After Chapter 111 I am fire, and Naruto is a shadow!!

“Today is the succession ceremony of Lord Tsunade, hurry up, there will be no place when it is late.”

“I didn’t expect that it was Lord Tsunade who became the fifth generation of Naruto, and I thought it would be Lord Naruto Uzumaki.”

“I heard that Lord Naruto Uzumaki thought he was too young, so he offered to let Lord Tsunade succeed Naruto.”

“Worthy of being Lord Naruto of the Vortex, such a heart, I don’t know how much wider than those few people in the ape flying sun!”

“Yeah, Ape Hinata and Shimura Tunzang, in order to consolidate their rights, I don’t know how many ninjas of Konohahave been killed!”

“Hmm, there are also the Ape Fei clan and the Shimura clan, how arrogant those two families were before, but now they are beginning to learn to be human beings with their tails clipped.”

“Wait, the people of these two races, sooner or later they will have to be cleaned up.”

Wooden leaves on the street.

The lights are bright and the people come and go.

It has been a month since Tsunade returned to the village.


It is the succession ceremony of the five generations of Naruto.

Almost all the people in the village came to the square in front of the Naruto Building.

The Naruto succession ceremony is arguably the most important ceremony in KonohaVillage, and no one wants to miss such an important moment.


The square was full of crowds.

“Your Honor, the time has come.”

Shizune handed Naruto’s robe to Tsunade and was very excited.

She never thought about it.


Lord Tsunade would turn out to be the fifth generation of Naruto.

“I see.”

After getting dressed, Tsunade went to the roof of the Naruto Building.

Over here

There are already many people waiting.

“Lord Tsunade!”

“Sister, you’re finally here!”

“Yo, Tsunade is a good one, you’re wearing this outfit.”

The dry hand rope tree, Zi Lai also waited for the people to see the Tsunade hand, and all of them said hello happily.

Among them, the Thousand Hands Rope Tree is the most exciting.

Become Naruto,

But his biggest dream ever.

Although this time it was not him who became Naruto, but,

Seeing his sister become Naruto, Senju Joki was very excited!

“Naruto, get ready.”

“I’ll surprise you later.”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, Tsunade snorted proudly.

After a month together,

Tsunade had completely regarded herself as Naruto’s woman.


Doing things also began to be considered for Naruto Uzumaki.

Although Naruto Uzumaki made it clear that he didn’t want to be Naruto, he put her in charge of Konoha.


Tsunade felt,

It was still necessary to give Naruto a name.


Obviously doing so many things for the village, but standing behind it in obscurity, Tsunade always felt wronged by Naruto Uzumaki.

“Hey, this is Naruto’s succession ceremony, don’t fool around.”

Hearing Tsunade’s words, Naruto Uzumaki raised an eyebrow.

What kind of moth does this woman want to do?

“Just wait and see.”

Tsunade chuckled.

Deliberately not saying what you intended.

Turning his head, he began to wait quietly for the ceremony to begin.

“Hey, Naruto, where did you get that book you gave me last time?”


Kiki Kakashi leaned against Naruto’s ear and said.

“I wrote it myself.”


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kiki Kakashi opened his mouth wide in shock.

“Naruto… Those touching stories… Those lifelike illustrations…”

“You wrote it all?”

Hearing Kiki Kakashi’s words, Naruto Uzumaki nodded.

Kakashi was completely stunned.


A feeling of awe arose for Naruto in the whirlpool.


Naruto is truly a genius! Compared to Naruto,

The adults are not enough to see at all.

At this moment,

Kimu Kakashi made up his mind.


Be sure to ask Naruto about this knowledge.

While the two were chatting, Naruto’s succession ceremony,

Finally it started.

In the cheers of the crowd,

Tsunade slowly appeared in front of everyone.

“Long live Lord Tsunade!”

“Hoorayo Naruto of the fifth generation!”

Amid the deafening cheers from the crowd, Tsunade took the Naruto Bucket, which symbolized Naruto’s full strength, from Uzumaki’s hand.

“Lord Tsunade is so pretty!”

“Yeah, especially the figure, it’s amazing.”

“I don’t know who can be blessed to marry Lord Tsunade as his wife.”

Looking at the heroic and sassy Tsunade Hand, everyone in the audience consciously clapped.

“Everybody be quiet.”

Tsunade fell silent, and the crowd fell silent again.

“Thank you all for your trust in making me a five-generation Naruto.”



“I will definitely lead the village to glory in the future!”

Tsunade delivered a series of inspiring speeches.

The atmosphere of the scene was pushed to the climax.

Just when everyone thought that the speech was nearing the end, the words of the Tsunade suddenly changed.

“However, everyone should not forget that there is another hero in Konoha.”

“His father was the fourth generation of Naruto, and his mother was the last Nine-Tailed Pillar Force.”

“These two people all sacrificed to protect our wooden leaves.”

“And he himself, even more from birth, became the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force in order to protect our wooden leaves.”

“Not long ago, it was even more saved from the Konoha leaf on the verge of destruction.”

“Now, you tell me out loud, who is this man?!”

Hearing Tsubasa’s words, everyone present spoke in unison.

“Lord Naruto Uzumaki!”

“It’s Lord Naruto Uzumaki!”

Seeing this scene, Tsunade nodded with satisfaction.

Silence the scene again.

“That’s right!”

“This person is Naruto Uzumaki.”

“He is the hero of our wooden leaves!”

“So, here, I want to give him a name!”

Tsunade said loudly.

“I’m going to separate Naruto’s duties.”


“I am fire!”

“Responsible for handling the affairs of the village!”

“Naruto Uzumaki is a shadow!”

“Responsible for controlling all the forces of the village!”

“The two of us, the fire shadow of the wooden leaf!”

When Tsunade finished speaking, the crowd fell into a state of sluggishness.

Naruto, is there such an explanation?

But soon, someone came back to their senses and applauded wildly.

Followed by

More and more people began to applaud.

For Tsunade words,

No one has an opinion, Naruto Uzumaki,

It also deserves the title of Shadow of KonohaVillage.

“Hooray Naruto Uzumaki!”

“Long live Lord Tsunade!”

“Long live the wooden leaves!”

“Long live Naruto!”

With a loud cheer, Naruto Uzumaki was pulled to the front of the stage by Tsunade Tsunade.

“Is that what you mean by surprise?”

Naruto looked at Tsunade and his heart warmed.

For yourself,

Tsunade should have thought about it for a long time before he thought of this method, right?

“How’s it going, do you like it?”

Tsunade snorted softly.


Naruto Uzumaki nodded.

It seems nice to enjoy the feeling of being cheered on by the crowd once in a while.

In a chorus of cheers,

The succession ceremony of Naruto was finally completed.

And that also means,

Wood leaves,

A new era is coming!

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