"That one is still preparing, you learn other things first."

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Liu Sheng explained calmly that he would study the Six Forms with Tsunade when he went back tonight.

Tsunade has been busy with medical ninjutsu and medical knowledge for the past few days, and there is no progress in the six-style ninjutsu.


Liu Sheng wrote down the six-style cultivation method and handed it to Tsunade.

Tsunade wondered, "What do you mean?"

Liu Sheng said in a casual tone: "You look at it first!"

Tsunade looked at it for a while, then frowned, "Is this a taijutsu? It's a pity, it's too taken for granted."

"It is theoretically impossible to achieve this level, and it is impossible for humans to have such a strong physical fitness."

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "So... turn it into ninjutsu? Turn pure taijutsu into ninjutsu, and use chakra to enhance your physical fitness."

"I'm out of body jutsu, and you're out of ninjutsu. After synthesizing ninjutsu, it's mine. This is the condition we negotiated before. You have to help me perfect this ninjutsu."

Tsunade hesitated.

If this ninjutsu really can appear, it must be very powerful.

Let Mist Hidden Village have this powerful ninjutsu...

"Don't you want to go?"

Liu Sheng picked up the water glass beside him, said something lightly, and immediately made Tsunade retreat.

"you are vicious!"

Tsunade glared at Liu Sheng angrily.

Chapter [*] The Uncrowned King of Konoha!

After a few days of training, the already talented dried persimmon ghost shark and Taodi Zaibuzhan have mastered the skills of treading water, and they have repeatedly trained for several days when completing the task of catching fish.

After the task of treading water was completed, Yagyu took them to learn skills such as tree climbing, and taught them the basic use of chakra.

Afterwards, Liu Sheng took them to the forest near Wuyin Village to suppress the bandits, so that they could see the blood and refine their hearts and gain practical experience.

It has to be said that these three are all talented people.

Coupled with the fact that they were born in Wuyin Village, a village with a sturdy and even ruthless style, their hearts are also very tough, and they are not shocked when they see blood and murder.

"To have such an outstanding performance at such a young age is truly a monster-like talent!"

Liu Sheng looked at the three disciples in front of him lazily, and said with a lazy expression.

"I am very satisfied with your performance. Next, I will teach you a set of ninjutsu!"

"This set of ninjutsu mainly has six skills, including single-point attack, group attack, teleportation, overall defense, flexible dodge and airborne flight."

"If all the six kinds of ninjutsu can be mastered, integrated and coordinated with each other, the world's bowels will be as easy as possible."

Liu Sheng said impassively that the six-style ninja technique was finally developed under the joint research of him and Tsunade.

Shui Wuyueqing said excitedly: "Really? Mr. Liusheng, is the ninjutsu you mentioned finally ready?"

Taodi licked his lips again, and said excitedly: "Are you finally going to teach us a little bit of real skills? I'm looking forward to it."

The dried persimmon ghost shark didn't say a word, but his face was also excited.

"Water Body Art!"

Liu Yu made a seal on his hands, and three water bodies appeared in front of him.

"My clone will guide you one-on-one, so that you can master the six styles in the shortest time."

Liu Sheng said lazily, lying down on the rocking chair with a movement, and slowly picked up the teacup.

Shui Wuyueqing and the three of them are a little speechless. Your old man is too good to enjoy it, right?

But looking at Liu Sheng's three clones, they didn't say much.

The clones have all the memories of the main body and are fully capable of teaching them.

Compared with the main body teaching three people alone, it is more cost-effective to have the clone train them one-on-one.

"Captain, Master Shuiying summons!"

A Kirigakushi ninja wearing an Anbu mask appeared next to Yagyu and said with his head lowered.

"Okay, here we go."

Liu Sheng was reluctant to leave the comfortable reclining chair, put down the storybook and teacup in his hand, and said casually.

Liu Yu and Anbu Ninja walked towards the Mizukage Building together. On the way, Liu Yu looked at the Anbu Ninja and asked, "How is it, are you still used to staying in Anbu?"

Anbu Ninja said helplessly: "It's okay! We just joined Anbu, and now the main thing is to receive training, and we don't need to deal with too much trouble."

"This is beyond my expectations. I thought you organized us to accomplish some important task. After all, we are not ordinary people."

A clear female voice came from the mouth of the Anbu ninja, and it sounded like Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei glanced at Liu Sheng with some resentment, and said dissatisfiedly: "Speaking of which, as our captain, you have basically not appeared in front of us these days!"

