Chapter 106 The Great Fat Sheep Gang Hand!!

“Remember, this is the first time an adult has come.”

“There must be no mistakes.”

“Got it?”

The Land of Waves, in a luxurious building.

No more chopping and giving the final words to his subordinates.


They receive a message.

Lord Naruto Uzumaki, he is about to arrive in the Land of Waves.

“If you don’t cut off the adult, who is this adult?”

“Can I see you?”

After listening to the words of no more chopping, Cardodo on the side asked cautiously.

“Hmm, do you think you have the qualifications?”

“Tell you, let your men stop a little lately.”

“If you annoy the adult, no one can save you.”

After being reprimanded no more, Cardodo did not look unhappy.

“Rest assured, I will not let the adults down.”

“Then you go down.”

At Momoji’s gesture not to chop again, Cardodo led his men away.

He knows

The reason why he had everything he had now was that he was not locked up in a dark, damp basement.

All because of the fact that Momochi never cut off the adult in his mouth.


Although the adult did not intend to receive him, he did not dare to be careless at all.

“It’s exciting to finally meet Lord Naruto Uzumaki again.”

“Hey, Oni Boy Maru, do you see how I look this dress?”

“Don’t stink beautifully, don’t you think Naruto Uzumaki can look up to a guy like you?”

“What do you say?!”

“Okay, don’t argue anymore.”

Watching the Ghost Boy Maru and the others quarrel again, it was a little displeased not to cut it again.

These little devils,

Every day, I can quarrel over various things.

“Yes, don’t cut the adults again.”

Seeing that they were no longer angry, the four people also realized their own problems.


Decisively closed his mouth.

“Hmm… This place is really nice. ”


There was a chuckle in the room.

The crowd sniffed and looked,

Naruto found that Naruto did not know when he had appeared in the room.

“Lord Naruto Uzumaki!”

No more waiting for the ninjas to kneel on one knee and respectfully greet the arrival of Naruto Uzumaki.

“Don’t cut it again, I won’t see you for a long time.”

Naruto said hello and sat down casually.

No more chopping of this residence prepared for him, ten luxuries.

It is probably the most luxurious residence in the Wave Kingdom.

From the outside,

It’s like a palace.

“Lord Naruto Uzumaki, this is our current power.”

“This is a breakdown of all the earnings since we took control of the Wave Country.”

Without any more respect, he put the information he had prepared long ago in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

After casually flipping through the information a few times, Naruto Uzumaki lost interest.

Although the power of the Wave Kingdom is no longer responsible.


There were also people with the Great Snake Pill who balanced each other.


Naruto Uzumaki didn’t worry about any crooked thoughts if he didn’t chop again.

“These things you and the Great Snake Pill just go to dock.”

“What I asked you to prepare, you should be ready, right?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, he quickly took out ten large boxes from behind without chopping.

“I’m ready.”

“It’s a billion cash, and if it’s not enough, the Lord can tell me at any time.”

Seeing the money in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.


The decision to let no longer take over Cardo’s forces was indeed very correct.

Right now

There were probably few people in the entire ninja world who were richer than him.

“Okay, you’ll just do what you do, leave me alone.”

Putting away the billion, Naruto got up and left.

The woman who will lose every gamble,

It is not known how much foreign debt has been owed.

With this billion,

He was more certain to take the Tsubasa.

A luxurious casino in the Land of Waves.

Dozens of people were gathered around a table, staring closely at the dice on the table.


A woman with blond hair,

Throw the last bit of money in your hand on the table.

“This time!”

“Lord Tsunade is our last bit of money, are you sure?”

Next to Tsubasa, Shizune held a little pink pig, a worried face.

“Rest assured, this time you will be able to win the bet!”

“Shizune, you have to believe in my strength.”

It’s because of your strength that I’m worried! Who doesn’t know that you are famous for being a big fat sheep!

Looking at the confident Tsubasa, Shizune pouted.

Forty games in a row have been lost.

Shizune really couldn’t understand that someone’s luck could be so bad.

“Okay, buy and leave!”


After everyone has made all their bets.

The dealer then picked up the bowl covered with dice.

“Four o’clock!”


“Depend, are you out of the ordinary?”

“Want to pit the old lady, believe it or not, the old lady demolished your shop?!”

Looking at the dice at only four o’clock, Tsunade angrily grabbed the dealer’s clothes out of ten small in a row, this is not what the old dry is?

“Oh, Lord Tsunade, how dare we go out with you!”

Looking at the grumpy Tsubasa, the person who was caught waved his hand in grievance.

The people who open casinos are some guys who are very discerning.

Who can mess with and who can’t,

They know very well.

Although they also have ninjas behind their backs,


Even if you lend them ten guts,

They didn’t dare to provoke a ninja like Tsunade either.

“I don’t believe it!”

“Quick, borrow me another million, or you’ll look good!”

Tsunade naturally knows that the other party is not out of the ordinary,

However, she has no money, but she will not care about these things.

Under the coercion and temptation of the gangster, in the end,

The casino people borrowed her a million.

This makes Gang satisfied.

“Your Honor, if all this money is lost, then we will be sleeping on the streets tonight.”

Seeing that Tsunade was still gambling, Shizune quickly stopped him.

“Rest assured, I can’t always lose, can I?”


“Okay, it’s no big deal to stay in the country of waves, and this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened anyway.”

Tsunade had already made up his mind.

If you lose all this money, then stay in another place.


Looking at Tsunade Hand, Shizune sighed helplessly.

They can’t remember exactly how many places they owed too much gambling debt.

And so on.

The entire ninja world probably has no place for them.


Tsunade wouldn’t listen to her.


With the blessing that every gamble must lose,

The borrowed one million was also lost by the gangsters.

Looking at the expressions of those people in the casino who wanted to cry without tears, it was not good for Tsunade to continue to borrow money.

So, he made an IOU and prepared to turn and leave.


She wasn’t going to pay it back.

Tomorrow, leave the land of waves.

Just as Tsunade was about to leave the casino, he was confronted by a little ghost with yellow hair.

Madarag! With a muffled sound,

The yellow-haired teenager was instantly buried between a pair of giant peaks.

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