Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 832: Open the door

As Dai's voice fell, I saw the smile on his face slightly converge, and his slightly cloudy eyes gradually became serious.

He slowly removed his wrists and wrists on his feet, and threw them gently towards him.


When those sandbag-like wristbands fell on the ground, suddenly a lot of dust was lifted, and the floor inside the high tower was directly penetrated by this piece of smoke!

Turbulent smoke and turbulent air blasted wildly around Dai's side.

His gray hair swayed with it, slightly covering his serious eyes.

When several wristbands caused a severe impact, Jun Maru in the distance could not help shrinking his pupils, even though he was confident in his strength at this time, but when he saw the shocking scene in front of him, My heart is full of vigilance against Dai!

This guy ... have always acted with these things! ?

However, at this time, the movement of wearing was not stopped. I saw that his rough palm was wrapped around the back of his neck, and his complexion untied the red scarf that had been tied to the neckline.

When he took off the red scarf from his neck, his frowning brow finally eased.

I saw him letting go, and the red scarf that looked wavy seemed to fall like an iron block, and fell to the ground at the moment.


With a loud noise, I saw that the ground on which the two were standing had collapsed directly!

At the moment when the surrounding smoke was rising, Jun Malu frowned and wanted to dodge, but he hadn't waited for him to act!

On the originally empty field in front of him, suddenly, the black shadow flashed, and there was no time to respond!


Jun Maru's jaw lifted up, and his body flew up, as if he was hit by a punch and flew up!

At this moment Jun Malu's face was full of astonishment, and confused eyes proved that he hadn't responded yet what happened!

In front of him, the black shadow gradually solidified, and it was Dai who suddenly disappeared from the place.

His face was expressionless, his body stood there straight, and everything that happened around him seemed to him in slow motion!

I saw his brow lightly raised, his calm and turbid eyes glanced at Jun Malu who was flying upwards, and his body suddenly disappeared again!

At this time, Jun Malu reacted, his face was ugly, and his yellow eyes were flashing with angry howls, and his heart was angry.

Damn ... this guy! !!

You have been hiding your strength ... This kind of behavior that ignores me ... I will pay you! !!

When he first thought about it, he felt that the light around him suddenly faded, and he hadn't waited for him to see what was happening around him.


The sudden pain in the abdomen made his face suddenly pale, and his body was bent like a prawn hit by a cannonball, smashing to the ground suddenly!


For a moment, Jun Malu's body fell like a cannonball directly into the damaged tower, penetrating through several layers and hitting the bottom!


It was like a small meteorite smashed down, accompanied by the heavy sound of sulky thunder, and saw the bottom of the high tower. The sudden wave of air suddenly spread around, clearing the messy debris around Clean!

However, if someone is standing down and looking down.

But it is a huge pit that can be clearly seen centered on Jun Malu and radiates to the surroundings!

"Patter!" "Patter!" "Patter!" ...

In the thick smoke, Dai walked straight towards Jun Malu, who had been hit in a deep pit, making a crisp sound in this quiet environment.

Just when he was about to approach.


Along with the falling sound of gravel, Dai's brow wrinkled slightly, and the opaque eyes glanced at a deep pit not far from the front, the underpass.

Can you still act! ?

Just as he thought about it, his face changed slightly, and he looked down sharply at his feet.

"咚!" "咚!" "咚!" ...

Increasingly dense and violent sounds rang out in the depths of the ground, as if a huge crack had cracked in the ground, constantly spreading under Dai's body.

Without hesitation, Dai flexed his legs slightly, disappeared from the spot instantly, and bounced into the sky.

The moment he had just left the ground.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...

All of a sudden, like the horns of a monster, a huge pale bone spurs suddenly burst out from the ground!

Just for a moment, the ground that was originally filled with smoke and dust was like a white-bone forest with bone spurs, which made people feel cold after seeing it!

Standing at a high place, Dai also narrowed the corners of his eyes when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help muttering a little somberly.

"It really is a very difficult opponent ... even if you haven't given up yet ..."

Just as he said so, in his perception, a murderous sight caught his attention instantly!

Dai quickly turned his head and saw that in the vast white spur forest.

There is a huge bone spur that is tens of meters high, covered with white bone, and the pale figure is protruding from the bone spur, and his eyes are like yellow beasts staring at him!

When he noticed Dai's gaze, Jun Malu's mouth could not help but slowly evoke a cold smile, and shouted a little madly at Dai.


"If you want to help your companion, you won't have a chance without defeating me completely!"

"If I can't beat me, I will kill them one by one, believe me, I will be able to do this!"

Speaking, Dai was not given any chance to refute, and I saw Jun Malu's pale palms slamming into his side ~ ~ yanking out a few pale and sharp ribs and throwing them straight towards Dai !!

"嗖!" "嗖!" "嗖!" ...

Looking at the several bone spears coming from the oncoming blast, Dai's expression became slightly dignified.

He knew very well the look in that guy's eyes, and that look contained madness without fear!

If he is allowed to continue to have sufficient mobility, it may really cause great trouble to others.

At the thought of this, Dai could not help but take a deep breath. The next moment, his eyes became deep, and he whispered slowly.

"Start with him ... solve one by one first!"

With his voice falling, I saw him clenching his fists gently and whispering softly.

"Third Door. Door, open !!!"


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