Naruto: Start with Eternal Kaleidoscope

Chapter 35 - Treatment programs

Chapter 35 – Treatment programs

Seeing that Mo Nan was finished and meant to take a break, the person in charge approached Mo Nan to speak. Just now, he saw Mo Nan’s running water and flowing water. After the operation in one go, he completely believed that Mo Nan really had the ability to detoxify.

“Hello Uchiha Nan, I am the person in charge of this camp, and my name is Takuma Nara.”

Mo Nan returned a gift, and Nara Takuma continued Mo Nan and said, “I came here to take a look after hearing that someone could deactivate the poison used by Sa Yin. I didn’t believe it at first, but now seeing is believing. , I didn’t expect you to have such abilities at a young age. You must have done hard work that is unimaginable by ordinary people and practiced hard.”

Mo Nan smiled shyly and humbly said: “Where and where, this is the reason for the extraordinary talent. I am just lucky and I haven’t tried much effort. In fact, only this level makes me feel a little ashamed. If I work a little harder, I can do better.”

Tuo Zhen’s mouth twitched after hearing Mo Nan’s words. He originally saw Mo Nan’s expression and tone and thought that Mo Nan was a very humble person. He didn’t expect that Mo Nan’s words behind him were what he really wanted to express.

Mo Nan solved the problems that the entire camp, even the medical ninjas in many other camps could not solve. What he means is that he has achieved such an achievement based on his talent alone. Then the other medical ninjas are all idiots, aren’t they?

But he continued to ask Mo Nan, “Can you explain in detail. How do you detoxify? This is very important.”Mo Nan was saying that he had completely detoxified, and those who had been treated by him seemed to be in much better condition. However, whether this toxin will recur or not requires further time to observe, but in general, Mo Nan’s method is definitely effective.

It’s just that if Mo Nan masters this method alone, the effect it can play is limited. There are many poisoned ninjas in the camp, and even many people in other camps have been poisoned. As the war unfolds, more people will be poisoned. It is impossible for Mo Nan to cure everyone alone. It is best to make this method public. If other people can also master it, Sha Yin’s new toxin will no longer pose any threat.

Mo Nan also understands this. No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for one person to care about Konoha’s ninja, but he is a little skeptical that other people can master his own method. But since Takuma Nara asked him, he could only explain this treatment method to Takuma Nara and the person in charge of the medical department next to him in detail.

Takuma Nara suddenly realized after listening to Mo Nan’s explanation, and then he became worried again. He discussed with the person in charge of the medical department that the method Mo Nan said may indeed work, but the medical ninjutsu called the technique of extracting the disease required in this method is very complicated.

Because he needs to go deep into the human body to manipulate the internal organs, he needs medical ninjas to have very delicate operations on the chakras, and most people can’t see the internal organs, and need to have a very high understanding of the body.

Moreover, it is necessary to perceive the affected area to carry out targeted treatment. This is a very difficult medical ninjutsu. There are not many people in Konoha Village who have this kind of technology to find out.

Even the person in charge of the medical department is not sure that he can use this trick to completely eliminate the poison in the poisoned person. It is hard to imagine that Mo Nan, who is only 6 years old, has such a level. Thinking of this, the head of the medical department couldn’t help but blush, a little ashamed, he was not as good as a 6-year-old child, and then he told Nara Takuma what he knew.

Is it impossible to rely on Mo Nan alone? Takuma Nara felt embarrassed, and his expression gradually became bad.(Read more @ Nan looked at Nara Takuma’s ugly expression and knew that he was worried about what he was worried about. He has a good understanding of Konoha’s medical ninja, and there are people who have mastered the technique of Xi Xixue extraction. But because it is very troublesome to use, there are very few people who can actually operate it. He also relied on the extremely strong observation ability of the writing wheel eye and the perceptual ability attached to the kaleidoscope awakening to successfully operate.

Prior to this, Mo Nan only knew two people, one was Tsunade, and the other was Uchiha Nan’s mother Uchiha Saki.

Nan’s mother is gone, Tsunade left the village, and he is actually the only one who can successfully operate it, Mo Nan. It is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of people poisoned by Konoha. His chakra is limited, and the number of people he can heal is also limited.

Even with Mo Nan’s shadow avatar technique, it is impossible to save everyone. Moreover, people continue to be poisoned. Even if Mo Nan died of exhaustion, after a part of his treatment, the remaining more people would have died. .

Mo Nan understands this, and the two persons in charge of the camp also understand. Now there is no clue about the synthesis of antidote. If the extraction technique is the only way, many people will still sacrifice. And this war, Konoha basically lost, this is the reason why they are so worried.

However, Mo Nan has other ways. The reason why other medical ninjas can’t master the extraction technique is not how difficult the number itself is, but because there are too many points to consider in operation, the failure rate is high, and once they fail The side effects may be fatal.

Mo Nan will not fail because he has a writing wheel and a strong sense of perception, so he can easily judge where he needs key treatment. In addition, he has excellent control of Chakras, those organs that are less infected or are prone to errors, he just needs to be careful.After Mo Nan successively healed some people, he also summed up some experience. He found that although each poisoned person was injured at a different location, the more severely infected areas were generally the same. If he heals more people and sums up more experience, he should be able to develop a complete set of treatment plans that can be used to detoxify the disease by extracting the disease.

At that time, even if other people don’t have Mo Nan’s perception ability, as long as the medical ninja strictly follows the plan made by Mo Nan, concentrates on healing the more serious organs of those infected, and avoids the places that are prone to problems.

Although this will lead to incomplete disinfection, the detoxification effect will not be as good as Mo Nan’s, but it can also play a big role. At least it can delay a considerable period of time, creating greater opportunities for the development of antidote.

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Nan hurriedly told the two leaders of the camp his plan. Many things are inconvenient on his own, he needs all the medical ninjas in the camp to cooperate with him.

The two heads of the camp were still at a loss. They have even foreseen the tragic situation that Konoha will face after the defeat, and how they will face the accusations in the village. Maybe they are going to commit suicide and apologize just like the white teeth elders back then.

Even if you don’t mention that far away, just seeing so many companions struggling in pain, the only thing waiting for them is death, and both of them feel very uncomfortable.

After listening to Mo Nan’s plan, although there are still many uncertainties in the plan, for example, can Mo Nan come up with an excellent treatment plan? Is his treatment plan useful? And what role can others play after using this method? These all need some time to observe and verify.

But they were all gone. Mo Nan pointed out a direction for them somehow, and it was the only way. They discussed briefly and decided to follow Mo Nan’s method.

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