Chapter 135 is just gravel, not worth mentioning!!

“Are you ready?”

“I’m going to shoot.”

Naruto smiled slightly.

And then

The figure of the whole person instantly disappeared in place.

Although it is fighting in the air,

But his speed was not affected in any way.

“Not good!”

Seeing Naruto disappear from the whirlpool, Ohnoki was shocked.

Without the advantage of being able to fight in the air, Ohnogi had lost his fighting spirit in his heart.

At the speed that Naruto Uzumquatto exhibited, his dust had no chance of hitting Naruto Uzumaki.

If you forcibly use the dust, you will just waste your own chakra.


If you don’t use dust, you can do it to the spelling technique.

Ohnoki had already experienced the power of Naruto Whirlpool.


No matter what you think,

Ohnogi didn’t see any hope of winning.


Naruto would not be merciful to Ohnoki’s men.

With the blessing of Lei Sui Chakra, he quickly came to Ohnoki’s side.

And then

A punch was thrown at Ohnoki.


One punch knocked Ohnoki out.

This punch,

Ohnogi resisted.

But the injuries to the body were even more severe.

He doesn’t know.

How long can I hold out under such an attack!

“If it goes on like this, it’s not fun.”

Seeing that Ohnoki was no longer in a fighting spirit, a look of disappointment appeared on Naruto’s face.

Even if it is a shadow of the earth,

After knowing the huge difference in strength between the two sides, will it become like this?

“If that’s the case, then you should die!”

Naruto Uzumaki said a fierce word, and then launched a frenzied attack on Ohnogi.

Madarag! Madarag! Madarag! Punch after punch.

Each punch carries a tremendous amount of power.

Ohnoki barely resisted a few times, but finally couldn’t hold on any longer.


one time

Ohnoki was sent flying out by Naruto Uzumaki.

In an instant, it fell on a huge mountain.

Followed by

The figure of Naruto Uzumaki also appeared in front of Ohnogi in an instant.

“Cough… You…… Who are you? ”

Ohnogi has more air and less intake.

He was already very old and had been so badly injured.

Even if Naruto Uzumaki doesn’t kill him,


He won’t live this evening.

“This ninja world has been decaying for too long.”

“I want to unify this ninja world.”

“You never know what the ninja world will face in the future.”

Looking at Ohnogi, Naruto Uzumaki revealed a little information.

Now that he has such a strong power.

Then he must become the one who stands at the top of the ninja world! And

Only the entire ninja world is unified,

In the future, in the face of the invasion of the Ōtsuki clan, all talents will be able to unite as one.

“Is it?”

“That means you’ll do the same thing to other ninja villages?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Ohnogi seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

After tonight, Iwakuma Village will definitely be seriously injured.

The other ninja villages, on the other hand, would definitely not turn a blind eye to this.

They will take advantage of the weakest time in Iwakuma Village to launch an attack on Iwakuma Village.

If Naruto Uzumaki and his group would do the same to other ninja villages, then at least Iwakuma Village wouldn’t be a target for other ninja villages in the short term.

“You can think of it that way.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and a knife pierced Ohnogi’s heart.

Treat the enemy,

He will never be merciful.

If Ohnogi, the older generation of rulers, did not die.

The goal of unifying the ninja world is impossible.

After solving Ohnogi, Naruto Uzumaki came to the middle of the village of Iwakuma again.

Here, the Scorpion is engaged in a fierce battle with the Five Tails Mu King.


Now the scorpion was clearly downwind.


A large part of the scattered Iwanami ninjas who had been killed by Naruto Uzumaki had come to the battlefield on the Scorpion’s side.

If it weren’t for Uchiha and Deidara’s struggle to resist, Scorpion,

I’m afraid that I have already died under the siege of this group of rock ninjas.

“Face hemp!”

“Here you are!”

“Come and help us!”

Seeing the sudden appearance of Naruto Uchiha, Uchiha and Deidara’s faces both had a surprised smile on their faces.

The faces of the surrounding rock ninjas instantly became terrified.

Isn’t this guy fighting Lord Tuying?

Why is it here? Where did Lord Tuying go?! Does it say…?

Lord Earth Shadow has been…?!

Thinking of some possibility, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village all stopped attacking in unison.

Judging from the current situation of Naruto Uzumaki, Lord Shadow was probably already defeated!

And the battle between the ninjas, lost,

It often means death.

“No… No way……… Lord Earth Shadow will never be defeated! ”

“Lord Tuying may have been delayed by something else, don’t think about it…”

“Bastard, can’t this guy even defeat Lord Tuying?”

“Why… Obviously has been fighting for such a long time, but this guy is still no different from the beginning? Is he really a monster who doesn’t know how to be tired?! ”

Although all the Iwanami ninjas were comforting themselves, they looked at Naruto who was unharmed in front of him,

The ninjas in Iwakuma Village were all a bit underwhelmed.

“Face hemp… Are you really…? ”

Hearing the words of the ninja of Iwakumura, Uchiha and the three of them couldn’t help but open their mouths.

Face hemp this guy,

Did he really kill Shadow Ohnogi?

“Yes, that’s what you think.”

Hearing Uchiha’s inquiry with the soil, Naruto Uzumaki nodded.

No one knew his true identity anyway.

There is nothing wrong with the killing of Tu Ying.


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha took a breath of the cold Iwakuma Village’s turf and killed the shadow of Iwakuma Village.

What kind of monster is this guy?!

“It turned out to be true… Lord Tu Ying has been killed! ”

“I don’t believe he must be lying to us!”

“Then tell me, why hasn’t Lord Tuying appeared until now?!”

“This… This……”

“Kill them and avenge Lord Tuying!”

“Yes, kill them and avenge Lord Tuying!”

At this moment, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village were all overwhelmed by the fury and lost their minds.

One by one, they all rushed towards Naruto in the whirlpool.


Avenge your own shadow!

“Deidara, evacuate!”

Seeing this scene, Uchiha took Tu and quickly cast his divine power to jump out.

Even if he had the ability to blur, it was absolutely impossible to resist the attack of tens of thousands of Iwakuma Village ninjas.

Don’t run away now, once you are entangled, there is no chance.

Deidara, on the other hand, also jumped on the back of the big bird and flew into the air.

The clay on his body had been consumed.

Now he doesn’t have any combat ability.

“Hmm, it’s just gravel, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Looking at the densely packed Iwakumura ninjas, Naruto Uzumaki snorted coldly.

And then

Quick stamping of both hands.

“Psychic Nine-Faced Subo!”

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