Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 876: Media (medium)

 The war is in full swing, but the jinchuriki camp is still very harmonious.

Off-Road went to the battlefield in person to prepare for the confrontation with Madara, but his shadow clone was always paying attention to the situation in the Jinchuuriki camp. As long as there was a slight situation, Off-Road could use the Shadow Flash Technique to rush back in time. In the jinchuriki camp, everyone has their own things that need to be busy. In addition, everyone is a jinchuriki, and their personality is inevitably relatively lonely. Therefore, except for Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, the rest of the jinchuriki Most of them are busy doing their own things and rarely communicate with each other.

While Cross Country was having a meeting with the Five Kages, Shikaku and others, Gaara had already completed a round of training in the early morning. After looking at the time, he silently walked towards the residence of Uzumaki Naruto and Uzumaki Kushina. 's camp.

"What a lazy person. Master taught him so carefully back then, but Naruto has become like this now."

“Are all children whose parents dote on them like this?”

"Shiro is not like this. It seems that only Naruto is like this."

Sighing silently at Uzumaki Naruto's laziness, and then imagining his two junior brothers Kimimaro and Shiro, Gaara felt that Uzumaki Naruto was simply hopeless. Sure enough, when they arrived at Uzumaki Naruto's camp, Uzumaki Kushina got up early and started preparing breakfast for everyone. When she saw Gaara coming, even though Uzumaki Kushina knew that Gaara was bringing Uzumaki Naruto The reason for practicing together was for Uzumaki Naruto's good, but she still glanced at Gaara slightly angrily and said:

"Gaara, did you come to Naruto to practice so early?"

"You are all children. You need to get more rest. Can you let Naruto sleep for a while?"

"Kushina-sama, teaching Naruto to practice is a task assigned to me by the master. Please wake up Naruto."

 When facing Kushina Uzumaki, Gaara always had a strange feeling, like a feeling of fear, which made Gaara very uncomfortable.

So when talking, Gaara was inevitably a little indifferent to Uzumaki Kushina, and Uzumaki Kushina's personality had some changes after her resurrection. At this time, facing Gaara's indifference, she didn't think much about it, just helpless. He sighed and shouted into the camp: "Naruto, get up quickly, the sun is going to scorch your butt!"

 “Mother, how is this possible!”

“The cross-country brothers have used secret techniques to make the sun disappear, how can the sun shine on our butts!”

Rubbed his sleepy eyes, Uzumaki Naruto yawned, and when he popped his head up and saw Gaara coming, he smiled and said: "Sorry, Gaara, I got up late again!"

“Mother, Gaara and I will come back for breakfast later and go to practice first!”

 “You two brats! Come back soon, don’t keep me waiting too long!”

Holding her shoulders, watching Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto leaving, Uzumaki Kushina smiled helplessly, and then her eyes slowly looked towards a corner in the camp.

There, Uzumaki Kushina suddenly saw a familiar figure, who had been paying attention to Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto.

 Sighed deeply, if possible, Uzumaki Kushina really wanted to help that little guy integrate into the circle of Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto. It's a pity that a mere little guy can be so proud. Even if Kimimaro, Shiro, Gaara, and Uzumaki Naruto are four peers in the camp, the little guy still maintains a proud look. Even though his strength is not as powerful as Uzumaki Naruto, he still silently separates himself from Uzumaki Naruto and others.

As for the little guy's name, Uzumaki Kushina vaguely remembered it was Uchiha Sasuke.

 That’s right.

That is the second male lead in the original Naruto novel, and everyone calls him the little guy with two pillars.

 Speaking of which, the reason why the two pillars can be in the same camp with Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto and others is mainly due to Uchiha Fugaku's suggestion. Most people think that the place where the Five Shadows are is the safest place. In fact, only a few people know that only the place guarded by the Shadow Mage is the truly safe place. It's just that as the current daimyo of the Fire Country, Uchiha Fugaku needs to take care of the situation in the Fire Country. If his family members are left outside, they will inevitably attract criticism.

 So, Uchiha Fugaku, who loved his youngest son, handed over the second pillar to the care of the cross country.

Off-road didn't have much time to deal with a child, so he naturally placed Erzhuli in the jinchuriki's camp. It's just that Erzhu's indifferent pride was something that off-road didn't even think of.

Since being defeated by Kimimaro with one move, the two pillars have been secretly paying attention to the training of Kimimaro, Haku, Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, as if they are learning, more like motivating themselves.

  Thinking about the original Naruto novel, most of the time it was Uzumaki Naruto who was spying on the two pillars while they were training. It was funny to go off-road, but now the situation is completely reversed.

The Second Pillar secretly saw Gaara taking Uzumaki Naruto to practice again. Knowing that what Gaara taught Uzumaki Naruto was very useful in actual combat, the Second Pillar hurriedly followed Gaara. Uzumaki Naruto's footsteps.

 On the contrary, it was Gaara, who had already discovered the two pillars.

It’s just that Gaara knew that Er Zhuzi’s brother and his brother’s friends were all cross-country friends, so Gaara acquiesced to Er Zhuzi’s peeping.

Going to the training place, Gaara started actual training with Uzumaki Naruto without saying a word.

And Naruto Uzumaki was just like in the original Naruto novel. He watched Gaara standing there silently holding his shoulders, telling himself that he could take action. He formed a seal with his hands and used a ninja that he always used in the original Naruto novel. technique.

That is.

 The art of multiple shadow clones!

 Obviously, even if cross-country has changed the fate of some Uzumaki Naruto, there are still only two moves that Uzumaki Naruto is good at. Presumably in the original Naruto novels, most people are tired of seeing Naruto Uzumaki's two axes, which are either the multi-shadow clone technique or the meatball series ninjutsu. The majestic protagonist only has these two moves, and he can still It's really speechless.

 But, who says multiple shadow clones are not powerful?

Who said that just by making shadow clones and rolling balls, you can't become one of the strongest in the ninja world?

In the original book of Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto proved that he is a very powerful existence in the ninja world. In front of Gaara, when Uzumaki Naruto instantly used the multi-shadow clone technique, he directly divided into thousands of people. When he was a shadow clone, he looked at the dense shadow clones standing in front of him, gearing up to give himself a good look. Even Gaara sighed silently in his heart:

 “That guy Naruto is such a pervert!”

“He can create thousands of shadow clones using only the chakra stored in his body, if he can make full use of the power of the Nine-Tails.”

"Shukaku, do you think Naruto can fight me openly?"

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