Tsunade snorted angrily and looked at Liu Sheng curiously.


Liu Sheng stretched his tone until Tsunade looked at him anxiously, and then said slowly,

"Because Konoha is too weak! I can take you back anytime I want."


Seeing Tsunade's skeptical look on life, Liu Sheng laughed and said, "But you don't have to worry too much. I don't have any idea of ​​taking action against Konoha in a short time."

"Lord Mizukage asked me if I wanted to attack Konoha, but I refused. What you should be worried about now is not Konoha's foreign enemies."

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned slightly: "It always feels like you have something to say, what do you think I should be worried about?"

Liu Sheng smiled mysteriously, and said slowly: "Well...after you return to Konoha, you will know everything."

Tsunade snorted dissatisfiedly: "Pretend to be a ghost!"

Tsunade left, and Yagyu watched her back disappear.

Three generations of Mizukage appeared behind him and said, "Are you sure Tsunade will not bring us any loss if you go back?"

Liu Sheng smiled and said: "Of course, I'm pretty sure! Don't underestimate Konoha, there are many talented people in the high-level Konoha!"

Sarutobi slashed the group of pit bulls, fighting insiders and outsiders.

In terms of the ability to demolish homes, the Ninja world is unparalleled.

After Yanagyu gave them a fire, they would surely burn the rotten leaves to ashes.

Liu Sheng's heart moved, and he said with a smile: "The intelligence said that Konoha Baiya was suppressed?"

The three generations of Mizukage nodded and said, "Qiu Dao Qufeng is far inferior to Konoha Baiya in terms of strength and prestige, and Konoha Ninja is more resentful about this."

Liu Sheng smiled and said lazily: "If Qiu Dao's reputation is grand and powerful, it will not be his turn to be Hokage."

"Konoha Baiya... It's a pity! A good shadow-level powerhouse is about to die."

"If he doesn't die in battle, it will be difficult to get a hero's title after his death."

Three generations of water shadows waved their hands and said: "Since you have already made arrangements, then do as you said. Speaking of which, what happened to the confidential situation you said before that you wanted to report to me?"

Liu Sheng thought for a while, then hesitated: "How do you say it? I have a very powerful sensory ninjutsu."

"The coverage of this ninjutsu is very large, and the entire Kiriyin Village is within my perception range."

"A few days ago, I accidentally discovered that a mysterious stranger appeared in the home of the high-level Pingpin [*]th Road in Wuyin Village."

A dignified expression appeared on Liu Sheng's face. If nothing else, it should be Madara Uchiha's handwriting.

Madara Uchiha in the original book met Uchiha Obito during the third ninja war. In order to let Uchiha Obito open the kaleidoscope, he used Hatake Kakashi and Nohara Rin to play a tragedy for him. .

while helping

The extras he played in this tragedy were ninjas from Kiriyin Village.Even Sanwei has become a prop for this tragedy.

Knowing all this, Yagyu will naturally not relax his surveillance of Wuyin Village, and the powerful witness and domineering monitor Wuyin Village all the time.

I have to say that Huang Yuan's knowledge is really strong and domineering, and there is only a thin line between seeing the future.

After all, he is an assassin-type player. Among the three colors of domineering, the one that fits him the most is the domineering look.

And under the surveillance of Liu Sheng, Madara Uchiha's chess pieces placed in Kirikin Village finally revealed their legs.

Madara Uchiha's chess pieces should not have been subdued by his arrogance, but were mostly controlled by spell marks or scribbles.

In this case, it was inevitable to send someone to contact the chess piece, and finally Liu Sheng noticed the clue.

The third generation of water shadow frowned: "Are you worried that there is a problem with the Apple Seven Road?"

Liu Sheng said slowly: "I am not worried that he has a problem, but I have basically determined that he has a problem."

"Next time he comes into contact with the mysterious ninja, I will take action to catch the mysterious ninja."

"I'll tell you in advance, so that he won't beat him up and cause unnecessary trouble."

The three generations of water shadows pondered for a moment and sighed: "Okay! Since you are sure, then you can do it!"

"But Apple Seven Road is a high-rise in Wuyin after all, and has made a lot of contributions to Wuyin Village."

"If possible, try to keep him decent, and it's best not to make too much noise."

Liu Sheng smiled and said casually, "If I could, I would do it."


Valley of the End.

Underground, a huge palace appeared beneath the valley of the end.

An old man with an old face and a withered body sat on a stone throne, his scattered white hair blocked one of his eyes, and the other eye was slightly closed.

In front of him stood a pure white humanoid creature, who was reporting the situation of Wuyin Village to him in a funny voice.

