Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 833: Asshole


As soon as Dai's voice fell, a layer of green Chakra burst out of his body!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" ...

The several bone spears that had been blasted at him seemed to be blown head-on by a fierce wind, and instantly changed direction and fell down!

Dai stepped forward, and the green Chakraton time lingering over his body wrapped around his leg, making the ground dust splash!

I saw him slamming his fist gently, as if he hadn't entered such a state for a long time, and missed his fist very much, his opaque eyes looked at his palm with some murmur, and mumbled softly.

"What a long-lost power ..."

"I don't know how many times I can use it ..."

At this point, a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if thinking of something.

However, when his eyes saw Jun Malu, who was not far away, his eyes were gradually vigilant, but his turbid eyes were slightly constricted, and a firmness flashed under his eyes!

I saw his leg bend slightly.


It was like the rocket thruster suddenly started, and with a loud burst of air, the body of Dai suddenly disappeared from its place!

In the distance, Jun Malu, who was fused with a huge bone spur, saw this scene, and his pupils shrank, and his heart secretly said.

Is it the same as last time? ?

This time he did not choose to fight hard with Dai, his body was already alert and tense. When Dai was in action, he chose to sneak into the bones!

"Guru ..."

When his body had just completely disappeared from the huge bone spurs, Dai's body appeared instantly, without any hesitation, and kicked straight!


I saw that he kicked the highest bone spur directly, and the sharp bone spur turned into a fragment, and waved away in the air.

After destroying the bone spur on one foot, Dai's eyes could not help but peeping around, his face was slightly tense!

No trace of that guy ...!

Where did that guy go ...! ?

Just when he was thinking so.

"嗖!" "嗖!" "嗖!" ...

With the sound of breaking through the air, I saw several bone spears violently firing towards him from the direction behind him!

In this regard, Dai naturally did not hesitate, just twisted his body suddenly, his gaze was like a torch, staring at the direction where the bone spear shot, slamming into the air with a fist, and he groaned!

"Wood Leaf Fluid Art Upheaval. Air Break!"

With his words falling, I saw that his fist didn't seem to be hit in the air, but like a punch hitting the real thing!


With a loud bang, a strong airflow that ran through everything blasted from the position hit by Dai Fist directly toward the white forest below!

The several bone spears that were shot at him along the way were naturally blown away without any doubt, as if they could destroy all the strong air currents and directly irradiate the bone spurs, destroying them in an instant, leaving only broken bones. The dregs spilled into the air!

Dai Li stood on a huge bone spur, exhaling softly, but there was no relaxation between the eyebrows!

Just then!


Close to a huge bone spur behind him, but Jun Malu's body was protruded without warning!

Wrapped in bone armor, he was like a yak in hell, with a smirk on his face, but holding a huge white bone cone in his hand, piercing it straight Back!

But even his actions were silent.

However, a ray of murderous qi was still felt by Dai. I saw Dai fiercely turning his head, his face was tight, but there was no hesitation in his hand.

Facing this, Jun Malu's attack did not stop at all, with a smile of a successful smile in his mouth, and his eyes flashed with a crazy look!


With a loud noise, for a moment, the two people's attacks collided together, setting off a fierce and violent air wave!

Under the impact of this violent air wave, the huge bone spurs that originally existed gradually separated and collapsed!

At this moment, the shocked look on Jun Malu's pale face was almost impossible to hide!

He stared madly at the color still in front of him, shouting frantically.

"How could a guy like you block me !?"

After Jun Malu got the virtual power, the most obvious change in the first time was the power. With just a light blow, the powerful power contained in his body was able to collapse.

At this time, Jun Ma Lu, who was facing Dai, evolved from the real imagination relying on this power, and his birth originated from this power.

At this time, full of confidence in his own original power, he saw that he could be tied with himself by virtue of his strength alone, and it was naturally unbelievable!

But no matter what he thought, Dai wasn't moved by his words, but stared at Jun Malu very calmly.

One of his fists collided with Jun Malu's fist horns, while the other palm was firmly against the thick and solid bone cone, but his body was not backed by one point!

Seeing the calm and tough look on his face, Jun Malu could not help but look very ugly, shouted shyly.


"How could a human be against me !!"

After hearing what he said, UU read the book www. The bottom of the eye worn by flickered slightly, and he raised his head slightly, his turbid eyes stared directly at Jun Malu in front of him, his voice calmed down.

"Why can't humans fight you ...?"

"I know ... you are all monsters ..."

Speaking of this time, Dai's eyes flowed with a complex look, and the palm of the hand holding the bone cone was clenched gently, the voice said slowly.

"I don't know ... the guy who encouraged me is one of you ..."

"But ... I don't think he cares about this ..."

When I saw Dai's mouth suddenly showing a bitter smile, his eyes gradually became firm, and he sank.

"After all ... he also stepped to the top of his strength step by step with his own efforts!"

"I don't believe that guy will think that the so-called power is only due to the blood of you monsters!"

Just as he was talking, Dai's palm was clenched more and more, making Jun Malu's face ugly!


Jun Maru naturally looked sideways at the other words of Dai, but just felt the increasing strength in his body and shouted his teeth.

As his words fell, I saw his red-yellow pupils filled with thick killing, staring at Dai, and bursting a few bones in his body, directly piercing Dai who was near him !!

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