Liu Sheng said indifferently: "This is normal, and I don't need to receive Anbu's training."

Terumi Mei rolled her eyes and said, "I think you are pure laziness, like a salted fish with no dreams. If it weren't for your outstanding abilities, Mizukage-sama probably wouldn't choose you as his heir."

Liu Sheng said disdainfully:

"No chicken talk! You are still too tender, Ming sauce, and you can't find the essence of the matter. This is my unique blood continuum limit - salted fish escape, salted fish will become stronger!"

"When I have cultivated my own blood continuum to the extreme, why don't I do it with my hands? Sharpening knives doesn't cost chopping wood, so don't be too impatient."

Terumi Mei said helplessly: "Okay, just be happy! By the way, when did our Anbu training stop? We heard that there was a war ahead, so we stayed in the village like this?"

Liu Sheng asked curiously, "Why, do you really want to go to the battlefield?"

Terumi Mei nodded and said, "It's not just me, but everyone else under your command can't sit still. After all, it's a time of war, who isn't ready to move?"

Liu Sheng nodded thoughtfully and said, "It seems to be the case! But it's useless for you to worry, because your strength is still unbearable."

Not to mention Terumi Mei and the others, even if Momochi didn't cut them, they were eager to move, and they had repeatedly shouted that they wanted to go to the front.

When Taodi Zaibuzhan and Gan Persimmon Guisha graduated early, they even felt that the village was in urgent need of combat power, so they were allowed to graduate early.

Then the fact is that the current Kiriyin Village has no idea of ​​intervening in large-scale wars at all, and there is no shortage of soldiers.

Not long after, Liu Sheng came to Shuiying's office.

Sandai Shuiying handed him a confidential document and said, "See for yourself!"

Liu Sheng took a look at the document, and it was a piece of information from Konoha.

"Qiudao takes the wind to succeed the four generations of Hokage? It turned out to be the autumn road to take the wind."

"It's... an unexpected person as expected!"

Liu Sheng smiled slightly, his expression somewhat mocking.

Qiu Dao Fengfeng is a disciple of the second-generation Hokage, and he can be regarded as inheriting the will of fire, and is qualified to become Hokage.

Although his strength is a little worse, he has not reached the level of shadow level.

But with the support of Konoha's senior management, there is nothing else that can be done.

The superiority of the autumn road to take the wind is essentially the result of mutual compromise between the top management of Konoha.

Qiu Dao Qufeng's presence in the original book is not strong, in addition to his own limited strength, but also because he himself does not have much ambition.

It is for this reason that the third Hokage chose him as the fourth Hokage.

With limited strength and no ambition, such people are easy to control.

Although Sarutobi Hizan resigned from the position of Hokage, he got the position of Hokage's assistant, and he can still shine for his beloved Konoha.

Konoha, Naruto Office.

Qiu Dao Qufeng sat in the position of Hokage scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, and was a little overwhelmed by the pile of documents in front of him.

Qiu Dao Fengfeng lacks strength, and the strength here lies not only in his combat effectiveness, but also in his ability to govern.

Otherwise, as a second-generation Hokage disciple, how could he not be a Konoha elder?

"Get the wind, let me help you!"

Sarutobi Hizan, who was the assistant of Hokage, walked over with a smile and said kindly.

"Rizhan, you are so timely!"

Qiu Dao Qiaofeng was overjoyed when he saw this, and without hesitation, he pushed the work to Sarutobi Hizan.

Although Sarutobi Hizan resigned, he knew that it was not Sarutobi Hizan's fault, and he was very reassured of his ability and character.

This is exactly what Sarutobi Hizan wants to see.

The character of Qiu Dao's style is doomed that he is not greedy for power.

If the four generations of Hokage were Mito Menyan, Koharu, or even Orochimaru, his Hokage assistant would have no sense of existence.

Like now, although his power is much smaller, he is still the uncrowned king of Konoha.

Chapter [*] It's not bad to let Yagyu try it!

"Really let me go?"

Tsunade looked at Liu Sheng in disbelief, not expecting Liu Sheng to let her go so soon.

"Why, don't you miss me?"

Liu Sheng looked at Tsunade with a smile on his face, and said in a playful tone.

"Bah! You salted fish, don't give me your lip service!"

"I just don't understand why you let me go so happily."

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