Chapter 108 Endure or whatever, it makes no difference to me!!

For those who were stalking in the dark, Naruto Uzumaki naturally ignored them.

If these people really dare to do anything crooked to him,

That’s really looking for death.

Led by Naruto Uzumaki, Tsunade and Shizune quietly followed.


A few people came to a darker alley.

“Hey, boy, we’re better off the road.”

Seeing the path of the whirlpool Naruto Obito, Tsunade frowned.

If the enemy hiding in the shadows wants to strike, this kind of alley,

But the most suitable place.

“Ahh… Here is the fastest route. ”

“Rest assured, nothing will happen.”

Naruto Uzumaki smiled for a moment, then continued to walk forward.

Tsunade gently skimmed his lips and slowly followed.

Just as several people walked to the middle of the alley, five masked men in black suddenly appeared.

Naruto Uzumaki wrapped his bags up behind and out.

“Hey hey, there is a way in heaven you don’t go, it seems that today is destined to be the luck of the brothers.”

The man in black laughed strangely.

While at the casino, they set their sights on Naruto Uzumaki.

If you snatch the money from Naruto’s hand, it will also be a lot of income.

The point is, don’t take any risks yet.

“You guys, do you know who I am?”

Tsunade saw this and stepped forward to block Naruto Uzumaki.


“The famous big fat sheep.”

“Just so let’s open a few of them today.”

Looking up and down, several men dressed in black all let out lewd laughter.

Hearing the words of these people, the Tsunade knew that the other party probably did not know his name at all.


Nor could he have the audacity to attack himself.

“It’s too late for you to go now, otherwise I won’t spare my men later!” Tsunade finished speaking and stomped on the ground. ”


The whole ground cracked into a spider’s web.

I thought this trick would scare off the other party, but,

I didn’t expect the other party to have the slightest fear.

“Let’s go together, fight and make a quick decision!”

With the order of the leading man, the five men in black quickly rushed towards the Gang Hand and the others.


Very fast!

“Be careful.”

“I’m afraid these guys are all difficult to deal with!”

Seeing the speed of several people, Tsunade was shocked.

This speed has completely reached the speed of Shangnin.


Is it for yourself?! Because

Although Naruto has won a lot in the casino, but,

However, it was impossible to attract five Shangnin to shoot at the same time.

It’s too late to think about it.

The five men then came to the Tsubasa and launched a fierce attack on the Program,

The Tsunade is more certain.

These five guys are well-trained and strong.

It is also very tacit to cooperate.

Definitely not an ordinary wandering ninja.


Even in the face of the attack of the five Shangnin, the Tsunade did not fall into the inferior wind at all.

Instead, the five black-clad ninjas were defeated.

“Kill the others first!”

Seeing that they couldn’t take down Tsunade for a moment, the five black-clad ninjas separated into two ninjas and rushed towards Shizune and Naruto Uzumaki.

Only three remained, responsible for dragging the Tsubasa.

“Mute, run!”

Seeing this scene, Tsunade was anxious.

Although she wanted to go to the rescue, she was dragged by three ninjas.

Through the battle she had just fought, she had determined the strength of the enemy.

These five people,

All possess the strength of Shangnin.


The ninja at the head of the group,

It also has the strength of elite ninja.

And mute,

It’s just a special ninja strength. Definitely not the opponents of these two Shangnin.


As soon as they fought, the silence was dangerous.

“You guys, go and die first!”

It didn’t take long for Shizune to be knocked to the ground by the black-clad ninja.

The next second,

You will be stabbed in half by the other party!


At this time, Tsunade finally let go of the worries in his heart.

The instantaneous technique was performed and came to the front of Shizune.

Rumble! A loud Madarag.

The pink fist with great power immediately pierced the chest of the ninja in front of him.

And then,

A large amount of warm blood sprayed all over Tsubasa’s body.

“Blood… Blood……”

Looking at so much blood, Tsunade felt that his body had lost its strength in an instant.

The whole person is on the verge of a kind of collapse.

Tsunade Tsunade has an outbreak!

“I didn’t expect that the three ninjas of the famous Zhen Ninja Realm would actually be afraid of blood!”

“I said why are you so hesitant when you first shoot?”

“It was so nice!”

Seeing Tsunade look, the black ninja laughed a few times.

Not caring at all about his companions who had just died.

“Who the hell are you?”

Shizune stopped in front of Tsunade and asked.


The other party did not have any answer to her meaning.

“Go and die!”

The leader of the black ninjas wasn’t going to waste any more time.

The strength of the Tsunade was stronger than he had imagined.

Or a quick battle.


Shizune desperately blocked in front of Tsubasa,

Unfortunately, just one trick,

He was kicked out by the black-clad ninja.

And Tsunade hand,

It was as if it had completely fallen into an illusion.

Ignoring the black-clad ninja holding a long knife in front of him.

There was no point in resisting at all.

Seeing that Tsunade was about to die here, Shizune closed her eyes in despair.


First there was a muffled sound.

Madarag! Madarag!

Madarag! Three more muffled sounds.

Followed by

A gentle voice came from my ear.

“If you still have the strength, just stand up on your own.”

Look up,

Naruto Uzumaki had already picked up the weak Tsunade in the way of a princess.

The four black-clad ninjas who had just been arrogant had already fallen to the ground, without the breath of life.

“This… This is……?! ”

Seeing this scene, Shizune opened her mouth in disbelief.

The moment she closed her eyes,

What the hell is going on?

“Keep up.”

Vortex Naruto’s voice and let Shizune come back to life.

And then

Shizune followed with a look of doubt.

“You… Just because you knocked these people down? ”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“However, their strength is all forbearance…”

Mute still can’t believe it,

Four upper ninjas, one of which is still an elite upper ninja.

Such strength can be solved in an instant by a teenager who looks so young.

“Well… In my eyes, there is no difference. ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Shizune was completely stunned.

How confident it is to be able to say such a thing!

If the other person said so, Shizune must have thought that the other person was a guy who liked to talk big.


What just happened in front of me, this teenager in front of me,

I really have the confidence to say these words.

Looking at Naruto’s sunny and handsome face, Shizune suddenly blushed a little.

I just performed,

It must be terrible.

“Hey, you can’t go yet?”

Seeing that Shizune was frozen again, Naruto Uzumaki urged impatiently.

“Ahh… I’m sorry, I’m rude. ”

“How do you feel like you’re stupid?”

“I’m sorry, that… I’ll take a look at it. ”

“No, I’m a man, it’s okay to work hard.”

“No matter what, you just saved us, so it’s up to me.”

“Shut up!”


Seeing the silence finally quiet, Naruto Uzumaki nodded with satisfaction.

Looking at the hand that has closed its eyes and is still trembling from time to time,

Naruto smiled slightly.

At this time, take advantage of yourself,

Tsunade shouldn’t be aware of it, right?

Such a good opportunity, Naruto did not want to let it go.

He didn’t want to be a decent man.

Since he had saved the life of the Tsubasa, it was a matter of course to collect some interest.

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