Chapter 109 The melon is not sweet, eat it to know!!

Wave Country,

Inside a tavern.

Tsunade was staring at Naruto Uzumaki with a serious face.

“Say, what the hell are you?”

Now Tsunade has returned to normal from the effects of the phobia.

Looking at this little yellow-haired ghost in front of you,

Tsunade gritted his teeth.

This little devil on the other side dared to take advantage of her when she was weakest! If it’s not because you want to figure out the identity of the other person,

Tsunade had already punched the other person in the face.

“Naruto Uzumaki.”

Looking as if he were going to eat people, Naruto Uzumaki shrugged.

He was also speechless.

Originally, when I thought that Tsunade was guilty of hemophobia, I didn’t expect that I didn’t know anything.

The other party is just weak and will be afraid to the point of trembling.


It’s quite sober.

“You’re Naruto Uzumaki?!”

Before Tsunade could speak, Shizune cried out in surprise.


“What do you do in a panic?”

“But… The name Naruto Uzumaki seems to be very familiar. ”



Tsunade was also taken aback.

“Lord Tsunade, Naruto Uzumaki!”

“Recently, the famous Konoha Super Genius of the Ninja Realm!”

Mute didn’t think about it,

This little ghost who looks so young in front of you,

It turned out to be Naruto Uzumaki who had recently attracted much attention in the ninja world!

“Mute, tell me.”

Since leaving Konoha, Tsunade has been drinking alcohol every day except gambling.


I don’t know anything about what has happened in the ninja world recently.

“Yes, Lord Tsunade.”

Under the silent explanation, Tsunade s eyes grew wider and wider.

This little devil in front of you,

How could so many appalling things have been done? Defeat Ichigo,

Successfully reborn from the dirt of the first generation of Naruto and the second generation of Naruto saved Konoha by his own strength,

Pulled the wooden leaf back from the brink of destruction.

“Is this really fake?”

Tsunade asked a question that she herself thought was stupid.


She just couldn’t help but want to confirm it again.

“It’s true, Lord Tsunade!”

Shizune hugged the dolphin and said excitedly.

“You little devil…”

Looking at the harmless whirlpool Naruto in front of him, the anger in Tsunade palms had long since dissipated.

Naruto Uzumaki,

It is the child of Vortex Jiu Sinai.

And when Whirlpool Jiu Xinnai was still alive, the relationship between the two of them was very good.

“So, the target of those black ninjas is you?”

Knowing Naruto’s identity, Tsunade asked.


Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and pulled out from his arms a wanted notice with a portrait of Tsunade painted on it.

“These people are special bounty ninjas, and this time they are for your heads.”

“Tsunade you have to thank me for this.”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid you’d be a corpse by now.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade rolled his eyes.

“Little devil, don’t call me by my first name!”

“It’s rude.”

Tsunade muttered.

And then

Then he saw Naruto’s eyes dimmed.

“I grew up without parents, and no one taught me these things.”

“Don’t pretend, you weren’t as honest as you are when you took advantage of me.”

Tsunade snorted coldly.

“Ahh… Or because you are so beautiful. ”

Recognized by Tsunade Tsunade Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki was not embarrassed in the slightest.

“Che, I don’t know where you learned these things.”

Women have little resistance to words that praise their looks.

Even the Tsunade is no exception.

She knew that Naruto Uzumaki was saying something that was deliberately trying to please her.


Tsunade still couldn’t help but laugh.

“Say, what is the purpose of you coming to me this time?”

“After discussion in the village, it was decided that you should go back and succeed Naruto.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

Would he let himself succeed Naruto?

It’s not like the old guys in the village.

“Shimura Tunzang, turned to Koharu, Mito Menyan has all died at the hands of the Great Snake Maru.”

Naruto Uzumaki guessed what Tsunade was thinking.

Directly explain the current situation in the village.

By the way, the black cauldron that murdered the village elder was thrown at the body of the Great Snake Maru.

“I didn’t expect so many things to happen in the village.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade sighed.

