Chapter 126 Half-tailed Beast, Long Sword Broken!!

“Sun Wukong, we seem to be in trouble right now.”

Looking at the vortex Naruto and the others in front of him, a trace of solemnity appeared on Old Zi’s face that he could feel,

These guys in the same clothes in front of me, each one of them is not a good stubble.

“Can’t think of it, will you be afraid?”

Hearing Lao Zi’s words, Sun Wukong laughed disdainfully a few times.

Old Zi, this stubborn donkey, did not expect to be frightened one day.

“Now is not the time to joke.”

“I’ll probably have to borrow your power later.”

Lao Zi was not in the mood to worry about Sun Wukong now.

These four ninjas in front of you,

It is absolutely impossible to appear in such a place for no reason.


Deidara, who has been a traitor for many years.

“Well, that’s your squad’s business.”

“It’s up to you two.”

The Red Sand Scorpion snorted coldly, and then walked alone into the distance.

Their squad’s mission objective is the five-tailed human pillar force.


Scorpion naturally won’t help Naruto Uzumaki’s squad.

Seeing the scorpion leave,

Deidara also controlled the big bird to fly high into the air.

In the Akatsukiorganization,

Casually mixing things with other squads may also cause dissatisfaction with the other side.

In the event that Naruto Uzumaki and Uchiha did not take the initiative to open their mouths, Deidara’s intervention would not intervene in the battle.

“Face numbness, this guy doesn’t look simple.”

“Are you here or am I coming?”

“Let me say first, I was very injured when I was in Konoha, and I haven’t healed yet.”

Uchiha didn’t want to show his strength in front of people.


He wanted Naruto Uzumaki to take care of Old Purple.

“Well, whatever.”

“If you don’t want to shoot, then the other party will leave it to me to solve it.”

Naruto Uzumaki naturally knew Uchiha’s intentions to take the soil.


He also didn’t have the heart to think about it with Uchiha.

By catching the nine tailed beasts earlier, he would have been able to realize his plan a day earlier.

Not to mention,

He also wanted to better control his power through more battles.

“Ahh… It was so nice. ”

“Then come on!”

Uchiha heard Naruto Uzumaki and ran to the side happily.

Then with Scorpion, Deidara, stand in the distance and prepare to watch.

“It seems that it is indeed directed at me.”

Seeing Naruto walking up to him, Old Purple sighed.


As soon as he escaped from Yanyin Village, he was targeted by someone.

“Sun Wukong, lend me power.”

Lao Zi didn’t have any nonsense, but directly borrowed the power of Sun Wukong in his body.

I thought the four ninjas on the other side would go up together.


Unexpectedly, the opposite side just sent a ninja to fight him.

I don’t know what the other person is thinking.

However, in this case,

It was undoubtedly the best for him.

“Rest assured, to help you is to help myself.”

“I’m not going to mess with you.”

Sun Wukong also knew that there was only one reason why the other party found Lao Zi.

That is the tailed beast in the old purple body,

That’s where it came from.


Sun Wukong will naturally fight side by side with Lao Zi.

“Hmm, quick battle.”

“Be sure to solve one before the other side reacts.”

Old Purple snorted coldly.

And then

A thick tail grew behind him.

Followed by

The form of the old purple has changed again.

A large number of chakras poured out of the whole body, forming a dark red chakra coat,

Wrapped up Lao Zi’s whole body.

The number of tails behind Old Purple also became four.

Half-tailed beast!

Lao Zi knew that Naruto and the others must have come prepared.


He didn’t have any carelessness.

Instead, it directly completed the half-tailed beast.

“The Art of Melting River Rocks!”

With a roar, the half-tailed beastly old purple mouth instantly spewed out dozens of extremely hot magma balls,

Naruto attacked towards the vortex.


In the face of this terrifying attack, Naruto Uzumaki did not panic in the slightest.

The mind moves,

The whole person immediately entered the Thunderbolt Chakra mode.

Followed by

He pulled out the long knife from his waist.

The long knife attached to the change in the nature of the wind attribute Chakra,

It was easy to smash all the magma balls that hit him.

“So fast!”

“With such speed and such a strong attack, isn’t there any shortcoming in this guy?”

“Hmm… If it was my bomb, it would blow the enemy into the sky the moment it was cut, and Lao Zi didn’t understand art at all. Well! ”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s shot, Deidara and the others were once again shocked by Naruto’s speed.

Although now Naruto did not have the power he had shown when he was in the Rain Country.

But the speed is still as fast as lightning.


Seeing that his attack had no effect, Lao Zi quickly attacked in the direction of Naruto the Whirlpool.

After the half-tailed beast, his most powerful attack method was the confrontation between the flesh.


Seeing Lao Zi’s attack, Naruto Whirlpool instantly understood Lao Zi’s intentions.

And then

It also did not dodge towards the old purple attack.

Naruto Vortex’s speed was extreme.

Old Purple couldn’t catch Naruto’s figure at all.

Under the attack of Naruto Uzumaki, Lao Zi’s body was cut out of a series of deep wounds.

If it were not for the half-tailed beastly form, his recovery ability would have been greatly enhanced.

The moment of the fight,

He had already been defeated at the hands of Naruto Uzumaki.

“It’s pretty hard.”

After attacking for a while, Naruto Uzumaki sighed.

It is no wonder that the villages have always used the tailed orc pillar force as the final bottom card of the war with his attack, and they can only be able to use the half-tailed beastly human pillar force on it

Just leave a few scars.

Change to a regular ninja.

I’m afraid I can’t even break the defense against such a monster. Coupled with the powerful endurance of the tailed orc pillar force.


On the battlefield,

As long as there is no shadow-level strong shot,

Then even if there are more ninjas, I am afraid that they will only be sent to death.


As time went on, Lao Zi became more and more fierce.

In the face of Naruto’s attack by Uzumaki, he didn’t dodge at all.

It completely adopts a kind of injury for injury, life for life for life.


Seeing Lao Zi’s attack, Naruto Whirlpool’s temper also came up.


He increased the force of his attack.

And then

Instantly cut towards Old Purple! Clang!

With a crisp sound,

The long knife in Naruto’s hand collapsed because it could not withstand the huge force.

One of Lao Zi’s arms was also cut off by this powerful attack.


The half-tailed beastly old purple roared in pain.

And then

Once again, he launched an even crazier attack on Naruto Uzumaki.


“Then let you see the power of my perfect immortal body!”

Looking at the attacking old purple, the corners of Naruto’s mouth curled up.

And then

He instantly fought with Lao Zi close to his body.

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