Chapter 115 Introduce yourself, I am Kakuto who assassinated the first Naruto!!

“Lord Mimima, there’s a ninja looking for you outside.”

“Got it.”

Hearing the briefing outside, Naruto Uzumaki replied.

Through the Kagura Heart Eye,

He already knew who the ninja outside was.

It is a member of the undead duo in the AkatsukiOrganization, Kakudo!

Looking at Kakuto waiting in front of the inn, the corner of Naruto’s mouth slightly cocked.

After so much effort, now,

The Akatsukiorganization finally came to the door.


Naruto had no intention of going out like this.

He had just driven the way through the Flying Thunder God for a long time.


It’s better to take a good rest now.

As for Kakuto,

Naruto didn’t care at all.

Since he wants to find himself,

Then let him wait outside. If the other person breaks in, he doesn’t mind teaching the other person a lesson.

Come to think of it,

Naruto stretched out comfortably and fell asleep.

“Hey, did you really report it?”

Outside the inn, Kakudu frowned and asked the innkeeper.

“Lord Kakuto, I’ve already said that.”

“Lord Mian Ma has also said that he knows.”

“It’s just that why he didn’t come out to see you, then I don’t know.”

Hearing the innkeeper’s words, Kakuto snorted coldly.

Can only stand outside in silence and wait.

Black market ninjas generally don’t stay in one place.

Once you miss this opportunity,

I don’t know when I’ll see Naruto Uzumaki again next time.


Kakuto decided to stand outside the inn and wait for it to be spared…….

“Well, it’s so comfortable.”

After sleeping until dawn, Naruto Uzumaki stretched out comfortably.

And then

A smile appeared on his face.

Just then, he noticed,

That guy in Kakudo,

It was still waiting outside.

“This guy wouldn’t have waited outside for a night, would he?”

Naruto muttered.

Then he got dressed and walked out.

“You’re finally out.”

Seeing Naruto in the whirlpool, the horns all snorted coldly.

This guy,

It took so long to come out, and I didn’t take him seriously at all! This bastard,

You must teach a good lesson later.

“You’re the ninja looking for me?”

Seeing Kakuto, Naruto asked in surprise.

“I’ve been waiting all night.”

Kakuto’s tone was very unpleasant.

“Ahh… Then wouldn’t you find a room to wait? ”

Hearing that Kakuto had actually stood in the doorway and waited all night, Naruto Uzumaki was a little surprised.

This guy, what the hell?

“It costs money to get in.”

Hearing Kakuto’s explanation, Naruto Uzumaki was somewhat speechless.


Are you a migrant worker who thinks it costs money to stay in a hotel? Kakuto’s character, so cut? And

You’re an S-class renegade, big brother! Even if you don’t give money to stay in the hotel,

The boss doesn’t dare to trouble you! When I think about it,

Naruto Uzumaki suddenly wondered,

If the horn knows that the money he has earned over the years, all of it was taken by AkatsukiNan to buy the detonator,

What kind of reaction would it be?

“Do you have time?”

“Come with me.”

Kakuto finished speaking, and then took the lead in walking towards the outside of the black market.

If you do it on the black market,

It will definitely cause serious damage.

He didn’t want to waste his money on compensation for these things.

Looking at the back of Kakuto,

Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly,

And then he followed.

He knows

There should be no problem joining the Akatsukiorganization.

Naruto Uzumaki and Kakuto are fast on their feet,


It didn’t take long for the two to arrive at a clearing away from the black market.

Over here

No matter what kind of fighting takes place, no one will disturb you.

“Introduce yourself.”

“I am Kakuto.”

“A ninja who assassinated the original Naruto Senju and survived.”

Hearing Kakuto’s self-introduction, Naruto Uzumaki almost choked on his own saliva to the good guy,

Now he knows,

Why Kakuto assassinated the original Naruto is known to many.


It is this product that meets a person and says it again.

“My name is Noodles.”

“Other things, you don’t need to know.”

Naruto Uzumaki still thought that Kakuchi had come to invite him to join the AkatsukiOrganization, so

I also briefly introduced myself.

“Hmm… Now I’ll give you a chance. ”

“If you win me, you can join my current organization.”

“But if you lose, you can only leave the body here.”

Kakuto didn’t care about Naruto Uzumaki’s self-introduction.

Instead, he directly stated his purpose.


“You’re going to fight me?”

Hearing Kakuto’s words, Naruto Uzumaki was a little surprised……… Join the Akatsukiorganization,

Still have to fight?

Didn’t you get beaten if you refused?

“But at least you’re going to give me the price you gave your organization?”

Naruto asked pretending to be curious.

“My organization is called Akatsuki.”

“It’s an organization made up entirely of shadow-level strongmen.”

“It’s your pleasure to join our organization.”

Hearing Naruto’s request, Kakuto briefly introduced Naruto to Naruto.

“Che, I’m not interested in your organization.”

Naruto Uzumaki shook his head decisively after hearing this.

He was now trying to show that he didn’t want to join the AkatsukiOrganization.

“Then you can only die here.”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki refuse, Kakuto snorted coldly.

AkatsukiOrganization’s invitation,

Is it that you can refuse if you want to?

Kakuto still remembers,

When he was first invited to join the AkatsukiOrganization, he was beaten badly!

“Anyone can say something bragging.”

“I think it’s you who will die today.”

Naruto Uzumaki laughed wildly a few times.

He had thought Nagato had also come here.

I didn’t expect that there was only one person in Kakudo, so if so,

Then teach the horns a lesson.

“Okay, that’s all there is to the small talk.”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s appearance, Kakuto began to unbutton the robes on his body one by one.

Seeing this action of his, Naruto Uzumaki stopped for a moment.

“Don’t take it off.”


“If you undress, you will die!”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s appearance, Kakudo was a little confused.

This guy,

Is there something wrong with the brain?

If there is really a problem with the brain,

And Ah Fei is a team made in heaven and earth.

“It’s useless to delay time, you can’t run today.”

Kakuto still took off his shirt.

And then

His body was stitched together by black threads.

He had also heard about Naruto Uzumaki killing five ninjas in a second on the black market.


Kakuto decided to use his strongest power directly.


“What a disgusting body.”

“It’s ugly.”

Seeing Kakuto’s body, Naruto Uzumaki skimmed his lips in disgust.

“What a hard-mouthed bastard!”

The horns are finished, and the hands are quickly sealed.

And then

From his back, four masked monsters split up.

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