Chapter 114 What? The mission was all emptied?!!

“It just scared me to death, the guy obviously didn’t have any momentum, but it made me feel a chill.”

“Me too, when he killed that woman, I didn’t even dare to take a breath.”

“In an instant, five Shangnin were solved, and it seems that there is another cruel person in the black market.”

“People don’t talk much, but that’s the kind of person they say, right?”

“I now understand that when he said he saw him walking around, he was really walking around in the literal sense.”

“It’s a pity that the woman was so beautiful and in such a good shape that she died like this.”

“What about the guy who just said he was going to teach people a lesson?” How did it disappear? ”

“In the future, you have to pay attention to walking, in case you run into this guy, the other party will suddenly shoot and it will be finished.”

After Naruto left Uzumaki, the ninjas in the black market spoke again.


They didn’t even dare to take a big breath.

Afraid of attracting the attention of Naruto Uzumaki, I solved them easily. Although these ninjas in the black market are all living on bounty missions.

But the strength of most people,

That is, the level of middle tolerance.

Naruto Uzumaki killed five Kami-ninja in an instant, enough to deter the group.

“Face hemp……”

Listening to the discussion of the crowd, the corners that came out of the bounty house were somewhat unexpected from the current situation,

This is a new man called Miriam,

He actually possessed the power to kill Shangnin in a second.


You can try to get in touch with him.

If the other party’s strength is up to standard, then let the other party join the organization…….

Naruto Uzumaki naturally didn’t know Kakuto’s thoughts,

He just wanted to complete as many difficult tasks as possible.

That’s all,

Only then can it attract the attention of the Akatsukiorganization.

Naruto Uzumaki felt,

Only by letting the AkatsukiOrganization take the initiative to come to him, could he blend into the AkatsukiOrganization.

If he had taken the initiative to contact the AkatsukiOrganization, his intentions would have been a little too obvious…….

Three days later,

Looking at the corpse in front of him,

The black market boss was a little stunned for a while.

He didn’t think of it.

This is a new man called Miriam,

He actually killed the elite Shangnin of this Yunyin Village.


From receiving a task to submitting a task,

It only took three days.

How strong should Naruto’s strength be?

When did such a strong man appear in the ninja world?

“How’s it going?”

“Can you confirm that?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the black market boss turned back.

“Confirmation, Lord Noodles.”

“This is your bounty.”

Passing the bounty to Naruto Uzumaki, the black market boss had a smile on his face.

He’s glad now, at the beginning,

Didn’t offend the other person just because Naruto Uzumaki was a newcomer.


Such a strong man, who wants to take his life,

It’s a breeze.

“What else are you going to do?”

Putting away the bounty, Naruto asked again.

“Lord Mian Ma, this is the latest bounty book, please look at it.”

Knowing Naruto’s strength, the black market boss’s attitude was very respectful.

Handed the bounty in his hand to Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto didn’t care about that either.

I opened the bounty book and looked at it carefully.

Naruto Uzumaki actually found his own bounty on it.

And the level was actually divided into S-class bounties.

The reward amount was comparable to the shadow of the five (big) ninja villages.

“The goals of these missions are almost in one place.”

“I took it all.”

Naruto Uzumaki took on several A-level bounty missions. Most of the S-level missions are shadows that assassinate villages.

Naruto Uzumaki had no intention of doing so now.

“Okay, Lord Noodles.”

Under the complimentary gaze of the black market boss, Naruto Uzumaki walked out of the bounty.

This time

All the ninjas in the black market avoided Naruto Uzumaki’s gaze.


Everywhere Naruto went, everyone retreated.

Such a scene, in the black market, has never been seen before.

“It’s still so worry-free.”

Naruto Uzumaki was very satisfied with this.

He didn’t want to waste any energy on irrelevant things…. That’s it

In just three months,

Naruto Uzumaki is a newcomer from the black market,

Grow up to be the bounty ninja that everyone on the black market knows. And not just because of Naruto’s mighty strength.


It was because Naruto had completed dozens of A-level bounty missions in the past three months!

This speed,

It’s horrible.

You know,

Generally speaking

The higher the mission level, the more time it will take to complete the bounty mission.

If you can complete a bounty task of more than B level in one month, it is already OK.


Gather intelligence, hurry, look for opportunities to get started……… These take a lot of time to prepare.

In contrast,

Naruto Uzumaki was able to complete his mission a little too quickly…….


“Why is there no A-level bounty mission?”

Inside the Black Market Bounty House,

Naruto looked at the bounty and frowned.


There wasn’t even a single A-level mission.

“Lord Face Ma, the recent A-level missions have all been solved by you.”

“You see, is the B-level task OK?”

“It’s also nice to have a few B-level mission bounties.”

The black market boss was secretly bitter.

In three months, dozens of A-level missions were cleared.

This speed,

It was horrible.

Class A missions are all emptied, in this case,

The black market boss is still the first time he has met.

“Then forget it, and let me know when there’s a Class A mission.”

“I live in a hotel not far away.”

Since there was no A-level mission, Naruto Uzumaki didn’t insist on it either.

His goal was to attract the attention of the Akatsukiorganization.

Doing some B-level tasks is really not necessary.

He is not short of money.

“Okay, Lord Noodles.”

“If there is a Class A task, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible”…

Promised by the black market boss, Naruto Uzumaki leaves.

And not long after he left,

Kakuto also came to the bounty house.

“What? Class A missions all emptied? ”

Horns opened their mouths wide in shock.

After completing an A-level task, he originally wanted to take another A-level task.

As a result, the black market boss told him,

The A-level mission was emptied!

“Lord Kakuto, I really wasn’t lying to you.”

“The A-level missions have indeed been emptied by Lord Mian Ma.”

Looking at the momentum of questioning his own Jiaodu, the black market boss was full of helplessness.

“Hmm, how can an A-level task be so easy to complete?”

“In such a short time, even if it is too late.”

Horns scoffed at the claims of black market bosses.

He couldn’t believe that someone could accomplish so many A-level tasks in such a short period of time.

“Lord Kakudo, if you don’t believe it, just ask Lord Ma yourself.”

“Where dare I lie to you?”

Hearing the explanation of the black market boss, Kakuto also felt that there was some truth.

Lie to him,

Black market bosses don’t have the guts and don’t have the guts.

“If there is another A-level task, remember to notify me as soon as possible.”

After Kakuto finished speaking, he turned and left.

He became more and more curious about this bounty ninja called Mimima in his heart.

Kakuto decides,

Get in touch with this guy. If the other party is strong enough, then pull him into the AkatsukiOrganization. If the other party has a false name, he will solve the other party.


Neither one less competitor,

You can also get the bounty that the other party gets from doing tasks during this time.

After thinking about it,

Kakuto walked towards the hotel where Naruto was located…. Hundred million.

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