Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 877: Media (Part 2)

 “Hey, don’t call me by his first name!”

 “Call Shukaku-sama!”

The arrogant One-Tailed Shukaku first roared a few times, then silently regained his composure, staring at Uzumaki Naruto in front of him and said: "That stinky fox of Kurama, always uses the number of tails to judge the strength of our tailed beasts. Huh, he is such a disgusting guy. But I have to say that among the jinchuriki, only Gaara and you are the most talented ones. I went astray, I actually saw something different in him.”

"That kind of thing is exactly what Gaara, you and Gyuuki's jinchūriki have."

“We’ll see in the future whether that little guy can calm down and have a good understanding of his life.”

“He still doesn’t know how terrifying the war happening outside is!”

 Speaking, Ichibi Shukaku used Gaara's body to look at the sun in the sky that was sealed by the secret technique of Shadow Escape, and then sighed deeply.

I don’t know why, maybe it’s the tailed beast’s intuition. Ichibi Shukaku always feels that this war is not as simple as he imagined. Even the ninja alliance with the help of the shadow mage has to rely on Ichibi Mamoru to win the final victory. Crane doesn't seem to be that easy. However, at this time, the ninja coalition that was assisting Cross Country was still in the upper hand. Naturally, Ichibi Shukaku could not say anything, let alone tell Gaara anything, for fear that Gaara would impulsively go to help Cross Country and die tragically. inside the battlefield.

 When Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto were fighting again, Ichibi Shukaku suddenly felt an uneasy feeling.

The uneasy feeling had just appeared, and Ichibi Shukaku felt that something might be wrong.

 But in front of the child Gaara, Ichibi Shukaku was still prepared to hide the secret in his heart. If there was really a possibility of trouble, it would definitely be prepared to personally take over Gaara's body and help Gaara resolve the crisis.

  Let’s talk about the battle between Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto.

Relying on the abnormal physique of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Naruto directly created thousands of shadow clones in the first round of the confrontation, and attacked Gaara in front of him together. However, as Gaara just said, if the strength of each shadow mage of Uzumaki Naruto can be increased by 30%, then the large number of shadow clones will definitely cause some trouble to Gaara. Unfortunately, Uzumaki Naruto's original strength is too weak. Even if each shadow clone has 50% of the strength of Uzumaki Naruto's original form, it will be a loser in front of Gaara.

What's more, after creating so many shadow clones, the strength of each shadow clone of Uzumaki Naruto is inevitably a bit weak?

Therefore, when the shadow clone created by Naruto Uzumaki just attacked, it looked very powerful, but as Gaara slowly controlled the sand, every time he only used the sand he controlled. Sweeping away, Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clone instantly turned into smoke under the sand attack. Especially with the sound of "bang" and "bang", when Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clone began to break at a faster speed, the entire battlefield was shrouded in white smoke. Look at the confrontation between Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto. , that was Gaara's unilateral abuse of Uzumaki Naruto.

And Uzumaki Naruto had clashed with Gaara many times, so naturally he knew that he was at a disadvantage, and he looked a little anxious.

Even though he has no ambition to be enterprising, Uzumaki Naruto still has a little bit of pride in himself, right?

Every time he competed with Gaara, he always lost. The carefree Uzumaki Naruto didn't say it, but he actually worked hard secretly.

Now, realizing that his training seemed to be in vain, Uzumaki Naruto worked hard and prepared for an explosion. Who knows, even if it is a one-sided battle between Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, it is a different level of battle for the two pillars who are secretly watching the confrontation between Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto.

The second pillar at this time must be different from that in the original Hokage. His strength is not as strong as in the original Hokage. Even Uchiha Fugaku, Itachi God, and Shisui are still alive, but they are all busy with other things, and there is not much Time teaches the two pillars.

 Some members of the Uchiha clan treat Erzhuzi as the younger son of the clan, and generally give him a thumbs up when teaching Erzhuzhu. This is all for the best, and they never criticize Erzhuzhu's shortcomings harshly.

 It is also because of this that the current two pillars can only use a fire escape and a large fire ball technique.

He originally thought that he could master a low-level fire escape ninjutsu, which was relatively powerful among his peers. Who would have thought that he would meet Kimimaro when he was pretending to be 13, and tragedy would occur.

  None of the cross-country disciples is a fuel-efficient lamp. Gaara now has the strength of an elite jounin level. If Kimimaro and Shiro don't have the strength of the jounin level, how can they meet others?

Just like what Cross Country once taught Kimimaro, Bai Shi said, as long as they can persist in laying a good foundation, their future improvement will be very fast. If Kimimaro uses the corpse bone veins of the Kaguya clan, his strength will be the best among jounin. If Haku uses ice escape, he may be slightly weaker than Kimimaro, but ordinary jounin will also have to defeat Haku. It's impossible. After all, Shiro's qualifications are there. No matter how kind-hearted Shiro is, ordinary jounin will definitely be in a tough fight if they want to deal with him.

At that time, the two pillars who were about to go to install 13 were severely tortured by Kimimaro. From then on, they started the project of tracking Kimimaro, Shiro, Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto. That meant clearly After being defeated by the enemy, prepare to practice secretly with the enemy in order to save face as soon as possible.

 Not for yourself, but also for the Uchiha clan, right?

But Kimimaro's character is like that. He practices with Shiro every day, how can he endure the prying eyes of others?

Now following Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto for a period of time, every day I see Gaara controlling the sand at will to solve Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clone. Every time I see Uzumaki Naruto making seals at will, he can create such It is impossible for Erzhu to not feel a little bit frustrated when he has multiple entities.

“Damn it, why is my brother so talented and I am a mediocre ninja?”

"Why are Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto so powerful, but I am the only one?"

"You can only master a fire escape ninjutsu, but you are not even qualified to fight with them?"

 Watching the battle between Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, Erzhu clenched his fists fiercely, his heart full of unwillingness.

 He is very angry and hates his lack of talent.

He complained, blamed Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, they were all too strong and didn't even give him a chance to catch up.

 When resentment and hatred filled the minds of the two pillars, the two pillars who suddenly peeked at Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto's battle fell into a very strange state!

The heart began to beat faster, and even Erzhu himself could hear the "thumping" and "thumping" sounds clearly.

Moreover, almost as soon as his heart began to beat faster, a red light appeared in Erzhu's eyes. Especially as the red light became stronger and stronger, Erzhuzi vaguely heard an indifferent voice, which suddenly echoed in his mind and said silently:

 “If you want to become stronger, just accept the reality and accept your identity as a medium.”

 “Uchiha Sasuke, your life.”

 “Destined to die for him!”

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