Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 813: fear

"珰!" "珰!" "珰!" ...

In a cloud of soot, a few sparks of Mars immediately passed by.


With the sound of Jin Ge's clashes, I saw that just after several wooden leaf examiners had fallen into the dust, one of the wooden leaf examiners bowed to his body like a prawn instantly, flying backwards, hitting the wall of the arena. Shattered!


"Oh!" "Oh!"

Accompanied by two clear and crisp flesh through sounds.

When the diffused smoke gradually dissipated, I saw the two wood-leaf examiners facing each other, their eyes widened staggeringly, their faces staring into the chest with an incredibly sharp tip. Bone Blade!

And between the two of them.

A thin, silver-haired figure was slightly bent, and the expressionless face was expressionless, as if doing a trivial thing, slowly cutting the sharp bone blade in the palm from the heart of the two wooden leaf examiners Draw out.

Almost all this happened between the electric light flint!

At this moment, in the examination room, all the candidates reacted. Someone even tried to undermine the competition while taking the exam.

At the center of the field, Ning Ci's brow was wrinkled tightly. A pair of white eyes quickly looked at the situation on the court, but his face was slightly ugly.


I saw him jump to a high place every day between a few jumps, and quickly sank.

"It's not right, these guys absolutely don't ..."

Before he finished speaking, an exclaiming sound came from his ears, and he saw his eyes widened and looked worriedly in a direction not far away!

Ning Ci followed her gaze, and could not help but sank, and said secretly.


I saw that not far away, a green figure was falling quickly from the air, and one leg broke fiercely to the burly fat!


Almost with enough energy, he finally managed to look at Xiao Li's face with a serious chance and looked very serious!

I saw him swinging from one height to the other with a one-legged swing, and smashed it on the fat man who rammed the test room!

Succeeded! !!

After hitting the fat man fiercely, Xiao Li's face couldn't help but a slight joy, but the next moment, his expression changed suddenly!

"Lee, leave that guy quickly!"

Although Ning Ci shouted from a distance, Xiao Li couldn't get away at this time!

I saw a thick, thick, large palm clenching his ankle firmly, and slamming it, lifting him upside down!

how is this possible!

Obviously this guy was hit by me, how could he fight back! ?

For a moment, Li's mind flashed such a question, but at this moment his body had already made a conditioned reflex!

I saw him twisting his waist violently. Even if one leg was lifted, his body was still full of strength and kicked his left leg. He kicked him sideways to the fat man's head!


Another loud sound!

However, Xiao Li was greeted with incredible despair!

I saw in his sight that the fat man who had endured the sound completely took his foot, but only his neck was crooked!

Under Xiao Li's stare with unbelievable eyes, the fat man frowned slightly.

It's as if being disturbed by some kind of weak creature. It's completely out of an indifferent disregard. The other big palm is gripped on his other ankle again!


With the terrible power coming, I saw that his body was like the petals that had been destroyed and withered in the wind, and was severely thrown to the ground!


The ground was smashed into pieces, and Xiao Li, like a scrapped ragdoll, was embarrassed and fell to the ground. With the blood slowly spilling from her mouth, her body continued to twitch.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Ning Ci's face couldn't help but be extremely ugly, he shouted.


He didn't hesitate and rushed to this side immediately!

And on the platform below, Naruto's blue eyes, bound like a mummy, stared wide, standing in place, staring at the chaos on the field!

Investigate ... what exactly happened ...

He looked dull and couldn't even accept why all of a sudden, the candidates who were just sitting there talking excitedly now became corpses that would never speak again ...



A sudden cold wind instantly chilled his spine, followed by the scream of Sakura in his ears!

Hearing the screaming of Sakura next to her ears, he immediately sobered up from the previous drowsiness, and quickly looked at Sakura worriedly.

"Sakura! Are you okay!"

Naruto's face appeared worried and anxious, but in his gaze, Sakura was covering her mouth, and looked behind him in horror!

He quickly turned his head to look, and when he saw the scene behind him, he could not help shrinking his pupils and took a breath of cold air!

I saw behind him, an examinee about the same age as him was nailed to the ground by a pale bone spear. The bone spear passed straight through the skull, penetrated the spine, broke through the back, and stabilized. Plug firmly on the ground!

If it is described, it is probably like the cuttleball he usually eats, and it is firmly fixed by such a long thing ...

Naruto's face was a little pale, and his gaze turned slightly as he glanced at the crimson spine fragments scattered on the ground!

However, at this time he didn't have time to bother with them, he quickly raised his head!

Based on the angle of the bone spear, he must quickly confirm the position of the enemy!

Fortunately, the enemy didn't seem to have any intention to cover his tracks, just like a giant spider, hanging high on the top of the stadium ceiling!

When Naruto's gaze looked over there, he and the other person's gaze looked at each other for an instant!

It's him!

Even if the other person's face changes ~ ~, but the moment they see the other person's eyes.

Naruto immediately hesitated for a moment, recognizing that person's identity was the guy who had previously made Sasuke lose confidence!

However, at this time, his body also became cold and stiff, he could see very clearly, the disdainful mockery in the other's eyes, and the high contempt.

But ... he didn't have the courage to attack ...

Obviously he should clenched his fists and rushed up!

But the thought of the guy who just died next ... he knew it well ...

The guy who just died is just a demonstration given by the other party ...

At this moment, Naruto's face suddenly turned pale, and he suddenly understood the feeling before Sasuke ...

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