Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 760: consternation

Accompanied by the cold female voice.

I saw Darui with dark skin and white hair helplessly glanced at the tall woman on the field.

Darui has thick lips.

His left and right shoulders were engraved with the words "Thunder" and "Water" respectively, and his face seemed to have a lazy expression at all times.

At this moment, he could not help but look helplessly, Yu Guang squintingly glanced at the woman nearby, sighing.

"But ... Samui, if these guys dare come to your door, I'm afraid they are not good opponents. I can't blame them all."

After hearing what he said, Sam with a pair of blue pupils couldn't help looking at him coldly, then his voice was cold.

"But you startled these guys ..."

When he had finished speaking, he turned his head sharply. The frosty sharp eyes immediately looked at Stark and Lilynett who looked at them not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly.

"Look at the appearance of these guys ... it seems to be the costume of the virtual night palace ..."

"If it has anything to do with this organization, there must be nothing good about it ..."

Hearing this, Darui could not help glancing at her, and asked lazily.

"How do you know so clearly, has this organization ever offended you?"

In response, Sam could not help but glance at him coldly, then hummed.

"You idiot, don't you think that as a consultant to Lei Ying, I will be the same as you, an unskilled guy!"

Just when the two of you are not pleasing to my eyes, I see you not pleasing to the eyes!

Lilinet in the distance could not help but pout her mouth, eyes wide, and looked at Sam Yi's chest very uncomfortably.

She glanced at Samui's chest with extreme dissatisfaction, and then said to Stark.

"Hey, Stark, I must kill this guy later!"

"For those who provoked Lilinet, Lilinet must give Thunder a blow !!!"

Hearing this, Stark could not help but glance at her, then sighed.

"But Lilynet, where did she offend you ... I haven't seen her provoking you ..."

In this regard, Li Li Nite could not help but glanced at Sam Yi with her chest in the distance, then turned red, angry with Stark.

"Stark is a fool!"

"Lilynet said yes, yes! Anyway, I want to kill that guy!"

Hearing this, Stark scratched his head slightly, glanced helplessly at Lilinette, and whispered softly.

"Okay, okay, now that you have said that, just do what you say ..."

The words of the two casually determined the lives of others, but they did not mean to look at each other in the least.

In the distance, Samui and Darui heard the words with a slight embarrassment.

I saw Darui squinting slightly, his eyes flashing with murmur, and his voice mumbled lowly.

"It looks like the other party didn't take us seriously ..."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Sam and then slowly thoughtfully.

"Then how did you provoke that little girl, and someone who named you by name would solve you ..."

Hearing this, Sam could not help but stare at him fiercely, and then took a step forward, staring coldly at Li Li Nite in the distance, she murmured.

"After waiting for these two guys, this kind of problem will naturally be clear, won't it?"

With that said, I saw her bending her waist slightly. The next moment, the dust was cracking under her feet, and the whole body rushed towards Lilinet in an instant!

Seeing this, Dalui couldn't help but look blank, then touched his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said slowly.

"Hey ... don't worry ..."

"If you deal with these two guys, how can you not call me ..."

With his voice falling, I saw that he withdrew a sword from his back with one hand, and his body suddenly attacked Lilinette and Stark!


On the Darui's ninja knife, I saw a trace of dark thunder stained on it, and it seemed to have a very sharp feeling!

The first rushed Samui, on the white palm, was covered with a layer of gas like a cloud of smoke, condensed into a knife, and quickly approached Lilinet and Stark.

Seeing the two men attacked, Lilynet glanced slightly, but was a little angry.

"I didn't expect this guy to dare to come by myself!"

"Stark, don't stop me, I must teach this guy some lessons!"

Hearing this, Stark was distracted and glanced in a direction not far away, ignoring the meaning of Samui and Darui attacking here, but slowly.

"Be careful, Lilynet, just don't hurt yourself ..."

In this regard, Li Li Nite poked a small mouth, then looked at Sam Yi and Da Rui that attacked here very badly, clenched a little fist and attacked!


"珰!" "珰!" "珰!" ...

As soon as the two came into contact, they fought fiercely!

However, something unexpected was that at this time on the court was Lilianite, who looked very weak, against Sammy and Darui's attack!

Her small face was tense, as if taken seriously, her fist clenched tightly, and they rushed forward without fear.

Strangely, in the face of Darui's black thunder blade and Samui's palm-sword attack, Lilianite's white fist was unscathed!

Just like a hard diamond, every time they collide, they will spew out golden plumes!

Just a few rounds after the fight, Sammy and Dalui's complexions changed. ~ ~ looked at the petite loli who had reached their waist but was shocked.

This ... what's going on with this guy! ?

It was just a pair of fists that resisted my blade! ? And ... my thunderbolt didn't seem to have any effect on her!

Darui's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

And Sam Yi, on the other hand, couldn't help it, and saw her cold and arrogant expression had disappeared long ago, and she looked at Lilianite in shock.

However, for the expressions of the two, Lilinet only looked down on herself, and could not help being more angry.

I saw her suddenly looking up, the position of the bone on the half of the head, and the right eye, suddenly a yellow light flashed slightly!


With a sharp sound, suddenly, from the right eye of Lili Nite, a flash of golden flashes flashed, and directed towards Samui and Darui! Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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