Chapter 127: Is this guy still human?!!

“That guy can’t have an accident, right?”

“The human pillar force is really thick skin, and the attack of the face hemp can even resist hard.”

“The long knife of the face hemp is now broken, the strongest means of attack is gone, and it seems that the face hemp alone cannot defeat the four-tailed human pillar force.”

“Hey, Ah Fei, won’t you go up and help?”

Seeing the long knife in Naruto’s hand, it collapsed because it could not withstand the huge force.

Deidara showed a hint of concern.

Mishima is a melee ninja who happens to be restrained by the power of the tailed orc pillar.

Now that the long knife in his hand was also broken, he could only fight with the tailed orc pillar force close to the hand-to-hand combat, and the next battle would probably be dangerous, right?

In fact, Deidara’s concern is not unreasonable.

Even in the Rain Country, Naruto Uzumaki showed a strength far beyond the average shadow level, and his strength was much stronger than theirs.


In the face of a thick-skinned tailed beast,

Without large-scale means of killing, it is difficult to win.

It’s like the wave wind and water gate in the original book.

It has almost reached the peak strength of the shadow level. There was no one among the ninjas who could defeat him.


But there was still nothing that could be done with the Nine Tails.


Only by sacrificing his own life could he seal the Nine Tails.

“Deidara seniors, don’t worry.”

“I think the noodles still have the strength to fight.”

“If he can’t hold on, he’ll definitely ask for help.”

Hearing Deidara’s words, Uchiha waved his hand casually.

Let him go and save Naruto Uzumaki?

Dream and go!

The scene when Naruto Uzumaki directly aMadaradoned him and turned to run away, he still had it firmly in mind.

He’s vengeful!

Now seeing Naruto in the whirlpool, he naturally didn’t want to intervene. Hearing Uchiha’s words, Deidara didn’t say anything more.

After all

It’s the opposing squad’s own business.

“To Die! To Die! ”

Old Zi’s mouth let out a roar like a beast.

The half-tailed beastly he had lost most of his sanity.


I just want to tear this guy in front of me to shreds!


Naruto Uzumaki laughed happily.

Although he now has a very powerful power.


In terms of physical skills, he lacked combat experience.

Because few people could resist his perfect immortal body.

Right now

Finished half-tailed beastly old purple,

Just can be a human flesh sandbag,

Let Naruto get acquainted with the power of his body.


Madarag! Madarag!

Continuous bombardment.

Naruto and Old Purple attack each other.

There are no fancy moves,


Just the simplest, roughest fist! Every time,

Fist to flesh.


In order to experience the ability of the perfect immortal body to resist blows and recover.

Naruto didn’t use his speed to dodge Lao Zi’s attack.

Instead, he and Lao Zi stood where they were.

You punch me, I kick you!

Even, in the end,

Naruto Uzumaki has the upper hand! Rumble!

After a period of confrontation, Lao Zi finally couldn’t bear it.

With one punch, Naruto Uzumaki flew out.

Although the old purple after the half-tailed beast, the recovery power and defense power are very strong.

But compared to Naruto the Vortex with the perfect immortal body.

But it’s still too much worse.

“I… Am I not mistaken? He won the battle against the tailed orc pillar force?!! ”

“I also seem to have seen that the four-tailed human pillar force was hit by the face numbness and flew out, as if it was not lightly injured, and the breath was weak.”

“What kind of monster is this guy?” Why is his flesh so strong?! Even if it is my puppet, I am afraid that it is not as strong as this guy’s body. ”

“Isn’t the strongest thing about this guy with knife skills?” How……”

After seeing Naruto in the vortex knock Lao Zi out, Deidara and the others all fell into a deep sluggishness.

They couldn’t understand why Naruto was able to defeat the already half-tailed beastly human pillar force in the physical battle.

If Naruto Uzumaki used his speed advantage to make the four-tailed pillar force unable to hit him, it would be counted.


Naruto Uzumaki adopted the most primitive method.

One punch knocked the four-tailed man pillar down.

Is this kind of perverted physique really something that human beings can have? You know,

If it were them,

As long as you punch the four-tailed human pillar in the front, I am afraid that you will have to lose at least half of your life.


They see it very clearly.

Naruto had just been punched by the four-tailed human pillar with hundreds of punches.

But he was still like a man who had nothing to do.

Naruto’s performance was so terrible! But

Naruto didn’t have the heart to pay attention to the thoughts of the Deidara people.

Step by step, he walked over to Lao Zi, who was already in a coma, and then lifted him up.


Just at this moment, a huge chakra suddenly appeared in Old Zi’s body.

Followed by

Old Purple’s figure began to change dramatically.

“Just come out!”

Seeing this scene, Naruto Uzumaki threw Old Purple out.

He knows

Four-tailed Sun Wukong is afraid to come out.


It didn’t take long,

Old Purple’s body was engulfed.

The four-tailed Sun Wukong appeared in front of everyone.

Complete tailed beast Hua!


As soon as Sun Wukong came out, he angrily slapped his chest. The battle just now made it know the strength of the gang in front of it.


It must come up with all its strength.

“Hey, Noodles, don’t you need us to help you?”

Feeling Sun Wukong’s powerful oppression, Uchiha asked with Tu.

Although he was still very upset with Naruto in his heart, he had no intention of continuing to watch the play.

“No, the warm-up has only just begun.”

Naruto Uzumaki refused Uchiha’s kindness.

And then

He continued to attack Sun Wukong in Thunder Chakra mode.


Naruto Uzumaki punched Sun Wukong’s body, but it didn’t have much effect.

After the complete tail beast, Sun Wukong’s defense power has been increased by more than double.

“If that’s the case, let’s try Weird Fist.”

Easily flashing Sun Wukong’s attack, Naruto Uzumaki decided to use his strange powers.

Strange force,

It was after Tsunade returned to Konoha that he specifically asked Tsunade to give it to him.


Now it just comes in handy.


Sun Wukong roared angrily.

And then

With all his strength, he punched Naruto in the whirlpool. And Naruto Uzumaki, on the other hand, does not dodge or dodge.

Clench your fists,

One punch,

Hammered towards Sun Wukong.

One (big) and one small, two fists that were very different from each other collided in an instant.


The powerful force shook the surrounding ground out of countless cracks.

That powerful wave of air set off a puff of smoke.

And then

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the four-tailed Sun Wukong,

It was instantly knocked out!

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