Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 875: Media (Part 1)

 The next day.

Knowing that another wonderful function of Erwei Mata is to swallow the energy of the **** of death to increase his own strength, that night when he went off-road, he directly transferred all the death energy in his body to Erwei Mata's body. Not to mention, Erwei Mata's body is like a bottomless pit, able to absorb no matter how much Shinigami energy it is.

 Let’s talk about cross-country, after all the death energy in the body was eliminated, his own strength was slowly climbing towards its peak. Obviously, the two-tailed Mata Brigade really helped the cross-country team, and even the cross-country felt that with the magical effect of the Two-tailed Mata Brigade, Madara's next round of invasion could be solved at will.

 So, in the early morning of the next day, Shixue summoned Lujiu, Haiyi, and Wuying to come for a meeting.

At the meeting, the five shadows who knew what Madara's second round of invasion was, Shikaku and others all looked gloomy. On the contrary, Cross Country looked at the people in front of him with a smile, and said with a smile: "I guess yesterday Everyone hasn't slept yet, okay? Because Uchiha Madara's second attack is far more powerful than we imagined, so it's normal for me to be a little worried. However, don't feel that because of Uchiha Madara's second attack. Pressure, now I have good news to tell everyone, that is, I know how to deal with Uchiha Madara’s second round of invasion.”

"How to deal with it?"

As soon as Yuchichi finished speaking, the person who spoke was Terumi Mei, the Fifth Mizukage.

 Actually, if we want to be sad, the most sad person among the people here is Terumi Mei. Unlike the other four shadows, most of the other four shadows are thinking about how to deal with Madara's invasion. Only Terumi Mei needs to consider that the enemies they have to face are the ninjas from the former Mist Ninja Village, plus the people from the Kingdom of Water. Common people!

The fall of the Kingdom of Water and the fall of the Mist Ninja Village will always be the pain in Terumi Mei's heart.

Now that he has to fight the civilians of the Water Country and the ninjas of the Mist Ninja Village, Terumi Mei's mood can be said to have sunk to the bottom. Now that he heard that cross-country has a way to deal with Madara's invasion, Terumi Mei's mood is better.


  When Terumi Mei asked the question, the others were staring at Off-Road with curious eyes. They all wanted to know what method Off-Road was going to use to get rid of the ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village who were protected by the God of Death.

Before explaining the method, Cross Country looked at the Fourth Raikage apologetically. The Fourth Raikage looked into Cross Country's eyes and guessed that Cross Country's method of dealing with Madara's second invasion must have been taken away from him. Erwei and Brigade have a certain relationship.

 So, taking a deep breath, the Fourth Raikage nodded silently, which meant to tell Cross Country that he would not care. Now is the period of cooperation, and the past things should be put aside for the time being.

When looking at the eyes of the Fourth Raikage, Cross Country understood these meanings from the eyes of the Fourth Raikage, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, blue flames slowly emerged along the cross-country body, condensing into the appearance of Erwei Youli. After the two-tailed brigade fully appeared, Cross Country ignored the five shadows in front of him and the astonished eyes of Shikaku and others, and said slowly: "First of all, I want to talk about what kind of ninjas controlled by Uchiha Madara. weakness."

"As we all know, the enemy we need to deal with is not just Uchiha Madara, there is also a Shinigami hiding behind the scenes. The reason why those ninjas controlled by Uchiha Madara have the ability to become immortal is entirely because of the Death God. Power. That kind of power, I call it Death God Energy, and the ability that makes my ninjas immortal, I will call it Death God Protection for the time being."

"If you want to get rid of the God of Death's asylum, you need to get rid of the death energy in the bodies of those ninjas. The method is actually very simple, which is to smash the bodies of those ninjas and let their bodies slowly recover under the protection of the God of Death. Then peel off that part Just use the Death God energy. Of course, I am the only one who can strip away the Death God energy for the time being."

“So, I have to participate in this battle, but there are more ninjas under Uchiha Madara’s command. It’s up to you to deal with those ninjas.”

 Listening to Off-Road’s words, everyone present nodded silently.

On the contrary, Mei Terumi, after hearing what Cross Country said, took a deep breath and asked: "Xiao Cross, isn't there a way to save those ninjas and civilians?"

"you know"

“I know that those are all civilians of the Kingdom of Water and ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village.”

Sighing deeply, Cross Country shook his head and said regretfully: "Sorry, Terumi Mei, I can't save those civilians and ninjas, because they were all controlled by the God of Death and became Uchiha Madara. Puppet. Unless I have the power to kill the God of Death, no one can save the civilians of the Water Kingdom and the ninjas of the Mist Ninja Village."


 “I’m so sorry!”

With that said, Cross Country faced the Five Shadows, Shikaku and others again, and then said: "Okay, now that Terumi Mei's question has been answered, I need to say the second question. Even though the God of Death has controlled people for a long time, I can't do anything about it. But if the ninjas of our ninja alliance are injured on the battlefield, they are not killed directly as I said before, but treated as enemies, because it takes a while for the energy of the **** of death to form the protection of the **** of death. As long as we can rescue those injured companions in time during this period, we can successfully save our companions. "

Pointing to the Erwei Brigade behind him, Cross Country said: "The third thing, and the most important thing, is about the strength of the Brigade. Let me tell you bluntly, the reason why I can deprive you of the protection of the God of Death is The death energy in the bodies of those ninjas and civilians is mainly because I am proficient in the secret art of escape and have fought with the death before. However, even if I want to deal with the death energy, I need to rely on the power of Youli. Otherwise, if the death energy accumulates too much, even I may be in danger."

"But during the war, I have to deal with Uchiha Madara's invasion and provide assistance to all my comrades in the Ninja Alliance. That is definitely impossible. Therefore, I am going to spread the strength of the Matai Brigade to everyone. There are Ninjas If your comrades from the coalition forces are injured, you only need to use the power distributed to you by the brigade to swallow up the invading death energy in time, and you should be able to save yourself and the lives of your comrades. "

“It’s just that when you brigade disperses its strength to you, because you brigade may not be able to control its own strength, so.”

“I can only distribute the power of Youli to ninjas with stronger spiritual energy. If I distribute it to everyone, some people who cannot bear the strength of Youli will most likely be counterattacked by Youli’s power.”

“Okay, I’ve finished what I said. Do you have any different opinions? You can talk about it!”

 After talking about cross-country, if there is a problem, it is just a question of which ninja unit will go into battle.

Therefore, after Cross Country finished talking about cracking the Death God's asylum, the Five Shadows began to discuss which troops would go to fight. Finally, they considered that the strength of the Second Tails Brigade must require ninjas with strong mental energy to be able to withstand the conditions. , everyone decided to let the ninja troops of Yun Ninja Village, the most tenacious willed, go into battle.

 Soon, all the matters concerning the battle were discussed, and what Cross Country and others needed to wait for was the arrival of Madara’s invasion.

However, when they were full of confidence and faced Madara's next invasion, Cross Country, Wukage, Shikaku and others never expected that the second invasion of Madara they were about to face was not a ninja force protected by the God of Death. of invasion.

 The second invasion of Lord Ban that they are going to face is Cha Cha.

 It starts from within them!

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