Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 815: Sister, disciple

Candidates who fled in the arena even Kakashi and others who just arrived were attracted by the sound of the flute!


Suddenly, a huge monster wrapped in bandages and wrapped into a mummy suddenly didn't know where he came from!

I just shook my fist at will, and one of the large building columns that was originally responsible for supporting the tower was smashed into pieces!

On the other hand, although there are two different faces, the degree of cruelty is that almost similar monsters slowly walk beside the red-haired woman.

Like a **** demon guarding her!

However, at this moment, Shuo Mao, who had just arrived here, frowned suddenly, his ears seemed to listen to something, and he hurried in a loud voice.

"Not quite right!"

His words were just finished, when Kakashi and others just turned their attention to him!


With a huge noise, I saw one of the walls of the tower burst and burst out, but out of it were all ugly monsters!

Those monsters are almost similar to the monsters around Duoyou, but the body has obviously changed significantly!

It seems that the monsters are densely packed together, and it seems that there are more candidates than the entire examination room, and they flock to the candidates!

Seeing this scene, the candidates who were already extremely panic in the test room were even more panicked at this time.

Even if some outstanding young candidates want to prevent humans from counterattacking, under this kind of negative emotions, their approach is difficult to achieve a trace of effect.

Some candidates faced a huge and terrible monster, almost scared to forget to fight back, and were smashed into meat sauce by the huge stick in the monster's hand!

Others have shown the spirit of the ninja and rushed up bravely, but the individual differences were too obvious.

The immature young examinee was torn apart by several tall mummy monsters, and turned into a red blood mist.

Among the crowded people, Ning Ci's face was ugly and scary, and his white eyes kept glancing through the confusion, trying to find the guy quickly!


Suddenly, a cowardly scream suddenly caught his attention!

He quickly turned his head. Even if the crowd was chaotic, his eyes still saw the crowded crowd for a moment, and he noticed the young girl squatting on the ground shaking.

In front of her, a stingy monster was waving a stiff arm, from top to bottom, trying to smash the girl heavily!


Ning Ci's face tightened for a moment, his teeth clenched, and the whole person was desperate to pull the crowd away and run in that direction!

However, even so, this distance was too late for him to arrive before the monster's arm fell.

With the eyes of his eyes widened to the extreme, every move of that monster became so clear!

However, he was powerless, and could only watch his sister about to die under the attack of that monster, her beautiful body turned into ugly meat sauce!

Yeah ... that person ... but my sister! !!

"Dead to me!"

I saw that Ning Ci's face had completely lost the calmness and calmness of the past. His face was like a cooked lobster, with steaming heat!

The body suddenly squatted forward, and one palm was shot fiercely, and at a distance, he aimed at the ugly monster!

"Gossip. Empty Fairy Cannon !!"

With a gritting drink, my teeth fell!

The next moment, when I saw Ning Ci's arm, which was leaning forward half-squat, suddenly the well-sleeved sleeves were twisted and pierced by an intangible object, and suddenly turned into a tattered powder. !!


In the mid-air, the diffused smoke was instantly torn by a strong air current, and invisibly, what seemed to be passing over the ground!

The monster who had raised his arms high and was about to smash at Hina suddenly suddenly flew to the side!

It's like being directly hit by some intangible thing. The ugly body appeared numerous gaps at the moment of landing, sprayed a lot of liquid, and could no longer move.

At a long distance, Ning Ci's face was pale, but the corner of his mouth evoked a gratifying smile, and his eyes gradually dimmed.


With a bandage on his forehead slowly falling, the green bird's curse in his cage was revealed, and his body slowly fell to the ground!

Hina, who was trembling and unable to counterattack, noticed the scene in front of her and couldn't believe where Ning Ci was.

When she saw Ning Ci slowly fall to the ground, she could not help but screamed with anxiety.

"Brother Ningci!"

As he shouted, he quickly raised his soft steps and ran to Ning Ci's side.


However, before that, a figure arrived at him first!

I saw Kay, who was originally with Kakashi and others, suddenly appeared next to Ningci, saw his right arm slowly overflowing with fine blood beads, his expression on his face suddenly flickered, and finally sighed deeply Tone.

I saw him carefully holding Ning Ci's body and sighing softly.

"What a stubborn disciple ..."


"唰!" "唰!" "唰!" ...

A man with a short black hair kept dodging, and a huge piece of gravel fell from time to time, smashing at her relentlessly!

Every time this time, she frowned slightly, stopped and quickly printed on her hands!

"Earth. Zeruan!"

With her actions, the next moment, the ground instantly floated for mud, and countless mud quickly floated up, blocked in front of the large gravel, then swallowed it, and brought it into the ground together again.

Everything was silent, without any momentum.

Just then.


All of a sudden, the huge zenith above her head collapsed and slammed into her!

Seeing this scene, she could not help frowning instantly ~ ~ the moment when her hand was about to be printed again.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

With the two shadows flashing by suddenly, with the sound of the scabbard pulling out, a few flashes of cold flash suddenly disappeared!

"噌!" "噌!" "噌!" ...

The next moment, I saw that the zenith of the rock that was about to fall to the ground fell apart instantly, rubbing her figure and falling to the ground.

When the two landed, sharp eyes looked at her instantly.

In this regard, Black Earth's face was calm, but just a touch of Tao.

"Iwano Village, Black Earth!"

Hearing her words, the two looked at each other and spoke slowly.

"Yun Ren Village, Omoi!"

"Yun Ren Village, Karui!"

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