Chapter 112 The new member of the AkatsukiOrganization, Ah Fei!!

Konoha Village,

Naruto Building, inside Naruto’s office.

Tsunade stood in front of the window of Naruto’s office, sorting out his clothes.

On the face,

It was blushing.

“You’re insulting Naruto like this!”

Tsunade looked at Naruto with a bad smile on his face and gritted his teeth.

“Don’t you like it?”

Naruto Uzumaki leaned comfortably in his chair and asked with a smile.

“Who would like it?”


Tsunade snorted softly.

This guy,

Lately it’s really become more and more unscrupulous.


When I think of the scene just now,

Tsunade then his heart beat faster again. That feeling, it’s a bit exciting.

Gee, what was I thinking?

Blame Naruto for this damn bastard!

“Women are like this, duplicitous.”

“By the way, I’m leaving the village today.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade was stunned.

Then a look of concern appeared.

“According to the information brought back by the ferret, the members of the AkatsukiOrganization are all S-class traitors.”

“The chief, in particular, has a strength that is not inferior to yours.”

“Are you really going to infiltrate the AkatsukiOrganization?”

Tsunade was a little confused as to why Naruto Uzumaki had to take such a big risk to infiltrate the AkatsukiOrganization.

If your identity is revealed, it is likely to put yourself in an extremely dangerous situation.

Naruto Uzumaki is now the shadow of KonohaVillage,

There is no need to take such a big risk.

Tsunade felt,

As long as you rely on the power of the entire wooden leaf,

The organization should not pose a threat.

“I have to do this for the sake of the village.”

“There is as much power as there is responsibility.”

Although the purpose of his infiltration into the AkatsukiOrganization was to complete the tasks of the system, this did not prevent him from speaking of himself as noble.


After listening to Naruto Uzumaki,

A hint of emotion appeared on Tsubasa’s face.

Naruto he,

To be able to do this for the sake of the village is such a selfless and great ninja.

Come to think of it,

Tsunade gently kissed Naruto Uzumaki on the face.

“Lord Naruto.”

Outside the door came the voice of Uchiha Ferret.

“Come in.”

Tsunade was sitting precariously.

“Lord Naruto Uzumaki.”

After seeing that Naruto Uzumaki was also there, Uchiha bowed respectfully.

“Weasel, how is your body?”

Seeing Uchiha Mustela, Naruto asked.

“It’s a lot better, although the hemotic disease has not been completely solved, but the eyes have returned to normal.”

Hearing this, Uchiha’s tone was still a little excited.

After all

The Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye Opening Conditions are too harsh.

Now there’s another way to solve the exhaustion of the all, for him and Sasuke,

All is good news.

“Well, then it’s up to you to take over as the Minister of Shadows.”

Uchiha’s personality is very suitable for staying in the shadows.

It was up to him to succeed Kakashi as the Minister of Shadows, and Naruto Uzumaki felt fit.

After all

Kiki Kakashi’s character is really lazy.


Uchiha had no objection to this.

Whatever Naruto says, he does well.

After arranging all the work, Naruto Uzumaki left Naruto’s office.

He only needs to arrange a general direction,

The remaining specific details,

Just leave it to the programman to formulate it.

After leaving the Naruto Building, Naruto Uzumaki went to Hinata and Sakura Haruno, and as a man, he couldn’t favor one over the other.

Only when the rain and dew are even wet can the harem be stable.


Compared to Tsunade Hand,

Hinata and Sakura are very flat.

“Naruto, we will definitely work hard to cultivate.”

“When you come back, you’ll be surprised.”

Sakura clenched her fists.

Through Naruto Uzumaki, she had been adopted as a disciple by Tsunade Tsunade.


Sakura was confident in herself.

“Well, you two will cultivate with peace of mind.”

“If you dare to be lazy, I’ll come back and take care of you.”

Naruto touched the heads of Hinata and Sakura, then turned and left.

He was about to start his first step plan.

Blend into the Akatsukiorganization.

Start by becoming a black market bounty hunter.

……… Rain Country.

Inside a dark cave.

Through the Magic of the Slide Body, the members of the AkatsukiOrganization come together.

“According to intelligence, the ferret and the ghost fish have defected to Konoha.”

“Therefore, it is very likely that the intelligence of our organization has been leaked.”

Payne looked at the people of AkatsukiOrganization and slowly opened his mouth.

“I really didn’t expect that a guy like Ghost Fish would even rebel.”

Kakuto sighed.

“Well, I already knew that Uchiha is not a good person.”

“In the first place, I should have let my bomb blow him up!”


Deidara snorted coldly.

Of all the people in the AkatsukiOrganization, he was most unconvinced by Uchiha Mustela.

“Deidara, if it weren’t for the ferret releasing water, you would have killed yourself long ago.”

The scorpion said sarcastically.

“What do you say?”

“I’ve now mastered the art of dealing with writing wheel eyes, eh!”

Hearing the scorpion’s words, Deidara jumped up in anger.

“Okay, it’s all quiet.”

“The most important thing now is to find out why Uchiha and Kaki will defect at the same time.”

Payne’s voice was cold.

Uchiha and Kaki Oni are two people, he doesn’t care.

What he cares about is that,

Once Uchiha and Kaki Ghost Fish reveal the purpose of the AkatsukiOrganization’s collection of tailed beasts.

Then the entire ninja world would probably unite to encircle and suppress the AkatsukiOrganization.

It wasn’t what he wanted to see.

“Payne, now the AkatsukiOrganization has suddenly lost two combat forces.”

“We need to find new members.”

AkatsukiNan reminded at the side.

After listening to AkatsukiNan’s words, Payne had not yet opened his mouth.

A man with a mask shouted excitedly.

“Me! I! I! ”

“Chief, I’ve been in the AkatsukiOrganization for a long time.”

“Now it’s finally my turn to take the throne, right?”

Hearing the masked man’s voice, Deidara snorted disdainfully.

“Ah Fei, the AkatsukiOrganization is not something that all cats and dogs can join.”


“But didn’t a guy like his predecessors, who only knew how to play with mud, become a member of the AkatsukiOrganization?”

Hearing Deidara’s words, Ah Fei scratched his head strangely.

“What do you say?”

“That’s art! You idiot! ”

Hearing that Ah Fei dared to say that his art was playing with mud, Deidara exploded in an instant.

“Well, now that the organization is short of manpower, Ah Fei will take the place of Uchiha Weasel.”

“Also, let’s take a look at it recently to see if there are any ninjas who are suitable to join our organization.”

Payne made up his mind and then ended the meeting.

Back to reality,

Payne looked at the masked man and said coldly.

“Madara, Uchiha, and Kaki are all recruited by you into the organization.”

“Don’t you have anything you want to explain about that?”

Hearing Payne’s words, the masked man snorted softly.

“I will investigate this matter clearly.”

Having said that,

The figure twisted, and then,

He disappeared in front of Payne.

Compared with the way they were in the meeting, it was completely judged by the two of them.

“Payne, be careful of Madaras.”

AkatsukiNan’s face was solemn. Uchiha Madara is really too mysterious.

From the woman’s sixth sense,

Let AkatsukiNan always feel that the other party has some ulterior secrets.

“Rest assured.”

“In front of my eyes, no conspiracy can succeed.”

Payne’s confident opening.

And then

Also turned and disappeared into the darkness without seeing C.

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