For the ape flying sun, Shimura Tuanzang several people, Tsunade has a great deal of resentment in his heart.

If it weren’t for these few people, the Thousand Hands Clan wouldn’t have died.

Her brother,

The rope tree will not die inexplicably on the battlefield.


When he heard the news that all these people had died, he still couldn’t help but sigh a little in his heart.

“Naruto, you should have a big say in the village now, right?”

“Why did you choose to make me Naruto?”

Tsunade is very clever.

Based on what she just learned,

Naruto Uzumaki is in the village now, and I’m afraid it’s a no-brainer.

In that case,

So why did he choose to make himself the next Naruto? Before that, the two had never met.

As for Naruto Uzumaki innocence? Tsunade didn’t believe it.

“I need you to help me control the whole leaf on the surface.”

Naruto Uzumaki said straight to the point.

Sooner or later, these things will be known to the Tsunade Hand, and it is better to say them now.

After all the things about Konoha were settled, he would also infiltrate the AkatsukiOrganization and implement his plan.

I don’t have time to deal with trivial matters all day.

“Little devil, you don’t look like Watergate and Jiu Kunai at all.”

“I wouldn’t agree to that.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s ambitious words, Tsunade shook his head. Konoha had already broken her heart, and she didn’t want to go back at all.

Not to mention,

Or be a puppet of others.

“You better listen to my conditions and make a decision.”

Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth unhurriedly.

“Then tell me about it.”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s confident look, Tsunade asked curiously.

“I can help you resurrect someone.”

Naruto stared at Tsunade and said word by word.


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade’s mind suddenly went blank.

And then

Subconsciously touched the pendant on his chest.

“How’s it going?”

“Would you like to think about it now?”

Naruto Uzumaki knew that Tsunade would absolutely agree.

The death of the rope tree,

It is the most difficult thing for the Tsubasa to accept.

“Why should I trust you?”

Tsubasa’s voice was somewhat hoarse.

“Hmm… Just make a bet. ”

“Bet on me to deliver on my promise.”

Naruto Uzumaki smiled.

Now he had no way to resurrect the Senju Rope Tree.


When his plan is almost complete,

He will snatch Nagato’s reincarnation eye.


Using the art of reincarnation, resurrecting the Senju Rope Tree is a simple task.

“Little devil, this kind of thing is not used as a joke.”

Tsunade was still a little incredulous.

Resurrection of the dead, this kind of thing,

She had never heard of it!

“It sounds hard to believe, but I can do it.”

“And, the first time I saw you, I decided to let you be my woman.”

“So, I’m not going to lie to you.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s blunt words, Tsunade ‘s face visibly turned rosy.

When are you a woman? This little devil,

How long is the skin? Can such words also be spoken? But

Since the other party has this idea, it should not deceive itself, right?

Although he was a little embarrassed by Naruto’s words, he believed Naruto Yuuzuki’s words a little more.

“Do you know about dirt rebirth?”

“Before I officially resurrect the rope tree, I can reunite your sisters and brothers.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade once again couldn’t help but feel his heart racing.

Will you resurrect the rope tree through dirt rebirth first?

It seems to be a good choice too.

Really good idea,

Goodbye to the rope tree.

“But I have one condition.”

Naruto’s words pulled Tsunade back to reality.

“What conditions?”

Tsunade suppressed his excitement and asked.

“Tonight, sleep with me.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade couldn’t help but take a soft sip.

This little devil,

Who did you learn from?

How full of these colored things!

“How’s it going?”

“If you don’t agree, I won’t be strong.”

Looking at the bad smile on Naruto’s face, Tsunade became angry.

Since you are so noble in saying yourself, don’t put forward such conditions! Bastard!

From childhood to adulthood, what kind of people have seen.

But a guy with a black belly like Naruto Uzumaki, she was still seeing it for the first time.

Partially, the other party’s request,

She couldn’t say no.

“Sleep when you sleep, the old lady will still be afraid of you little devil?!”

Tsunade finished his breath and left first.

Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly and followed.

Twisted melon is not sweet?


The melon is not sweet, I know it after eating it.

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