Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 97: The power of the same shark

 “Loquat Shizang?”

“Two members of the Seven Mist Ninjas?”

“Master Madara, you really think highly of our sharp blade team!”

 In the cave, blood mist suddenly appeared!

The blood mist that filled the small cave not only completely separated the two people, Cross Country and Meng, from Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui. Moreover, under the blood mist secret technique of Loquat Juzo, the sense of wind secretly passed down by the Fourth Hokage actually lost its effect, and it was completely unable to lock the positions of Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui, which was equivalent to the situation faced by the cross-country. Adding insult to injury!

What's more, the Mist Ninja's lineup far surpasses the Blade Team's lineup!

In the past, it felt like off-roading. The Blade Team included Shunshen Shisui, Sharingan Kakashi, and the son of the Third Hokage. It was already a luxurious lineup!

However, if we really want to compare it with the terrifying reputation of the Seven Mist Ninjas, I am afraid that only the reputation of "fierce" among the Blade Team can compete with them, right?

Furthermore, in the original idea of ​​cross-country, if the current member of the Seven Mist Ninjas and the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, armed with the same sword, came to snipe the Blade Team, even the Mist Ninja gave the Blade Team a lot of face.

But who can imagine that not only a pufferfish ghost from Xiguashan, but also Loquat Juzo is here?

 Some people may want to ask, who is Loquat Juuzang?

 Haven’t heard of it!

But when it comes to Zabuza Zabuza's decapitating sword, that demon sword known as the "Broken Blade" that can absorb blood and repair itself, there is always someone who knows about it, right?

 That’s right!

Among the seven mist ninjas, when Momochi Zabuza, known as the "Kiman", had not yet ascended to the throne, Juuzou Juzo was the one in charge of the beheading sword!

Furthermore, if I want to judge it from a senior Naruto fan like Cross Country, the Seven Mist Ninjas of this generation such as Loquat Juzo and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon can truly be regarded as the most terrifying Seven Mist Ninjas in history!

At this time, not only the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, but also the holder of the Shark Muscle appeared in front of Cross Country and others!

There is also the master of the Broken Blade·Decapitating Broadsword, Juuzang Loquat, who came in person. Off-road, he felt as if a mountain peak was suddenly pressing on his chest, and even breathing became a little difficult!

Especially Loquat Juzo, led by the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, and there must be other members in the Mist Ninja team. The cross-country heart has sunk to the bottom, and even the hope of survival has become slim.

 However, senseless fear can only make the hope of breaking out of the cross-country and others become more and more dimmer.

Therefore, after knowing that the fog ninja team in front of him was the fog ninja team led by Loquat Juuzang and Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, Cross Country carried his "meng" body in the blood mist, formed seals with his hands, and first used the shadow The clone technique, and then the secret technique that is most suitable to be used under the blood mist!

 “Shadow communication!”



  After using the shadow communication technique, the shadow under the cross country's feet suddenly extended away, pointing exactly in the direction where Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi were before.

Even if it is impossible to sense the positions of Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi, as long as the shadow communication technique can be used successfully, the connection between the Blade team under the blood mist will definitely be restored.

Moreover, the cross-country had already remembered the location of Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi. Now that the shadow communication technique is used, there is definitely no reason to fail. However, even Off-Road himself did not expect how timely the shadow communication technique he was using now was because Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi saw Off-Road carrying Meng on his back before, and became a little anxious, so he Under the shroud of blood mist, contact was suddenly lost.

it's good now.

 With cross-country shadow communication as a medium, the members of the Blade Team were finally communicating and all gathered together.

But when Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi saw the "fierce" situation, they found that "fierce" was not only the loss of chakra, but also the previous "smashing" of Samehada's muscle, which caused the body to endure a certain amount of damage when it was weak. When he was traumatized, Uchiha Shisui's face suddenly turned livid. He used mental communication and said apologetically:

“I’m sorry, Shadow! If it weren’t for my negligence, Meng might not have been injured needlessly!”

"Shun, cheer up! We are facing seven people of Mist Ninja, now is the time not to lose heart!"

"Kage is right, Shun, think of a way to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible! Under the pressure of the seven mist ninjas, our companions who want to join us may be..."

 As he spoke, Kakashi remained silent.

 But even if Kakashi didn't say it, both Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui had some guesses as to what was going on with the Konoha team.

However, as mentioned before Cross Country, under the reputation of the seven Mist Ninjas, the Blade Team really had no time to hesitate and had to think about breaking out of the encirclement as soon as possible. But how can one imagine that off-road, the current members of the Seven Mist Ninjas not only have extraordinary personal combat abilities, but also have outstanding commanding abilities.

Is Loquat Juuzang’s Blood Mist Technique really just to divide the Blade Team?

Certainly not!

Loquat Juuzang's Blood Mist Technique, at this time, is equivalent to directly blocking the possibility of escape for Cross Country and others!

With the inability to sense and understand the surrounding environment, only Off-Road and others may be aware of the dangers they will face when breaking through!

 As there is danger in breaking out of the encirclement, cross-country and other people must be careful every step they take.

What's more, when Uchiha Shisui was formulating a breakout plan, Loquat Juuzang ordered his subordinate Kiri Ninja to use water escape ninjutsu at the cave where Cross Country and others were!

 “Water escape! Water chaos!”



 A Mist Ninja using Water Release·Water Wave is nothing more than causing a little trouble for the Blade Team!

However, under the command of Loquat Juzo, the three Mist ninja jonins actually cooperated closely and used Water Release·Water Disorder at the same time!

In an instant, the raging water rushed into the cave where Cross Country and others were, making it impossible for them to avoid it. Due to the interference of the water flow, they were directly rushed into the cave. Moreover, it happened that when Cross Country and others were enduring the power of water escape ninjutsu used by three fog ninja jonins at the same time, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost that caused "Meng" to lose his combat ability directly was under the cover of the blood mist. Next, he suddenly appeared next to Cross Country and the others!

Hold the sword Sharak in his hand and just flick it lightly!

  Immediately afterwards, there was a loud "bang"!

That big sword was transformed into the most ferocious weapon in the hands of the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost!

 Just used the corner of Samehada to gently touch Kakashi's shoulder!

 After "Meng", Kakashi became the second person to lose the ability to fight!

On the contrary, it was the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, the guy who showed off the power of the big sword. After Kakashi lost his combat ability, he used a disdainful voice to ridicule the members of the Cross-country and other sharp blade teams:

 “Blade Squad? Bah!”

“A few brats are just trying to ruin my Mist Ninja’s plan?”

"Is the Fourth Hokage out of his mind? Or are you brats all out of mind?"


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