Chapter 136 Art is Explosion, The Great Spiral Wheel!!

“Qing? White? Cinnabar? Black? Empty? South? North? Three? Jade……… Nine-faced beast. ”

“Psychic Nine-Faced Subhatha!”

As Naruto Uzumaki let out a low sigh, behind Naruto Uzumaki, nine psychic formations with different words written appeared.

And then

Nine masked animals were channeled by Naruto Uzumaki.

“What is this?”

“Well… What a mighty power! ”

“Let’s be careful, let’s get rid of these monsters first!”

Seeing the nine-faced beast that Naruto had channeled out, the ninja of Iwakuma Village instantly felt a palpitation.

These nine masked monsters.

Each of them actually exuded the momentum of a shadow-level strongman!

“This guy… How many hole cards are left?! ”


Seeing this scene, Uchiha couldn’t help but mumble to himself.

Every time,

Naruto Uzumaki was able to refresh his cognition.

Thunder Chakra mode, powerful physique, flying ability, powerful psychic beasts………

The ninja in front of him, who looked very young, was able to show a new hole card every time.


After the Nine-Faced Beast was channeled out, it instantly rushed into the ninja camp of Iwakuma Village.


As a result, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village suffered heavy casualties.

“Scorpion, finish early.”

“It’s going to be dawn soon.”

After doing all this, Naruto Uzumaki didn’t rush to make a move,

Instead, he found a high ground and sat quietly on it, overlooking the entire battlefield. ”

“Magneto-iron triangular pyramid!”

“Magneto-iron cuboid!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the Red Sand Scorpion once again looked at the five-tailed Mu King and showed me

This time, the scorpion had the upper hand.


The nine-faced beast that Naruto had channeled out had already stopped all the ninjas in Sha Yin Village.


With a burst of roar, the five tails finally lost the attack of the scorpion and roared unwillingly, and finally collapsed to the ground.

“Magnetism Sand Iron Naiyi!”

The scorpion controlled the three generations of Wind Shadow’s human puppets, lifted the five-tailed human pillar Li Han, and then flew into the sky together.

At the same time, the Nine-Faced Beast that Naruto channeled out of the vortex,

It had also been besieged by the ninjas of Iwakuma Village, and one by one it had been beaten to dissipate.


They were looking at Naruto the Vortex, the Scorpion of Red Sand, Deidara, Uchiha Obito and others in the high sky, but there was nothing they could do.

“We, the village of Yanyin, will not forget this shame!”

“You wait, we will surely take revenge!”

“What happened tonight, Iwakuma Village will never forget!”

Looking at the vortex Naruto in the sky, the Iwakuma ninja let out an angry roar.


The loss of Iwakuma Village was too severe.

The earth shadow Ohnoki did not know where to go, and most likely died in battle.

The five-tailed man pillar force was caught.

Iwakuma ninjas are killed and injured enormously!

The entire village was also mutilated by Deidara’s bombs.

Even in the time of the Ninja War, Iwakuma Village had never suffered such a loss.

At this time, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village were all eager to swallow Naruto and other lives alive!

“These guys, it’s still the same old way.”

“I really want a bomb to blow them all up!”

“Let them see what real art is!”


Looking at the Iwakuma village ninjas gathered below, Deidara muttered.

He grew up in Iwakuma Village.

Because of my personality, I don’t know how much bullying I have received. If it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t have any detonating clay in his hands now.

Deidara Truth A bomb was thrown down below.

“Deidara…… Don’t blink later. ”

Hearing Deidara’s words, Naruto Uzumaki suddenly laughed.

He said,

Tonight I want to give Iwakuma Village a “big gift”!


“What’s wrong?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Deidara was a little puzzled.

“Show me my art.”

“The Great Spiral Wheel!”

As Naruto Uzumaki let out a low sigh, a pitch-black chakra ball appeared in Naruto Uzumaki’s hand.

This chakra ball is very small.


Not as big as Naruto’s palm.


On this inconspicuous chakra ball, Deidara and the others felt the horror that made their hearts palpitate.

This palpitation sensation is death!

“This… What is it?! ”

“Face Ma, what do you want to do?”

“The Great Spiral Wheel? Is this your art? ”

Under the terrifying momentum of the Great Spiral Wheel, Deidara and the others could not even speak fluently.

“I’m just here to put an end to our actions tonight.”

“Don’t blink.”

Naruto finished speaking, his palm tilted slightly.

The dark chakra ball in his hand fell downwards. And Uchiha with the soil, Deidara and others also seem to realize something.

Keep your eyes firmly on the Iwakuma Village below.

The pitch-black chakra ball is not conspicuous in the dark.


It wasn’t until the Chakra ball fell to less than a hundred meters above the ground that the Iwakuma ninja below discovered the anomaly.

“There seems to be something in the sky, who can see what it is?”

“It seems to be a small black ball……”

“Black balls? Could it be that the guys on the group tonight made it? ”

“I don’t know why, how did I suddenly feel a palpitation?”

“Me too, looking at that little ball, it always feels like something bad is going to happen right away.”

“Look, that little ball has stopped!”

When there were still tens of meters above the ground, the pitch-black chakra ball finally stopped.

And then

Before the ninjas of Iwakuma could react, the pitch-black Chakra ball began to expand rapidly.

The terrifying aura full of destruction also completely emanated at this moment!

“Bad, run!”

“It’s terrible, what is this?!”

“Whoever came to my rescue, I… My leg hurts! ”

“Bastard, this kind of thing is not something that people can resist at all, right?!”

“Just kidding, right? I’ve seen the tailed beast Chakra released when the Five Tails went on a rampage, and it’s a lot worse than that. ”

“Huh… Hehe……… I give up, I surrender. ”

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the Great Spiral Wheel, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village all fell into despair.

They already know what this chakra ball does.

At this moment,

Most Iwanami had only one thought in their minds.

That is to greet your own death with peace of mind.

Accept your fate! Of course

There are also a small number of Iwanina who are still desperately trying to escape into the distance, or looking for cover.

Expect yourself to survive the next explosion.

At the same time,

The swirl in the high sky Naruto’s mouth was slightly cocked and he opened his mouth softly.

“Art is an explosion!”


A light that people can’t see directly rises from the center of Iwakuma Village in an instant!

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