Chapter 105 is all done!!

A month ago, after eliminating the ape Hinata and the others, Naruto Uzumaki sent someone to start investigating the whereabouts of Tsunade.

By now,

Finally there is news of the Tsunade Hand.

“Go to the Naruto Building.”

After Naruto Uzumaki sends Sakura and Hinata home, they arrive at the Naruto Building.

Inside Naruto’s office,

Shiraiya, Kiki Kakashi, Nara Shikaku and others were already waiting.

“Yo, Naruto, you’re finally here.”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki, he also said hello excitedly.

“Everyone should already know the thing.”

“This time, it’s up to me to get the gangster back.”

Naruto Uzumaki went straight to the subject.

After finding Tsunade back, he can go to infiltrate the AkatsukiOrganization, and Huiyi will be able to go to the front door, Uchiha and the others.

“Naruto, do you really want Lord Tsunade to be the next Naruto?”

Nara Shikaku frowned.

Love to gamble, love to drink.

Grumpy. I also got a phobia.

Such a ninja,

It’s not suitable to be Naruto.


In the spirit of being responsible for the wooden leaves,

Although it was known that this might offend Naruto Uzumaki and Shiraiya.

Nara Shikahisa still raised his own doubts.

“You don’t know, Tsunade is like me, although he looks unreliable, but he is actually a very powerful ninja.”

“If she becomes Naruto, she will definitely be able to govern the village well.”

He listened to Nara-Shikahisa’s words and began to explain it to Tsunade Tsunabe.


The tone doesn’t sound very bottomless.

“Naruto, Naruto is not a child’s play, we must treat it with caution, although I also admire Lord Tsunade, but…”

“Nothing, but that’s it.”

Naruto waved his hand to interrupt Nara-Shikahisa’s words.

“I see.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Nara Shikaku nodded, not continuing to insist on being a wise man,

Naturally, he knows what to do and what not to do.

As a consultant,

He can give his opinion.


When the rulers decide,

He is going to obey the will of those in power unconditionally.

The leaves of wood today are different from the past.

The prestige of Naruto in the wood leaves is unmatched.

Coupled with Naruto’s formidable strength.

He made decisions that others could only follow.

“Great, Naruto, I’ll go with you to get Tsunade back.”

Shirai also excitedly did it from Naruto’s position.

This month’s time can spoil him.

Every day, I have to deal with countless files, and I have to leaf it all the time.

“No, before Tsunade returns, you still need the teacher to handle the affairs of the village.”

“So, you better stay in Konoha.”

Naruto Uzumaki decisively rejects Uzumaki Shiraiya’s “kindness”. Joke

He went to find the Tsubasa this time,

I also want to capture the hearts of the Tsunade by the way.

If you go with the self,

Aren’t a lot of things getting troublesome?

This was also fortunate that he didn’t know Naruto’s inner thoughts.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will jump up and fight with Naruto in the whirlpool.


I treat you like a relative, but you want to rob me of my goddess! I really want to “filial piety” to die I am!

“Then you go back quickly.”

“I’m going to go all over the ninja world to get materials.”

He waved impatiently at the crowd.

I miss the carefree days of the past.

“If you come and go, then we’ll quit.”

Leaving the Naruto Building, Naruto walked over to Kiki Kakashi’s side.

“Teacher, recently you have been the head of the Dark Department for the time being.”

“When the ferret returns, I’ll let him take your place.”

Ever since he had eliminated the ape Hinata and Shimura Tunzang, Naruto Uzumaki had begun his plan to take control of Konoha.


That was his first goal.

Konoha though is nominally a village.

But Konoha actually has a very large system.

If you want to completely control Konoha, you can’t just have great strength.

You also need to cultivate your own power!

The Ape Flying Sun Slash and the Wave Feng Shui Men are a good example.

After the abdication of the ape flying sun, the wave feng shui men became the fire shadow on the open side of the village.

But the wave of wind and water gates without roots does not have any power of its own.


On the night that Nine Tails attacked Konoba.

The ape was surrounded by dark parts.

Bo Feng Shui Men can only fight their own.

Of course

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t need these forces to strengthen his deterrent.

He just wanted to control the wooden leaves more easily.


If you don’t have a confidant, you will fight with the people below all day,

To be annoyed is to be bored.

And now,

In the absence of Uchiha Mustela,

Kiki Kakashi was undoubtedly the best person to integrate the Dark Ministry for him.

“Ahh… Suddenly I remembered that I still had a lot of things to do. ”

Kiki Kakashi muttered and turned to leave… When the Minister of Darkness?

With this time, he would rather see the intimate paradise a few more times.

“Kakashi sensei, show you a good thing.”

Hearing Kiki Kakashi’s words, Naruto Uzumaki took out a pamphlet from his arms.

Since the last time he had seen Intimate Paradise, Naruto Uzumaki had despised the description of that kind of “childishness”.

Let all ninjas mention the intimate paradise that will be red-faced, just like that?


When Naruto was idle, he took out a little time,

I wrote some of the “classic books” I read in combination with the customs and customs of the world of Naruto.

I also drew the illustrations thoughtfully.

People who are ready to let this world open their eyes.

Seeing the pamphlet in Naruto’s hand, Kiki Kakashi was still a little dismissive.

This little devil,

Wouldn’t he want to bribe him with something that looks like a roadside stall?

Just kidding, it’s also too small to look at him.


At Naruto’s warm invitation, Kiki Kakashi casually flipped over.

Followed by

Kimu Kakashi stood still.

This… This… This………

Good excitement!!!

Looking at the contents of the pamphlet, Kimu Kakashi was red-faced.

Nosebleeds almost gushed out.

Compared to this, Intimate Heaven is just scum! For the first time,

Kiki Kakashi developed a feeling of seeing each other and hating a book.

“Naruto… Where did you get this book?! ”

Kiki Kakashi asked Naruto Whirlpool in his mouth.


But he looked at the pamphlet in his hand without blinking.

“It doesn’t matter where it came from.”

“Just grant me what I just asked, and the book will be yours.”

“How’s it going?”

Taking the book back from Kiki Kakashi’s hand, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.


Still can’t pinch you?

“How’s it going?”

“Bring it to you!”

Kiki Kakashi took the book back from Naruto Uzumaki’s hand.

Then he sped in the direction of his home.

Tonight, it looks like something is going to be done.

“Don’t be too late, remember to go to work on time tomorrow!”

Looking at Kiki Kakashi’s back, Naruto Uzumaki clapped his hands.

All right

Everything has been arranged.


It’s time to look for that beautiful lady with a poor chest.

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