Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 98: Wind blade stained with blood

 “That bastard”


 Crazy laughter echoed in the cave. Under the spiritual communication of cross-country creation, Kakashi just cursed and suddenly fell to the ground!

 Obviously, having lost all his chakra under the power of Samehada, Kakashi became the second member of the Blade Team to lose the ability to fight after "Teng".

The disappearance of Kakashi's loss of combat ability undoubtedly caused Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui's heart to "thump" again, and even the pressure they faced increased exponentially.

 But what if the pressure increases?

The other party is a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas!

And Loquat Juuzang hasn’t taken action yet, it’s just the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost!

 In the first round of the confrontation, "Meng" lost his combat ability!

  In the second round of the confrontation, Kakashi also lost all his chakra and became a burden to the Blade Team!

 The two members of the Blade Team lost their combat capabilities and became a burden and encumbrance, which undoubtedly made the situation faced by Uchiha Shisui cross-country precarious.

At this moment, the only thing that makes Cross Country feel lucky may be that Kakashi lost all his chakra but was not injured!

 “Shun, we must think of a solution!”

“We didn’t even see the enemy’s face, and Meng and Lei lost their ability to fight!”

“The biggest threat to us right now is obviously the blood mist technique used by the ninja named Loquat Juuzang!”

"Shun, do you have any good method that can be used to break the blood mist technique? In the current situation, we can only rely on you and me!"

Secretly using spiritual communication, Cross Country held on to the remaining hope, and began to ask Uchiha Shisui under the condition of spiritual communication.


 The answer to cross-country was the silence of Uchiha Shisui!

Moreover, just silence is better, at least it is within the psychological tolerance of off-roading.

 But after a moment of silence, Uchiha Shisui's next words to comment on the Blood Mist Technique were what shocked Cross Country the most!

“Shadow, if you want to break the blood mist technique, that’s not something I can do.”

 “And, I have some bad news to tell you!”

"The bad news is that the impact of Shadow and Blood Mist Technique may only be on us! Haven't you noticed? Let alone those who just attacked Lei and Meng, let's talk about those who used water escape ninjutsu to attack before None of our people have been affected by the blood mist technique!"

“Every move we make is actually under the control of the other party!”


 Listening to Uchiha Shisui's words, Xue Yue's lips couldn't help but twitch violently several times!

Originally, Cross Country thought that the Blood Mist Technique was nothing more than an upgraded version of the Hidden Mist Technique, and at most it could shield his wind perception.

Who could have imagined that, as a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas, Loquat Juuzang丨’s original Blood Mist Technique could be so abnormally powerful?

Not only can it block the perception and insight of enemy ninjas, but it can also liberate the detection capabilities of your own ninjas!

 Under the blood mist technique with such abnormal effects, Cross Country asked himself, is it really possible for his sharp blade team to escape?

 The answer is yes!

  But there is a premise!

 The first premise is the change in the nature of wind chakra in cross-country, breaking through the shackles of the second stage, and being able to use wind perception like the Fourth Hokage!

As long as the use of wind perception is comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage, let alone the blood mist technique, let alone the more perverted secret technique of shielding perception, cross-country can also be sure to break it!

 The second premise is that the companions of Konoha Village come to support and interrupt Loquat Juuzang's Blood Mist Technique!

 The third premise is that there are people from the Hyuga clan in the Blade Team who use the Byakugan to break the effect of the Blood Mist Technique!

 In general, it’s just one sentence!

 The prerequisites for cracking the Blood Mist Technique are not even possessed by the Cross-Country Blade Team!

 So, after communicating with Uchiha Shisui, even cross-country felt a bit desperate!

 However, the desperate mentality that comes from crossing the wild does not mean just waiting for death, just like ordinary people, who lose hope of "survival" when they are desperate!

The despair of off-roading is another kind of breakthrough from shackles!


 Isn’t it impossible to escape from the enemy in front of you?

Then I will give up the bottom line that I have maintained for a long time, give up the bottom line that I have to survive no matter what, and fight to the death with the fog ninja in front of me!


Almost at the "desperate" moment of Cross Country, when he abandoned his desire for survival, a brilliant blue chakra suddenly enveloped his whole body!

 Obviously, as a cross-country traveler, the desire for survival in off-roading has, in a sense, become a barrier that restricts off-roading. But at this time, when Cross Country was extremely desperate and even willing to break through the bottom line, the long-standing barrier was broken in an instant, and the potential that had been dormant in Cross Country for a long time burst out in an instant!

On the other hand, when the cross-country potential was fully revealed, the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost, who had previously used the same shark muscles to absorb the chakra of "Teng" and Kakashi, suddenly burst out of chakra in the cross-country body, and his eyes appeared. Wisps of greedy light!

“Hahahahaha! Just now I felt that the chakra of these brats didn’t taste very good, but now there is delicious food coming to my door!”

 “What an interesting kid, he can actually unleash his potential in a desperate situation!”


"Then let Samehada taste your chakra, and by the way, let you be the first person to die in my hands with honor!"


Huttered to himself, with a greedy light shining in his eyes, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost disappeared directly into the blood mist.

As Uchiha Shisui commented before, in the blood mist of Loquat Juzo, the mist ninjas indeed have no limitations in perception and insight!

At a glance, he saw the off-road vehicle "burning" with azure chakra. While the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost was traveling at high speed, he held the hilt of Samehada's knife and directly carried the giant Samehada in the direction of the off-road vehicle. Cut it off!

 “Samebas! Cut it off!”


There is no doubt that under the cover of the blood mist, the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost, who is also proficient in assassination, has no reason to miss!

Especially when faced with off-roading where wind perception cannot exert its effect, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, who has directly shaved off the same shark muscles, is even more confident. Almost half a meter in front of the cross-country, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost seemed to have tasted the delicious chakra of the cross-country, and couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth slightly with his tongue.

But just when the same shark muscle controlled by the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost was only half a centimeter away, it was about to be cut on the cross-country shoulder!


Under the cover of the blood mist, the gaze of the pufferfish ghost in Xigua Mountain actually collided with the cross-country!

 What kind of crazy look is that?

 What a ferocious look is that?

Ask yourself, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost has only seen the kind of eyes that seemed to be able to see through other people's souls in front of Mizukage Shicang!

It happened that Cross Country's gaze that frightened Xiguashan Pufferfish collided with Xiguashan Pufferfish's eyes, causing Xiguashan Pufferfish's shark muscles to be cut off for a moment to pause!

 On the contrary, it was off-roading. When the action of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost stopped, a special feeling came from somewhere!

Almost as soon as the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish stood there, there was a loud "swish" sound!

The next second, when the pain appeared in the mind of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, a wisp of blood-stained wind blade was actually the kunai chopped off along the cross-country, and quickly passed by the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost's mind. face!

 “Then what is that?”

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