Chapter 107 What a terrible omen!!

With a muffled sound,

Naruto was plunged into darkness.

Followed by

A unique scent entered Naruto’s nose.

“I lean on!”

“What the hell?”

“I can’t breathe!”

Naruto struggled for a moment.

Why is it just fine, and suddenly it is dark?

“Hey, you little devil!”

Before Naruto could figure out what was going on, he was pushed away.

And then

Naruto’s vision was restored.

Caught in the eye,

It’s Tsunade Tsunade’s beautiful face.

“Hey, little devil, is this the place you should be in?”

Although he was taken advantage of by Naruto Uzumaki, Tsunade was not so angry.

In her opinion,

Naruto Uzumaki is just a little ghost.

“This kind of place, if you have money, you can come.”

Naruto snorted softly and then continued walking towards the inside of the casino.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade rolled his eyes and then blocked Naruto Uzumaki again.

“What are you going to do?”

Looking at the Tsunade in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki was a little confused.

“What a rude little ghost.”

“If you hit someone, don’t you need to compensate for a little medical expenses?”

Tsunade hit Naruto with the idea.

This little ghost,

Taking money is only being cheated by others,

It’s better to give it to me and let me win back my money.

“Cut, look at you as an idiot who lost all your money.”

“What do you say?!”

Naruto Uzumaki said this, Tsunade felt that his face was a little unbearable, and he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to teach the little ghost in front of him a lesson.

“Okay, I can sponsor you with a little money.”

“Come with me.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and walked into the casino.

“Interesting little ghost.”

Tsunade saw it and followed Naruto into the vortex.

Walking to the gambling table, Naruto Uzumaki casually took out ten million.

Seeing the money,

Tsunade eyes are about to glow.

She didn’t think of anything, a little fart,

There would be so much money!

“Give, this is for you.”

Naruto Uzumaki casually gave Tsunade a hundred thousand.

“Yes, little devil.”

“Today sister takes you to win them all!”

There was gambling money again, and the mood of the gangster was obviously better.

Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly, waiting for the next gamble to begin.

Didn’t wait long,

The second bet begins.

Tsunade just wanted to bet when he was stopped by Naruto Uzumaki.

“Wait a minute.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade was a little confused.


She didn’t ask much.


After the others had all finished their bets, Naruto Uzumaki said to Tsunade Tsubasa.

“Okay, you can bet.”

When he heard this, he threw the 100,000 in his hand on the gambling table.

And then

Naruto Uzumaki then took out a million bets on the other side of the Tsunade Hand.

“Little devil, what do you mean by that?”

Seeing Naruto’s movements, Tsunade said breathlessly.

“It’s not interesting, just trying to win money.”

Naruto said calmly.

As a result, Naruto Uzumaki won.

“Now, this is a hundred thousand, go ahead the way you did last time.”

After collecting the money, Naruto Uzumaki put another 100,000 in Tsunade Hand’s hand.

“Hey, you little devil, do you look down on me?”

Looking at the money in his hand, Tsunade felt insulted.


This is to determine that she can’t win once, right?

“Or else?”

Naruto rolled his eyes.

What level do you have no points yourself?

“Hmm, don’t be too arrogant.”

“You’ll regret it!”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s appearance, Tsunade snorted in disbelief.

Betting against her, right?

She wants to see who can laugh to the end! Next

More than a dozen consecutive rounds were placed, and without exception, all of them lost.

In the end,

Everyone else noticed the anomaly.

As long as you bet against the program, it will be a win!

Look at this little yellow-haired ghost, from the beginning to the present, he has not lost a game!

Everyone was waiting with their eyes wide open.


At one point, no one was betting on it.

“You bastards!”

“See what I’m doing?!”

Seeing the eyes of the crowd, Tsunade was a little annoyed and angry.

Did you really think of her as a cash cow?


She is also a veteran of the casino for many years.

No one believes she can win now! She doesn’t want face?!

At this moment,

Tsunade felt that his dignity had been insulted.

The mentality is a bit broken.

“Lord Tsunade, I don’t think we’ll play today.”

Seeing this scene, the silence of the mill couldn’t help it.

Covering his mouth and laughing softly.

“Hmm, it’s all you little devil!”

Tsunade blamed all these things on Naruto Uzumaki’s head.

If it weren’t for this little devil today,

She wouldn’t have that kind of foreign appearance.

“I can’t be blamed for that.”

“Because you can see it when you look at it.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade looked a little confused.

“What do you see?”


Naruto glanced at Tsunade Tsunade and shook his head.

It’s too fierce,

No wonder the luck is so bad! Such a person,

However, it is easy to cause “blood and light disasters” to men.

“No, today I let you win so much money, you have to score some points I see the situation today is not able to continue to gamble.”

But Tsunade didn’t want Naruto to go away like this.


Naruto Uzumaki used her to win so much money that he could score some points for her.

“So how much do you want?”

Looking at Tsunade Tsubasa, Naruto Uzumaki asked with a smile.

“Hmm… At least a million! ”

Tsunade thought for half a day and held out a finger.


Naruto Uzumaki smiled, then took out a million and handed it to Tsunade Hand.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki so cheerful, Tsunade was momentarily confused.

A million was just something she said casually.

In her heart,

Find Naruto Uzumaki for about 100,000 or so, so that she won’t be sleeping on the street for the next few days.


I didn’t expect Naruto Uzumaki to actually give her a million!

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Tsunade look, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.


Tsubasa, who originally thought it would be very violent, was obsessed with money, and there was something unexpectedly cute.

“Didn’t… It’s nothing! ”

After taking the money, Tsunade was in a good mood.

This million can make her gamble for a few more days.

“Hey, little devil, where is your home, I’ll send you back.”

Tsunade suddenly spoke.

Hearing Tsunade speak, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.


It’s still very good.

In a place like the Land of Waves,

A teenage kid with so much money can’t meet any good things.

At least

In Naruto’s perception, in the dark,

More than a dozen guys are already eyeing him.

“It’s still too early and I don’t want to go home.”

“I know a kebab shop tastes good, let’s go together.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade could only nod.

The person hiding in the shadows, she had already perceived.

If she just goes,

Then the situation of this little devil in front of him was dangerous.

At this point,

Tsunade doesn’t know yet,

This little ghost in front of her eyes,

It is Naruto the Vortex of the Ninja Realm…. Still.

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