Chapter 137 Who is the big boss behind the scenes?!!

“Art…… It’s an explosion! ”

With a soft sigh from Naruto in the whirlpool, a light rose from the Iwakuma Village below that could not be seen directly.

Immediately afterward, the light expanded rapidly, straight into the sky!

Everywhere the light went, everything was silently melted into the flour.

In just a few seconds, the dazzling light had already expanded to the size of half of Yanyin Village.

And then

A loud roar exploded in everyone’s ears! Rumble!

With this loud sound, a terrifying wave of the carrier’s intense heat spread out in all directions centered on the orb.

All the things that came into contact with it were smashed into pieces!

A fierce wind also blew up in the sky, blowing the corners of Naruto and the others’ clothes into a loud thud.

Even after such a distance, several people could feel the immense power of the explosion of the Great Spiral Wheel.


It took a few minutes for the explosion to stop.

A dead silence!

It was as if everything had been erased.

Except for the wind in my ears, there was no longer any sound.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the dust raised by the explosion dissipated completely.

It was also at this time that

The appearance of Iwakuma Village was once again displayed in front of everyone.


Seeing this scene, Uchiha took the soil, Deidara, the scorpion, and all three people’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Looking around, the originally bustling Yanyin Village has become a complete ruin!

Just that one blow actually destroyed the entire Iwakuma Village! And those tens of thousands of Iwakuma Village ninjas also disappeared without a trace.

“Deidara, how’s it going?”

“Do you approve of my art?”

Naruto turned to look at Deidara and asked.


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Deidara finally came back to his senses and then couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

“This… This is the ultimate art! ”

“I approve, and I want to make this art!”

“Everybody will approve of this art!”


Looking at the ruined Iwakuma Village below, Deidara’s eyes were filled with madness.

Just exploded,

How wonderful! Ah Fei is right,

Compared with the Great Spiral Wheel Yu, his previous works,

It’s almost like a little kid living at home.

No wonder his art is always not recognized by others.

If he could make a bomb like the Great Spiral Wheel, then there should be no one in the entire ninja world who would not recognize his art, right?!

“Face numbness, the explosion just now is really handsome!”

“This is real art!”

Deidara’s eyes filled with admiration as he looked at Naruto Uzumaki.

From small to large,

It was the first time he had recognized art other than himself.

The explosion just now was worth his life’s time to chase.

“Oh… Now that the gift has been given, let’s go. ”

Looking at Deidara, who had instantly become his little fan, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly, and then,

He took the lead and flew into the distance.

Deidara and the scorpion quickly followed.

At this moment,

They had fully recognized Naruto’s strength.

This guy,

He is a strong man who can compete with the leader!

“Face hemp…”

“What the hell are you…”

Looking at the three people leaving, Uchiha murmured in a low voice.

He now,

It turned out that the more he couldn’t see through Naruto’s identity.

Born out of nowhere, he has the power that makes him jealous.

Why would such a guy not be able to gather any relevant intelligence? Such a person,

Can it really be used by him?

Just as Uchiha was meditating with the soil, he slowly drilled out of the ground and half-cut himself.

“It’s so dangerous, I almost got killed just now.”

Bai Jie opened his mouth.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was running fast, he would have escaped from the depths of the underground.

The big spiral wheel that had just been there was probably already blowing him to pieces.

“Is there any information about the face hemp?”

Seeing the absolute, Uchiha asked with the earth.


“I’ve turned Yunyin Village upside down, but I don’t have any information about the noodles.”

“The other doppelgangers scattered in the ninja world didn’t hear from them either.”

“This guy is like he appeared out of thin air.”

He will not tell the results of his investigation in detail during this time.

The more I say,

Uchiha browed deeper with his brow.

He knew about the absolute ability to gather intelligence.

Not even any news of noodles was collected.

That can only tell one thing.

Face hemp,

Definitely not his true identity!

“Don’t worry too much.”

“As long as we can complete our plan, everything will not be a problem.”

“People like Mian Ma are sometimes more suitable to be a sharp sword, aren’t they?”

“With him there, our plan to collect tailed beasts can be much earlier.”

Seeing Uchiha’s contemplative look, Kuroji smiled calmly.

As a person who has lived from the time of the Great Barrel Muhui to the present, what kind of things have not been experienced?

The ninja world is not without amazing talents and strong people.

But, so what?

In the end, it is not a piece of loess!

Even if he was as strong as Uchiha Madara and a person like the Thousand Hands Pillar, he was not under his calculations and became his own pawn!

A face hemp who does not know the identity, what to worry about! Black Jedi is now very inflated.

It has been plotting behind the ninja world for thousands of years, and everything is a pawn in its hands.


It’s the biggest boss behind the scenes of the ninja world!

Except for his mother, the big barrel of Mu Hui Night, Black Jedi looked down on anyone.

In the eyes of Black Jedi, everyone is just a pawn in achieving its goals.

As the master of chess, will it still be jealous of the chess pieces in its hands? If Naruto knew what Kuroji was thinking now, he would definitely scoff at it.


Black absolutes everything,

It was already under Naruto’s calculations.

Behind the scenes? Naive!

He’ll let Black Jedi know,

Who is the real boss behind the scenes!

“Since you’ve said that, let’s do it first.”

After Uchiha finished taking the soil, he launched the divine power and disappeared in the same place.

For Naruto Uzumaki, whose strength was beyond his imagination, he didn’t have a very good way to do it now.

I can only take one step at a time.

Iwakuma Village,

Among the ruins.

A girl with short black hair crawled out of the rubble.

Look at the ruins in front of you, and the corpses everywhere.

Black Earth’s eyes were filled with hatred.

Damn Deidara!

Damn AkatsukiOrganization!

And the ninja in Yunyin Village who uses the Thunder Chakra mode! They should all be damned!

“I won’t let you go!”

Black Earth’s angry fist hammered on the ground.

She wants revenge!

Be sure to take revenge!

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