Chapter 36 – Dilemma

According to Nara Takuma’s order, the ninjas in the entire camp must cooperate with Mo Nan’s planned actions. First, the medical ninjas must separate them according to the symptoms of the poisoned person.

They themselves use traditional methods to help the milder patients stabilize their condition and prolong their lives. For the heavier ones, Mo Nan uses his own method for thorough treatment. With the maximum guarantee, the efficiency of poisoning and detoxification for the entire camp.

In order to improve efficiency, Mo Nan used 10 shadow clones, and when he completely cured all the ninjas with severe poisoning symptoms in the camp, he couldn’t help but sweat. I haven’t used 10 shadow avatars in practice before. In the past year, although his chakra has improved a little, it’s not too much. It was very tiring to produce 5 shadow avatars. Ten out of them almost made him collapse into a coma. It’s almost more exhausting than the days when Kai was madly practicing ninjutsu.

When his chakra is not enough, several other medical ninjas will use ninjutsu to help him recover the chakra, so that Menan can recover faster and heal other people as soon as possible. Even so, the progress of Mo Nan’s treatment could not keep up with the speed at which the symptoms of the ninjas got worse, and more and more people were getting serious.

In fact, Mo Nan is not without other methods, he still has three phantoms that can perform medical ninjutsu. The Chakra possessed by the phantom body is almost stronger than the current Mo Nan body. With the help of these three clones, Mo Nan’s healing efficiency must be greatly accelerated.

But the reason why Mo Nan worked so desperately was only because of his professionalism in his previous life and in order to make a good impression in the hearts of the villagers and high-level people. He was unwilling to expose his biggest secrets for a few strangers.

Although Mo Nan has worked very hard these past few days, the results have been gratifying. After continuously detoxifying a large number of poisoned people, his knowledge about this toxin has become more and more abundant. It is also completely clear where the toxin will cause more severe symptoms and where it is milder.

Moreover, after this period of time, it has been proved that the patients he himself personally treated have indeed fully recovered, and the little residual poison in the body that was initially treated was completely killed by the autoimmune system without recurring attacks. It is completely successful to deal with this toxin with the technique of extraction.Mo Nan formulated a detailed treatment plan based on his own experience, and personally taught and supervised the use of other medical ninjas.

The process of treatment is very painful. Others do not have the level of illusion skills like Mo Nan can play the role of hypnosis, and the use of anesthesia is afraid of affecting the treatment effect. They can only allow other ninjas to hold the patient’s hands and feet to force control of his movements before they can perform operations on him.

As a result, as Mo Nan had expected, the people treated by other medical ninjas did not fully recover, and there were still a lot of toxins left in their bodies. With the subsequent treatment, there is no way to completely eliminate it. After a long time, it will break out again, and then it will have to be treated again.

This will have great disadvantages. Repeated treatment will cause patients to experience pain repeatedly, and they will not be able to regain combat effectiveness. Over time, it may even cause some permanent damage and cannot eradicate toxins, so this treatment method is only a stopgap measure.

Even so, it surprised everyone. The original method wouldn’t be delayed for long and it would be poisoned to death. Although Mo Nan’s method was painful and troublesome, as long as he treated the poisoned ninja, he could survive for a long time.

When the time comes, whether it is to think of other ways or to find an antidote, there will be plenty of time, and it will not be as nervous as before.

Mo Nan quickly spread this treatment to the entire camp, and the conditions of all the poisoned ninjas were stabilized, and their lives were no longer in danger.

After other camps heard about it, they also hoped to master this treatment method to ease their situation. After Nara Takuma got their request, he hurriedly asked Mo Nan to discuss.(Read more @ method was pioneered by Mo Nan, and he is the only one who can perfectly master it. If he wants to pass on this method, I am afraid that Mo Nan himself will teach it in various camps.

But Mo Nan is only one person. There are dozens of large and small camps in the Konoha Wind Kingdom battlefield. How long does it take for Mo Nan to reach so many places by himself, and it takes time to teach the medical ninjas there to master his The treatment plan.

After Mo Nan learned of this, he promised that he would pass this method to all the camps in time. Tuozhen wondered what Mo Nan could do.

I saw Mo Nan used the technique of multiple shadow avatars to separate 20 avatars. With so many avatars, he could quickly transfer the treatment methods to various camps.

Takuma Nara was shocked to see that Mo Nan could separate so many shadow clones. It was not amazing to be able to separate dozens or hundreds of clones. Many people could do it, but he didn’t expect Mo Nan to be so young. There is such a big chakra.

However, there is another fatal problem. The shadow clone should not be too far away from the main body, otherwise the supply of Chakra will become unstable and the clone technique will end. Even if Mo Nan can separate so many clones, can he guarantee that the clones can rush to other camps that far away.

It is true that ordinary people’s clones cannot be too far away from themselves, and how far they can be from the main body depends on their mastery of the shadow clone technique. Mo Nan could send the shadow clone to a far place, thanks to his father Uchiha Qianye in this life.

Mo Nan’s father is an intelligence detection ninja. The way he detects intelligence is to use the shadow clone to track the opponent, and to know the information through the round eyes, and then remove the shadow clone, so that there is no trace of his tracking and no one can find it. In order to track down the enemy without revealing himself, Chiba has practiced the shadow clone technique extremely well.Hua followed in his father’s footsteps and inherited this excellent shadow clone technique. And after he was absorbed by Mo Nan, Mo Nan also mastered the method to use the shadow clone technique at a long distance.

After Mo Nan awakened Hua’s kaleidoscope, he found that his mastery of the shadow clone technique had become more powerful. Probably because it is necessary to transmit chakras over long distances to communicate with phantoms, which is similar to the method of transmitting chakras between shadow clones. It improves the ability to use the clones at a distance, and how far Mo Nan himself can be. do not know either.

After getting Mo Nan’s repeated assurances, Tuo Zhen finally believed that Mo Nan could really keep the shadow clone far away from him. He quickly found some idle ninja squads to protect Mo Nan’s shadow clone and travel to various camps.

It didn’t take long for Mo Nan’s shadow clone to successfully reach the camps. He taught his experience of dealing with this toxin to all the medical ninjas in the camps, and personally helped some of the ninjas with severe symptoms to completely heal them.

After Mo Nan took back all the shadow clones, he learned that the clones had successfully passed on his experience to all camps, and Konoha no longer needed to worry that someone would be killed because of this toxin.

However, the poisoned person is basically equal to the loss of combat capability, and it is difficult to recover afterwards. It is also unlikely that Mo Nan will remove all the poisoned people by himself. Therefore, it is still urgent to develop an antidote.

Mo Nan’s new method can be delayed for a long time, so Konoha also started to develop the antidote again. But even if Mo Nan had a better understanding of this poison, the progress of the antidote development was still very slow.

Once the ninjas were poisoned, except for the part that Mo Nan cured, everyone else would almost be abolished. Konoha was at war with the Four Kingdoms at the same time, and the manpower was already tense. A large number of ninjas were poisoned and lost the battle, which made Konoha’s war pressure more and more intense.

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