Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 874: Useful for traveling again

A way to solve the problem of Death's protection suddenly came into his mind. Without any hesitation, he directly controlled the Death's energy in the Yin Escape Brand.

On weekdays, the Death Energy held by the Death God appears to be relatively well-behaved within the seal of the Off-Road Yin Escape Brand. In addition to spending a certain amount of spiritual energy to suppress the Death Energy, Off-Road basically does not need to pay attention to the Death Energy. There is no need to fear the backlash of the death energy. However, I don't know why at this time, just by manipulating the death energy to escape the suppression of the Yin Escape Brand, the death energy held by the death suddenly became violent.

Such a situation naturally made Cross Country narrow his eyes slightly. When he was observing the violent death energy, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly thought:

“The God of Death is really powerful.”

"When suppressed in the Yin Escape Brand, the Death God's energy is equivalent to being in another time and space, in my domain, so it is impossible for the Death God to take back this part of his power."

"On the contrary, now, when the Death God's energy has just escaped from the Yin escape brand and returned to the ninja world, the Death God can control his own Death God energy from a world away. This kind of control ability is really terrifying!"

Huttered secretly, Cross Country took a deep breath, and then used double the spiritual energy to suppress the controlled death energy. Not to mention, when off-road used double the spiritual energy to suppress the controlled Death energy, the Death energy controlled by Death from a distance became much docile.

  followed by.

  Slowly manipulated that part of the Death God energy, and after approaching the two Mist Ninja Village Shadow-level powerhouses, their bodies were completely shattered, and the Death God energy could be vaguely sensed in their bodies. A wonderful thing happened suddenly in front of Cross Country.

Originally, Cross Country thought that the death energy in his own Yin Escape brand could compete with the death energy in the bodies of the two Mist Ninja Village Shadow level experts. However, when he saw the abnormality happening in front of him, Cross Country knew that he was wrong. The two kinds of death energy were not the principle of mutual reinforcement at all, but the principle of mutual attraction.

The death energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand had just escaped from the suppression of the Yin Escape brand, and slowly approached under the suppression of the cross-country. After the bodies of the two Mist Ninja Village Shadow-level powerhouses were shattered, the death that could be vaguely sensed by the cross-country Energy, and immediately the two streams of Death energy merged together instantly. The cross-country didn't even have time to block it, and saw that the part of the Death energy that was suppressed and controlled in his hand absorbed the bodies of the two Mist Ninja Village Shadow level experts. The death energy inside.

However, although the principle is different from the off-road imagination, the effect is exactly the same as the off-road imagination.

When the death energy in the bodies of the two Mist Ninja Village Shadow-level experts was completely integrated into the cross-country controlled Death God energy, the recovery of the bodies of the two Mist Ninja Village Shadow-level experts suddenly stopped there. Immediately, their bodies gradually turned into fly ash, scattered in front of the cross-country, with no possibility of recovery.

Seeing the death of the two Mist Ninja Village Shadow-level experts in front of him, the only disaster left behind was that the Death Energy that was originally suppressed in Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand became even greater due to the absorption of the Death Energy in their bodies. Raising his eyebrows slightly, Cross Country came without any hesitation in front of the Mist Ninja Village Shadow-level expert who was imprisoned by the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

Using the same method, first smash the body of the Mist Ninja Village Shadow-level expert, and then absorb the death energy from his body.

Looking at the death energy in his hand, it turns out that he has the ability to break the protection of death. Cross Country first smiled, and then frowned slightly.

 “It can’t go on like this.”

"The part of the Death God energy suppressed in my Yin Escape Brand can indeed break the Death God protection of these Mist Ninja Village ninjas, but as I solve more and more Mist Ninja Villages, the amount of Death God energy I need to suppress will change. More and more."

"If this continues, sooner or later the Death God's energy will exceed the limit of my Yin Escape Brand."

“What if my Yin Escape Brand cannot suppress so much Death energy, and eventually the Death energy backfires.”

“I’m afraid the consequences are really unimaginable!”

He sighed helplessly. At this time, he looked at the part of the death energy controlled in his palm and didn't know what to do with it. Because just by absorbing the death energy in the bodies of the three Mist Ninja Village Shadow level experts, the amount of death energy that needs to be suppressed for cross-country has been increased by three times.

  What if we have a confrontation with those Mist Ninja Village ninjas in the future?

With so many Mist Ninja Village ninjas, the power that the Shinigami needs to consume must be much more than the shadow-level strong men who protect the three Mist Ninja Villages, right?

 When quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, can the God of Death come back to the ninja world?

 These issues are obviously issues that need to be considered by Off-Road. However, just when Off-Road felt trouble, the Erwei Brigade who suddenly resurrected in Off-Road's body sensed the breath of death energy, and said directly in Off-Road's mind:

“Master, do you control the energy of the God of Death?”

 “Oh? Again, you actually know the God of Death?”

 “Well, I know a little bit.”

While speaking, Erwei Mataita frowned in a rare way, and then slowly said to him: "Master, I don't know why, after I was resurrected in your hands this time, some inexplicable memories seemed to appear in my head. . If you asked me what the death energy is, I would definitely not know. But now when I sense the death energy, I can actually feel a familiar breath from the death energy. The death energy you suppressed can... Give me a little bit?"

 “Well, you have to be careful.”

Since Erwei Mata Brigade has said this, Cross Country has separated part of the death energy and transported it directly to Erwei Mata Brigade. At that time, Cross Country was also very curious as to why there was an extra memory in his head after Erwei Brigade was resurrected this time. But without much time to think, Cross Country was surprised to discover a wonderful use of the Erweiyou Brigade.

That wonderful effect is amazing

When Cross Country controlled part of the Death God energy that it had suppressed, and transported it to Erwei Mata Brigade, Erwei Mata Brigade first sniffed the Death God energy, and then it actually sniffed the Death God energy, maybe feeling the Death God. The energy was like some kind of delicious food, and suddenly he swallowed that part of the death energy in one gulp!

 Use the part of the Death God energy that you devoured to further enhance your own strength!


“It’s really timely to let me know about the wonderful effect of traveling again!”

Finding out that the Shinigami energy cannot be swallowed by himself, Erwei Matabuki was actually able to improve his own strength in the process of swallowing it, and obtained a method to deal with the Shinigami energy. Not to mention cross-country, he was so happy.

While being happy, Cross Country naturally began to silently plan the start of the follow-up war.

However, just when the cross country was happy about the wonderful use of the two-tailed brigade, Madara, who was temporarily stationed in the Leaf Village of the Land of Fire, suddenly slowly opened his red eyes!

 “It’s just a little short of resurrecting you.”


 “Just wait!”

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