Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 761: Get serious


Along with the harsh sound like a laser beam, the next moment, a cluster of golden light suddenly struck Samui and Darui in a state of amazement!

Feeling the rapidly approaching fiery energy mass, the expressions of the two could not help but change suddenly, and they immediately sank.

"Hurry away!"

"Oh!" "Oh!"

As the two shadows flashed backwards, the next moment, a golden false flash hit the ground, instantly overturning the surface of tens of meters, and a fierce bombardment broke out!

In the midst of the smoky air, Samui and Dalui were staring, hiding behind a thick trunk, breathing heavily in their chests.

"Hoo drink ... **** drink ..."

"What the **** is this guy, who can release Ninjutsu with such terrible power in an instant !?"

Upon hearing Ruyi's words, Sam couldn't help but look slightly ugly.

Even though she wanted to go through all the information about Xu Ye Gong, and didn't think of any information about this guy in front of her, she couldn't help feeling a moment of anger.

And just then.

"Oh, oh, it looks like something terribly happening here!"

Suddenly, from the trunk behind them, a very unpleasant rap sound sounded.

But when they heard this voice, Darui and Samui's faces were slightly happy, and they groaned.

"It's Master Kiraby!"


I saw a dark-skinned man wearing sunglasses, who suddenly fell on the sides of the two of them, with a cool expression on his face, but he opened his hands as he gestured.

"Big brother sent me, let me see why you two have been so late. I didn't expect that fighting broke out here, alas!"

Hearing this nonchalant rap, Samui jumped slightly from the black line on his forehead, resisting the urge to hit Kirabibi with his fist, and Darui quickly explained.

"Master Kirabi, the guy in Xiyagong!"

Speaking of which, he glanced at Lilinet in the distance and Stark, who had never shot, and groaned.

"The strength of these two guys should not be underestimated, but the girl who just shot almost made me and Sam almost die!"

"The violent explosion was caused by that girl!"

Hearing this, even the original hip-hop Kiraby couldn't help but take a deep look at Lilynet and Stark in the distance, slowly.

"is it..."

"I thought who it was ... the power of the attack just now was very surprising!"

Hearing Kiraby's words, Sammy and Darui's faces flashed a stunned look.

In the distance, at this moment Lilinet was slightly humped, and looked angrily at the distant Darui and Sam Yi, who could not help angry.

"It's abominable to be hidden by these two nasty guys!"

In this regard, Stark stood up slightly, glanced at her gently, and whispered softly.

"Rest assured, Lilynet, it's better to finish the task of Lord Blue Dye first."

Speaking of this, he saw a quiet glance in the forest not far away, and his voice was calm and quiet.

"Our goal has finally appeared ..."

Just as Stark's voice had just fallen, I saw a rough and burly figure suddenly appeared on the ground in the distant forest!

"Bee, Samui, Darui, how are you !?"

With the appearance of the burly man, his rough and low voice also appeared on the field.

Hearing his words, Samui and Darui couldn't help but startled and were a little bit confused.

"Master Thunder Shadow!"

Kiraby, on the other hand, scratched his head and didn't dare to continue to rap, honestly.

"Brother, why are you here too, but the other party wants to trouble you!"

Hearing this, the burly man who was the fourth generation of Lei Ying couldn't help glaring at him fiercely, and then groaned.

"Do you also think that as a Lei Ying, I should be careful to avoid these guys !?"

Hearing this, Kiraby quickly smiled and pleased.

"I didn't say that. I already guessed that if it was an older brother, I would definitely solve these guys myself!"

In this regard, Lei Ying could not help but slumped, waved his hands, interrupted Sam Yi and Da Rui, who wanted to persuade him, and groaned.

"The two of you are hiding behind to heal the injury first, let me see how powerful the guy who dare to come to the virtual night palace!"

As he spoke, he saw his sharp eyes glanced at Stark and Lilinet in the distance.

Feeling Lei Ying's sharp eyes, Li Li Nite seemed to feel the provocation, could not help but slightly fangs, trying to rush up and desperately with him.

However, Stark quickly squatted to stop her.

I saw Stark slowly looking at Lei Ying's direction.

"Lilynet, this guy will leave it to me. Although I don't want to fight, but since it is the task of Lord Lan Ran, I also want to feel how much the world's highest combat power can reach .. "

Hearing his words, Lilinette wrinkled her little nose slightly, then raised her jaw slightly, her voice clear.

"Looking at Stark's sincerity, Lilinet gave him to you."

"However, you must remember that you can't lose Master Lan Ran's face!"

Speaking of which, she glanced at Stark as if reminiscing about something, dissatisfied.

"If Stark doesn't do his best, as if before, the ill-fated Master Blue Dye's plan will be ruined, Lili Nicole will ignore you!"

Hearing her words, Stark smiled helplessly, then rubbed her little head lightly, her eyes narrowed and her voice calmed down.

"Rest assured, even for the sake of staying with Li Li Nite forever, I will do my utmost to complete every task explained by the adult blue dye."

In this regard, Li Li Nite nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, UU read the book Stark stood slightly upright, and those originally lazy eyes calmly looked at the ray shadow in the distance, the voice calmed down.

"Meet for the first time, the ruler of Yunren Village."

The moment Stark straightened slightly, a powerful momentum suddenly poured out of him!

It was as if the savage tiger who was dangling opened his eyes. The intense pressure that erupted instantly suddenly everyone in Yunren Village in the distance widened their eyes!

Lei Ying's dark complexion was also slightly tense at this time, and those sharp eyes narrowed slightly, carefully staring at Stark, whose hair was slightly scattered, sinking.

"I didn't expect that after the man died, the organization left by him still has a strong one like you!"

In this regard, Stark only walked slowly, moving his hands and feet, his voice calmed.

"It's just a subordinate who always does wrong, but this time, I have to be serious ..." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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