Chapter 132 Do you want to dance too?!!

“There’s another enemy here!”

“Who are you?” Why is it here? ”

“Deidara, that guy, you’re in the same group, right?”

“Say, what is the purpose of your sneak attack on Iwakuma Village?”

As soon as Naruto Uzumaki appeared, he attracted the attention of many ninjas in Iwakuma Village.

And then

In an instant, he was surrounded by ninjas from Iwakuma Village.

“Do you think I’ll obediently answer your questions?”

Hearing the words of the Iwakumura ninja, Naruto Uzumaki skimmed his lips in disdain.

These guys,

Doesn’t it have a brain?

This kind of brain-dead question can be asked.

“Hmm, still hard in the mouth, see if you can still be so arrogant later!”

“We can’t help Lord Tuying’s side, we must keep this guy in front of us!”

“Let’s go up together, and when we catch this guy, I’ll let him know what it’s better to live than to die!”

“Be careful not to beat him to death.”

The ninjas of Iwakuma Village looked at Naruto Uzumaki and all of them were eager to try it.

“Hey, don’t be careless, you dare to attack our Yanyin Village, the other side must be very strong.”

“Hmm, even if it’s strong, what can it be?” Under the siege of so many of us, can you let him run? ”

“That is, were the original three generations of Thunder Shadow strong enough?” We still killed it! ”

“I think this guy is dizzy, he dares to take the initiative to expose it, and like the guy in Deidara, he is a brainless guy.”

“It’s too late to regret it now, don’t try to escape!”

At this point,

Naruto Uzumaki looked like a lamb to be slaughtered in the eyes of the ninjas in Iwakuma Village.

After experiencing the tens of thousands of ninjas besieging the three generations of Thunder Shadows, and killing the three generations of Thunder Shadows.

The ninjas of Iwakuma Village had a strong confidence in their own strength.

In their eyes,

When the number of ninjas reaches a certain level, even if they are shadow-level strong,

In the face of so many people, you can only drink and hate on the Madara!

Since the ninjas of Iwakuma Village couldn’t do anything about Deidara high in the sky, they couldn’t help Tokage Ohnogi.


After discovering Naruto Uzumaki,

More and more Iwakuma ninjas gathered.

“Escape”? ”

“Then let’s see who will run away in the end.”

Hearing Iwakumura’s arrogant words, Naruto Uzumaki sneered a few times.

In fact

Iwakuma Village’s judgment was not too wrong.

Even if it is a shadow-level strongman,

It is impossible to change the outcome of a battle on its own.


Even if the shadow-level strong person has the strongest power, as long as he is still a human,

That would be limited by mental, physical, chakra and other aspects.

In the case of a sufficient number of ninjas.

It is indeed able to consume powerful shadow-level strongmen.

The three generations of Thunder Shadow are a good example.


This group of ninjas in Iwakuma Village don’t know yet,

What they are facing now is Naruto Uzumago, who possesses the power of a powerful person beyond the shadow level!

In front of the super shadow-level strongman,

The number of ninjas has not played a decisive role anymore.

Especially for ninjas like Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto Uzumaki now possesses not only a Shōgun and a Nine-tailed Nine Lamas.

And its own physique is also a perfect immortal body.

He has mastered the perfect magic.

Although Naruto was not able to expose some of his powers.


It was impossible to defeat him by draining his physical strength, Chakra’s way!

“Arrogant fellow, give me obedience to die!”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s arrogant appearance, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village could no longer bear it anymore and directly attacked Naruto Uzumaki.

“Well, you guys… Want to dance too? ”

Looking at the swarm of Iwakuma village ninjas rushing up, Naruto Uzumaki snorted coldly and then,

He also took the initiative to rush towards the ninja of Iwakuma Village.


Madarag! Madarag!

In just an instant, Naruto had already rushed into the formation of the ninjas of Iwakuma Village.

Followed by

Naruto Uzumaki began to kill inside! Although the number of ninjas in Iwakuma Village is large,


A large part of them are middle forbearance, or even lower forbearance.

Such a ninja, in front of Naruto Uzumaki, couldn’t even catch a move.

In just a few minutes, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village were killed and wounded.

“This bastard, I must kill it with my own hands…”


Before one of the ninjas from Iwakuma could finish speaking, he was kicked out by Naruto Uzumaki and flew out.

“People who talk a lot often die the fastest.”

Although the speed of the whirlpool Naruto kills people is very fast.


Compared to the number of Iwakuma ninjas in the tens of thousands, the ninjas killed by Naruto Uzumaki were just a drop in the ocean.

As time passed, Naruto had lost count of how many ninjas Iwakuma had killed.

Just remember,

He had already rushed back and forth inside the ninja camp in Iwakuma Village three times.

In this process,

Naruto Uzumaki enjoyed the thrill of the battle.

His own combat experience is also growing rapidly.

“Fire escape, fire extinguished!”

Naruto Uzumaki casually unleashed a Fire Ninjutsu.


The huge flames formed a sea of fire and swept towards the ninjas of Iwakuma Village.

“Water Wall!”

Seeing this scene, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village were taken aback.

Then dozens of ninjas performed water ninjutsu together, and only then was it enough to block Naruto’s casual blow.


Fire and water collided violently in the air.

The entire battlefield was enveloped in a steaming mist of water.


Poof! Poof!

A thick water mist affected the sight of the ninjas of Iwakuma Village.


It had no effect on Naruto the Vortex, who possessed super sentience.

Under the cover of the water mist, Naruto Uzumaki took a long knife and began a new round of killing!

“Damn, this guy, is it the devil?!”

“Why! Why is it that after so long, this guy still doesn’t show any signs of exhaustion?! ”

“Bastard, we have so many people dead, didn’t that cause any harm to this guy?”

“Who the hell is he?” Why is it so strong?! ”

“I saw with my own eyes that Takumi Kami-ninja was cut in half by this guy’s knife!” That’s a good ninja! I didn’t even hold on to a single move! ”

“Damn, this guy’s chakra, how many are there?” Even with the tail orc pillar force, after such a long battle, Chakra should be exhausted, right?! ”

“No… I can’t die yet……”

“This kind of sacrifice is meaningless at all, let’s withdraw first!”

Watching his companions fall one by one, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village finally fell into a collapse.

Naruto Uzumaki was more powerful than they could have imagined.


At one point they thought,

This guy in front of him is the God of Death sent by Heaven to harvest life! Not at all something that humans can overcome!

Emotions of fear can spread.

Looking at the corpses in the field, some of the ninjas in Iwakuma Village began to flinch and flee.

Followed by

More and more ninjas are choosing to flee.

It didn’t take long for the servant,

Tens of thousands of Iwakuma Village ninjas all broke up and fled!

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