Chapter 133 The Messenger of Hell, Battle Ohnoki!!

Under Naruto’s powerful attack, tens of thousands of ninjas from Iwakuma Village finally began to collapse.

Facing Naruto the vortex like a god of death from hell.

Tens of thousands of Iwanina actually began to scatter and flee!

At this moment,

For the first time, a situation that had not occurred in the ninja world for thousands of years appeared.

With the strength of one person, he actually defeated tens of thousands of ninjas.

This means that

The era of individual power transcending the collective has arrived!

“Huh… A swarm of ants. ”

Looking at the fleeing Iwashi, Naruto Uzumaki did not choose to pursue.

His purpose is to exercise his practical experience,

It’s not just about killing.

Of course

In order to weaken the power of Iwakuma Village, before leaving,

He will definitely give Iwakuma a big gift.


Now there is no need to go after these guys.

And this scene,

It also quickly attracted the attention of Ohnoki in the sky.

Seeing Iwashi, who was scattered and fleeing, Ohnogi was angry and anxious.


How many enemies are coming?

“Deidara, you honestly tell me, how many people have you come here tonight?” Ohnoki looked at Deidara and asked. ”

This time

The other party was clearly prepared.


So far,

He hadn’t guessed exactly what the purpose of the other party’s attack on Iwakuma Village tonight was.

“Old man, I can’t say such a thing.”

Deidara naturally wouldn’t reveal the intelligence of Naruto Uzumaki and others like Ohnoki.

Instead, he began to throw bombs down again and again.


“I killed you!”

Seeing that the village had been destroyed like this, Ohnogi finally couldn’t bear it any longer

As soon as his hands were closed, a brilliant light rose between Ohnogi’s hands.

“The Art of Dust and Primitive Stripping!”

With a low sigh from Ohnoki, a square transparent barrier instantly broke through the long sky.

Followed by

The Junction rushed towards Deidara with unparalleled speed.

Seeing this scene,

Deidara was horrified.

He knows

This time Ohnogi is really moving.

In the face of the extremely fast dust, Deidara could only barely control the big bird’s deviation.

And then

One of his arms was hit by dust and disappeared in an instant.


Feeling the sharp pain coming from his body, Deidara used the last bit of strength to drop a C4 bomb under the village and fled into the distance.

If Ohnogi continues to hunt him down, the village will inevitably be greatly damaged.


After seeing the C4 bomb growing in the air, Ohnogi finally gave up the pursuit of Deidara.

Instead, the target of the dust was aimed at the C4 bomb.


Another flash of white light.

The C4 bomb disappeared under the separation of dust.

“Deidara, don’t let me meet you again!”

Looking at Deidara, who had disappeared into the sky, Ohnogi roared angrily.

From this moment, he had completely aMadaradoned Deidara as a disciple in his heart. After venting the anger in his heart, Ohnogi began to land from the air.

As soon as he landed on the ground, several ninjas from the Dark Tribes appeared around him.

“How many enemies are there in the village tonight?”

“Why is everyone so messed up?”

Ohnogi is still unclear what really happened in the village when he and Deidara were fighting.

“Lord Tuying, we… We’ve met monsters! ”

The ninja in the dark side couldn’t help but tremble at the thought of Naruto’s terrifying look.

“What the hell is going on?!”

Seeing the performance of the dark ninja, Ohnogi was a little surprised.

What the hell happened, even the ninjas in the dark side would be scared like this!

“There’s nothing we can do with him.”

Shadow suppressed the fear in his heart and reported the incident to Ohnogi.

After listening, Ohnoki also opened his mouth in shock.

A monster that tens of thousands of ninjas can’t deal with?

How can it be?!

Just when Ohnoki wanted to continue to ask questions, suddenly there was a roar from afar.

Followed by

The huge body of the five-tailed Mu King appeared in the village.

“No, the other side’s target is the tail orc pillar force!”

Seeing this scene, Ohnogi immediately figured it out.

Tonight attack on the enemy, their real purpose,

I’m afraid it’s the tailed beast of Iwakuma Village!

“What the hell are these bastards trying to do?!”

“If you come with me, you will never be able to let the other party’s plan succeed!”

Ohnogi said to the dark side next to him.

As a pillar force of tailed orcs capable of deterring other villages.

There is absolutely no room for error.

Once the power of the tailed beast is lost, the balance between the village and the village will inevitably tilt to the other side.

By that time,

The village of Iwakuma could be in danger of being invaded.

“And that bastard of old purple, who ran out of the village at this time!”

Ohnoki was anxious now.

Once the news of Lao Zi’s defection to the village was leaked, then he would definitely be very dangerous.

The other side dared to launch an attack in Iwakuma Village.

“Hurry up and keep up!”

Ohnogi flew some distance in the direction of King Five-Tailed, only to find that the ninjas in the dark part had not followed.

Just when Ohnoki was confused, he turned his head,

Then he saw Naruto in the vortex who was slowly walking towards him.

Behind Naruto Uzumaki,

It is the corpse of a dark ninja who has been stabbed in the heart with a knife.

“Ohnogi, come and fight me.”

Naruto Uzumaki was a little excited in his tone.

After coming to the world of Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki gained great power.

And he,

I also like the feeling of fighting with these powers.

Ohnoki, as an earth shadow, has such a powerful blood succession elimination as Dust, so

Naruto Uzumaki desperately wanted to fight Ohnoki.

After seeing Naruto Uzumaki, Ohnoki’s face also became solemn.

He was able to feel a powerful sense of oppression and a desire to fight from Naruto Uzumhirl.

Such a guy,

Definitely a madman who can’t be easily provoked! But

If you don’t fight the guy in front of you, the other side will probably continue to kill the ninjas of Iwakuma Village.

This is something that Ohnogi can’t stand.

“The Art of Rock Fist!”

Ohnogi didn’t give a crap and directly turned one of his arms into a hard rock fist.

“The Art of Light and Heavy Rocks!”

Ohnogi sealed it again, and his entire body immediately became extremely light.

Knowing the real purpose of the other party, Ohnogi plans to make a quick decision.

“Haha, that’s kind of interesting.”

“Come on!”

“Don’t let me down!”

Seeing Ohnogi’s movements, Naruto Uzumaki burst out laughing.

And then

Instantly entered the Thunder Chakra mode!

“This is… Thunderbolt Chakra Mode?! ”

“You… Are you a guy from Yunyin Village?!! ”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s appearance, Ohnoki’s pupils shrank suddenly!

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