Chapter 116 Death is like the wind, always with me!!

“Arrogant little devil, go to hell with fear!”

After summoning the four masked monsters, Kakuto’s body also became completely human-like.

Add the ontology, for a total of five.

Surrounded Naruto in the whirlpool.

“Want to kill me?”

“You can try.”

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t panic in the slightest, and then pulled out the long knife he was carrying.

Since it was decided that he wanted to blend into the AkatsukiOrganization

Then you can’t use the power you used to do anymore.

“Fire and head hard!”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki pull out his long sword, Kakuto no longer hesitated to quickly seal his hands.

A masked monster spewed out a (large) sheet of seawater-like flames from its mouth.

After falling to the ground, the range expanded tens of times in an instant.

That scorching temperature

It seemed to incinerate everything to ashes.

“Thunderbolt Chakra Mode!”

Seeing the flames coming from his face, Naruto Uzumaki smiled indifferently.

Then you enter the Thunderbolt Chakra mode.

Followed by

Naruto’s figure disappeared.

“This. This is the Thunderbolt Chakra Mode?! ”

Seeing this scene, the horns opened their mouths in shock.

As a human character who has lived from the first Naruto era to the present, he knows a lot about the things of the ninja world.


He recognized it at the first moment.

The ninjutsu that Naruto Uzumaki now uses is the Thunderbolt Chakra mode of Ungami Village.


This ninjutsu

It should be only the thunder shadows of the past generations.


Just as Kakuto was shocked, Naruto Uzumaki had already appeared beside him

Then he slashed the long knife at Kakuto’s head.

“So fast!”


A crisp sound.

The long knife was blocked by the horns with his arms.

Although he almost cut off Kakuto’s arm.

But this time the attack

After all, it was blocked by the corners.

“What a powerful attack!”

Kakuto withdrew, even more surprised in his heart.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had used the Tu Tu Tu Spear in advance.

Harden your whole body.

Just that blow

I’m afraid I’ll cut him up.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Why did you go to Thunderbolt Chakra mode?”

After pulling away, Kakuto asked.

Naruto was too fast. Even he could barely catch an afterimage.

Now Kakudo

There was already a retreat in my heart.

The power of the Raiden Chakra pattern, he knew.

The guy in front of him has mastered the Thunder Chakra Mode, then he is already qualified to join the AkatsukiOrganization.

“Death is like the wind, always with me!”

“Uncle Ben is the Wind Sword Lord, Face Ma!”

Hearing Kakuto’s question, Naruto Uzumaki suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Think of a wonderful identity for yourself.

He would have infiltrated the AkatsukiOrganization as a Swift Wind Sword Hao.

“However, it seems that the attack power is still not enough.”

The blow just now was blocked by the horns, and Naruto was a little dissatisfied in his heart.

In Thunderbolt Chakra mode, the speed is already fast enough.


The attack power is still not enough.

Naruto Uzumaki was considering

What exactly can I do to increase my attack power?

“Great opportunity!”

Seeing Naruto whirlpool in a daze, Kakuto was overjoyed.

The words that were intended to be reconciled were also swallowed.

Instead, he turned to Naruto Uzumaki and attacked again.

“Compound Ninjutsu Wind and Turmoil!”

With a low cry from the horns

The Fire Mask Monster and the Wind Mask Monster in the Hell Grievance attacked Naruto at the same time against Naruto Whirlpool.

With the blessing of the Wind Ninjutsu

The power of Fire Ninjutsu is instantly tens of times stronger! See this scene

Naruto’s eyes lit up.

That’s right!

If you can attach the wind chakra nature change to the long knife, then won’t the attack power be instantly stronger?!

In the original book

Shimura Tunzang once attached the Wind Escape Ninjutsu to Shuriken and Kushino.

This method is completely feasible!

By the time Naruto wanted to understand that the sea of fire was close at hand.

But the speed of Naruto Uzumaki,

It’s not something that can be hit with such a bulky move.

Facing the whirlpool of fire in front of him, Naruto’s mind moved

The whole person disappeared in an instant.

“Did you hit it?”

Outside the sea of fire, the corners are all looking through.

If this move can be hit, then Naruto Whirlpool will be seriously injured even if he doesn’t die! After a few moments the fire dissipated

The scorched ground was revealed.

There was no one there.

“Not good!”

A strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in Kakuto’s heart. Then Naruto’s figure appeared at his side again.

Then Naruto’s long knife swirled

Once again, it struck Kakudo.

Horns can only hold their hands in front of their chests once again.


With the sound of a knife cutting tofu

The long knife slashed smoothly through Kakuto’s body.

“How can that be?!”

After Kakuto finished speaking, his body was cut in half by Naruto Uzumaki.

He couldn’t figure it out

Why didn’t his strengthened body even have the slightest resistance effect?

“It worked.”

Looking at the body of the horn that was divided into two parts, Minnato nodded with satisfaction.

On the long knife is added the change of the nature of the wind chakra.

Sure enough, his attack power made a qualitative leap. In this way, he did not have to worry about not having enough means when fighting.

However, when Naruto looked down and saw Kakuto lying on the ground, his heart was a little disgusted.

His body had been cut in half

There were countless black lines like things sticking out. The entanglement of each other actually stitched up the broken body again.

Sure enough, it can only be done by destroying the heart.

Naruto Uzumaki took advantage of the fact that Kakuto’s body had not yet fully recovered.

Lift the knife again

With one knife, the heart of Kakuto itself was pierced through the barrel.


The heart is destroyed

The body that was still full of vitality instantly collapsed to the ground.

Just then, the other four masked monsters attacked Naruto at the same time.

“Just practice your hands.”

Naruto smiled slightly, then greeted him with a long knife.

Immediately after that, blessed with the change in the nature of the Thunder Chakra mode and the Wind Chakra, Naruto Vortex easily solved the three masked monsters.

At the same time that Naruto solves the third mask monster.

The last masked monster placed his heart in the Kakuto body.

“You’re really tenacious.”

“I don’t believe I can’t kill you!”

Naruto Whirlpool snorted deliberately, then lifted the knife and prepared to punch through the last heart of the horn blockage.

“Lord Mianma, listen to me first!”

Horndos roared with a heart-ruptured heart.

Since mastering the grievances

It was the first time he had felt the breath of death.


“It’s completely different from the way you just looked arrogant.” Naruto Uzumaki looked at Kakuto with a playful expression. ”

He hadn’t planned to solve the problem of Corner Capital now.

It was just to scare him.

“Lord Mimima, please forgive my ignorance.”

“On behalf of the leader of the organization, I invite you to join the Akatsukiorganization!”

Kakuto has lived so long that he naturally knows when to say something. It took Naruto less than five minutes to solve his four hearts.

He doesn’t bow his head again

I’m afraid I won’t see the sun tomorrow.

Hear Kakuto’s words

The corners of Naruto’s mouth cocked.

It’s finally here.

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