Chapter 113 Black Market, My Name Is Noodles!!

“Yo, it’s really lively here.”

Walking on the road of the black market, Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.


This black market in the country of birds can be so lively.

The streets are bustling with people,

It’s even faster than the village of ShangKonoha.

The only difference,

Probably all the people here are dangerous people.

It’s just the effort of this meeting,

Naruto felt like he was being watched by a dozen eyes.

After walking along the main street for a while,

Naruto Uzumaki then went to the Black Market Bounty House.

This is where bounty ninjas take on quests on the black market.

After receiving the task from the bounty, you can collect the bounty for the task by completing the task at the specified time.

The higher the difficulty of the mission, the higher the bounty.

Walking into the black market bounty house, Naruto Uzumaki came to a counter.

“Boss, what’s the task lately?”

The man behind the counter heard the words and looked up at Naruto Uzumaki,

After discovering that Naruto Uzumaki was a new face, he took a form out of his arms.

“New here, huh?”

“Register first.”

“When the registration is complete, you can take over the task.”

Taking the form, Naruto Uzumaki was somewhat speechless.

He originally thought that in a place like the black market, the tasks were all taken casually.

I didn’t expect to need to register.

After going through it in general, Naruto Uzumaki filled out the form as requested above.

“Face hemp?”

“Nice name.”

“What kind of task do you want to take?”

The black market boss put the form away and then pulled out a thick booklet.

“The more money, the better.”

Naruto said casually.

If you want to attract the attention of the Akatsukiorganization, you naturally have to do some difficult tasks.

“Hey, another lord who wants money and no life.”

After listening to Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the black market boss smiled, but,

He didn’t say much either.

On the black market,

He had seen all kinds of people.

There are not a few stunned young people like Naruto Uzumaki.

The black market boss took out several reward lists and placed them on the table.

“These are B-level and A-class bounties, so choose one of your own.”

Seeing the task in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki picked one at hand.

With his strength,

Nor could anyone pose a threat to him.

See Naruto’s choice of vortex,

The black market boss flashed a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Naruto Uzumaki selected the mission,

But of all the A-level missions, the hardest one to complete.

The target was an elite Shangnin of Yunyin Village, who was extremely powerful.

I don’t know how many people died at the hands of the ninja.

“Now, I’ll talk to you first.”

“Missions are not one-on-one.”

“If someone kills the mission objective before you, your mission is a failure.”

“No matter how much effort you have wasted before, you will not get any reward.” Although I think Naruto will most likely go back to Naruto,”

But the black market boss opened his mouth to warn him.

“Got it.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and left with the reward list.

Above this,

There is some basic information about the task objectives.

“Is there a new guy again?”

After Naruto had left, a ninja with a mask and green eyes came to the counter.

On his back, he also carried the corpse of a ninja.

“It is worthy of the Kakuto Lord, who completed the task so quickly.”

Seeing Kakudo, a flattering smile appeared on the face of the black market boss.

Horns are among the bounty ninjas on the black market, and the strength is one of the best.

Black market bosses don’t dare offend such guys.

“Give me the information of the guy I just got.”

Hearing Kakuto’s words, the black market boss quickly handed over the form Naruto had just filled out to Kakuto.

“Lord Kakudo, these people don’t necessarily fill in their own real information.”

“Ahh… I just wanted to see if he had any valuable bounty on him. ”

After browsing through Naruto’s information, Kakuto was a little disappointed.

Because Naruto Uzumaki had already changed his appearance,


There was no bounty on the black market for the wanted Naruto Uzumaki.

“Forget it, finish the deal first.”

Kakuto finished speaking, and threw the body on his shoulder to the black market boss…….

Just walked out of the bounty house,

Naruto Uzumaki was stopped by five ninjas.

“Hey, hand over the money.”

The leader of the ninjas said viciously.

Robbing the newcomers,

This is the unwritten rule of the entire black market.

“Alas… Another unlucky egg. ”

“It’s Jietai guys again, these five people are all Shangnin, and if that kid doesn’t die, he has to lose half his life.”

“Isn’t this treatment for all the newcomers, I was not only robbed of my money, but I was almost killed.”

“I hope this new person can resist a little, otherwise it will be too uninteresting to pay directly.”

“Ahh… After the Suketa and these people are gone, we will also teach this guy a lesson. ”

“I also went and wanted to come and grab a job with us, but it wasn’t that easy.”

“I just want to kill people.”

Seeing that Naruto Uzumaki was stopped by the five people of Jietai, everyone in the black market stopped and began to prepare to watch the hilarity.

On the black market,

There are no rules.

People in the black market,

Also mostly eccentric.

Sometimes just by looking at you unfavorably, you can kill people.

Only the fist is the eternal and unchanging truth.

“I don’t have any money on me.”

Naruto looked at the five people in front of him with a somewhat speechless expression.


Will someone rush to reincarnate?

“Is it?”

“Then it will only leave your life.”

A ninja named Sumida, after hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, directly attacked Naruto Uzumaki Naruto.

The other four ninjas also shot at the same time, with a very tacit understanding.


Madarag! Madarag! Madarag! Madarag! Five muffled sounds in a row.

Just when everyone thought that Naruto Uzumaki was less fierce, Suketa and the other five ninjas,

He was killed by Naruto Uzumaki in an instant.

Even until death,

None of them realized what was happening.

The otherwise noisy black market,

It also instantly fell into an eerie tranquility.

No one expected,

This seemingly ordinary looking man in front of him could have such a terrifying power.

That’s five ninjas! Died like this?

“Look at my face and see me walking around later, understand?!”

After easily solving the five people, Naruto Uzumaki said arrogantly.

These ninjas in the black market,

One counts one,

His hands were covered in blood.


Naruto would not be kind to them.

Who dares to provoke him,

Just kill it.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Naruto Uzumaki snorted coldly.

Then he went on.

“My lord, your strength is so strong.”

“Can you team up with me later?”

“I can do anything.”

A charming, sweet-looking woman ran to Naruto Uzumaki in front of the black market,

Attached to the strong,

It is the way for many weak people to survive.

The strength that Naruto had just shown was enough to make many people feel excited.


Naruto Uzumaki wasn’t a lustful person.

“It seems that you still don’t understand the meaning of what I just said.”

Naruto Uzumaki sighed and then pulled out a handful of Kushino.


No one could see Naruto’s movements clearly.

The woman with the attractive figure had a deep scratch on her neck.


With a muffled sound,

The woman’s body fell to the ground.

This scene,

It startled the ninjas on the black market.

No one expected,

Naruto Uzumaki shot so fiercely. The woman just wanted to cling to him.

He was killed like that.

It was only at this moment that the crowd realized,

What does it mean to see him walking around in the whirlpool! Putting away the bitterness, Naruto Uzumaki continued to walk forward.

This time,

Everyone on the black market retreated.

Although they are all a bunch of cruel people.


A strong person like Naruto Uzumaki doesn’t want to be easily provoked.

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