Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 814: Chaos situation

The corner of the mouth of the ghost boy pill hanging from the ceiling evoked a disdainful smile, his eyes stared at the ugly Naruto with a horrible complexion below, and the look in his eyes became more cruel.

However, at this moment, he frowned suddenly and glanced to the side!

I did not know when, a strand of sand spread along the ceiling wall to his side, it seemed to want to wind towards his body!

The next moment, his eyes glanced coldly at the red-haired boy standing on the platform in the distance, his voice hoarse.

"court death...!"

While talking, I saw that he quickly changed the target and launched an attack on Ai Luo in the distance sand-stolen team!

At first he didn't want to take a shot at that nine-tailed pillar-powered little ghost. What he just did was to kill and find some fun to frighten the kid.

After all, Uchiha Sasuke and the Nine-Tailed Pillar Imp, but the guy Lan Lan specifically mentioned, even if he borrowed his two guts, he didn't dare to do anything.

However, someone dared to provoke him at this time, which made him unbearable!

After he shifted his target, Naruto who was able to get out of his body was stiff, and he took a long breath, as if he had just come out of the ice cellar.

The pressure that the guy just gave him is just too great. If there is an actual cruel killing look, it almost makes him dare not move!

"Naruto ... Naruto ... all right!"

There was a very worried voice behind Sakura. Although she didn't know what happened, she felt very worried when she saw Naruto's pale face at this time.

After hearing Sakura's words, Naruto nodded a little, then clenched her fists tightly, her nails were deeply embedded in the flesh, and her heart secretly said.

hateful...! !!

Why .. why am i afraid of that guy! !!

No one could hear the angry cry in Naruto at this time, except for one guy.

How .. kid ... want more power! ?

In the gloomy darkness, a deluded and arrogant voice slowly spread to Naruto's heart.

With the fall of these words, I saw the dark and dark places, two huge crimson reds slowly revealed, after seeing the behemoth in front of me.

Naruto in the darkness could not help frowning, his voice murmured heavily.

"Nine Lamas ..."

at the same time.

At the moment, Ai Luo, who was followed by Guitong Maru, looked slightly dignified, and kept dodging.

The defense of sand he was proud of turned into a thin paper that could easily break through in front of that guy, and could not hinder that guy's speed of attacking him!

Whenever sand finds itself in front of that guy, a sharp bone spear that spit out of his mouth will run through the sand fiercely and blast straight at him!

Originally, he shot at him because when the chaos broke out, this guy shot a lot of candidates for sand tolerance.

Even if he doesn't have much feelings for his own village, but when he sees a man who is ashamed of the Holocaust like Guitong Maru, I love Luo naturally.

However, I did not expect that when my attack intention was discovered, I was in trouble!

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!" ...

Guitong Maru is walking on the rock wall quickly, approaching Ai Luo, who is constantly using the sand to help his body dodge!

At this point, six arms appeared on his side. Whenever sand stood in front of him, he grabbed a bone spear with several arms and threw it out fiercely!

Under this powerful force, the self-defense of the sand around my Airlo completely lost its effectiveness.

As he got closer and closer to Ai Luo, a faint smile appeared on Guitong Maru's face, and his voice was deep and hoarse.

"You devil, weren't you very arrogant just now !?"

"If you hit me casually, use your life as repayment now! Hahaha!"

Just when Guitong Maru broke through most of the sand barriers, and his six arms firmly held a thick bone spear and stabbed me hard at Arlo!

"I love Luo!"

Accompanied by a shout of worry, I saw the sound of a knot on the field.

"Wind. Kamikaze!"

The next moment, I saw Guitong Maru's brow frowning, his head suddenly tilted backwards, and a huge unrecognizable twisted wind blade swiftly passed from the position where his skull was just now, limiting his progress!

He rescued my Ai Luo in this time of horror, and Maki let out a sigh of relief, and quickly sank.

"Hurry away from that guy, I love Luo!"

Hearing this, I love Luo Zhinen's face with a confused expression on his face, turning his head to look at Maki who had just protected him.

Seeing that Ai Luo suddenly started to stay, Temari and Kanjiro, who arrived with Maki, frowned.

The two worried in their hearts arrived at Ai Luo instantly, and did not have time to ask for his consent, and drove him left and right side of Guitong Maru quickly!

After his attack was blocked, Guitong Maru's face was expressionless, with a look of indifference.

He glanced coldly at Mark's solemn Maji, complaining slowly and hoarsely.

"It's really troublesome ... one by one always disturbs the mood of others ..."

Speaking of which, the expression on his face gradually stunned, grinning cruelly.

"So ... all low-level guys like you should die! Oh haha!"

Markie looked at the chaotic examination room in front of him and the maddening ghost child pill. She frowned, and had an inexplicable hunch in her heart.

The chaos that Jun Maru and his party suddenly caused on the China-Ninja examination scene has just erupted.

A large number of Muye Ninjas who had been left behind to prepare here were immediately organized and rushed towards the messy field!

At the same time, there was a Kakashi party who obeyed Watergate's order to investigate the trace of silver!

When they arrived on the field ~ ~, when they saw the messy ground, they couldn't help but widen their eyes instantly, some couldn't believe it!

Obviously just now everything is still good, how could it suddenly become this cruel look!

"It seems that someone is going to provoke you about Koba by the China-Ninja exam ..."

Shar Pei Parker frowned, gently pressed his head with his paw, and said with a headache.

The crowd ignored him, but looked at the situation on the field with a serious look.

Just then.

"侓 .. 侓 ...."

A lonely whistle sounded in the ears of everyone on the field.

Even Kakashi and others who have just arrived here are full of doubts, and look diligently towards a red-haired woman in the distance.

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