two escape techniques are the ones I’m proficient in!”

"Since Tobirama-sama can sacrifice himself, then I can also sacrifice myself for the ninja world!"

"Fire Release and Earth Release, right? Now let me, a dying person, make my final contribution to the ninja world!"

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