This pair is naturally Uchiha Madara and Shirai Jue. The old Uchiha Madara is listening to Ah Fei reporting on the situation of Wuyin Village.

"It's amazing!"

"Obviously possessing such a powerful talent and strength, Liu Sheng's character is so... salted fish!"

Madara Uchiha opened one eye, and there was a half-smile expression on his face, some helpless and some pity.

Ah Fei asked: "Lord Ban, what do you think we should do? Liu Sheng's ability is very useful."

"According to the information we have learned, he can basically ignore other attacks except the sealing technique that can restrain him."

"And even if it's a sealing technique, it doesn't have much advantage against him. The sealing technique is too slow to work, and Liu Sheng's speed is too fast."

"If you can make him your assistant, then your Eye of the Moon plan will be much easier to achieve."

Madara Uchiha clenched his fist, felt his power at this time, and couldn't help but sigh: "You are right."

"Time is an unsolvable problem, and it is an enemy that even the immortals of the six paths cannot defeat. My current strength is declining so much that I really need a strong spokesperson."

"Originally, I was thinking of choosing an excellent young man from the Uchiha clan and letting him be my spokesperson. But now it seems that it would be good to let Yagyu try it."

Chapter [*] The Rose Dancer of the Year!

After Uchiha Madara heard about Liu Sheng's information, he was very optimistic about him as his spokesperson.

After all, Yagyu's ability is even more perverted than Uchiha Obito in the original work. If he can be his spokesperson, he will be able to implement the Moon Eye plan very well.

Madara Uchiha estimated that even the Uchiha clansmen who opened the kaleidoscope writing round eyes would be beaten up in the face of Liu Sheng.

After all, the ability to turn oneself into light is really disgusting, it basically makes oneself invincible.

Ah Fei shouted in his funny voice, "Master Ban, are we going to take action against Liu Sheng?"

"Liusheng has been in Wuyin Village for a short time now, and there is no sign of leaving."

"If Madara-sama can control him, I must ask him how he feels."

"Since he can turn himself into light, his own will must be different, right?"

Bai Jue Fei's focus is always so fresh and refined, he thought seriously: "When he is excreting, can he excrete a piece of light too?"

Another Bai Jue drilled out of the rock wall of a plate, staring at A Fei and scolding angrily: "A Fei, shut up for me!"

Another Bai Jue emerged from the wall and said with a smile, "Don't be so strict, Ah Fei is a good boy!"

Madara Uchiha pondered for a moment, looked at the noisy Bai Jue beside him, and shouted angrily: "Shut me all."

Madara Uchiha was also helpless for these Bai Jue. He thought it was a clone he made, but unfortunately they were all defective products.

However, although these Bai Jue have such and such defects, they are all cultivated with inter-column cells.

These white skills are still pretty good.

Not weak combat power and elusive evasion ability, if you rate it, you should be able to rate it as a special Junin.

"If I remember correctly, I should have controlled a few people in Wuyin Village? Go and contact them to see if there is a chance to plot against Liu Sheng."

Madara Uchiha pondered for a while, and decided to let his chess pieces try it out first.

While Liu Yu's special ability was important, his status as Mizukage's heir was equally useful.

Quietly use poison to bring Yagyu down, and then control it, so as to maximize the value of Yagyu.


Foggy Village.

After a day's work, Apple Qilu returned home and made a cup of tea to relax.

As a result, a head of Bai Jue suddenly appeared and burrowed out of the floor of his house.

"you again?"

Apple Qilu's face changed, his palms clenched the teacup unconsciously, and his eyes stared at Bai Jue with some yin.

During the Second Ninja World War, he was injured in a coma, and when he woke up, he found himself in a dimly lit cave.

An old man appeared in front of him and placed a curse on him, saying that he would be assigned tasks from time to time.

Apple Seven Road rose up to resist at that time, but the old man urged him to cast the curse mark, which made him experience the feeling that life is worse than death in an instant.

Later, he was thrown out, smoothly merged with the main force of Wuyin Village, and then reached the top of Wuyin Village all the way.

However, the messenger of the old man, Bai Jue, would visit him every once in a while and obtain relevant information from Wuyin Village.

Bai Jue

The elusive ability made him fearful, and the curse mark in his body made him helpless.

As the senior of Wuyin Village, Apple Seven Road, can mobilize a lot of resources to crack the curse mark in the body.

But he didn't dare to speak out about this kind of thing, he could only play the operation secretly, and all of them failed.

The curse mark in his body is very high-end, and he has no way to crack it, which makes him a little resigned.

"My lord has a new order, let me tell you."

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