Chapter 138 Four Generations of Eye Shadow, Black Earth!!

“Mian Ma, what kind of spiral chakra is yours, what kind of ninjutsu is it?”

“I’ve had some new inspiration lately, do you want to take a look at the noodles?”

“Face hemp, if your big spiral wheel can change from a spherical shape to a spider or a bird, it must look more artistic, right?”

“By the way, the face is hemp…”

Hearing the non-stop nonsense in his ears, Naruto Uzumaki regretted it now.


Why did he associate his great spiral with the explosion? Although now Deidara seems to have become his own little fan.


This guy is really annoying ah hey! More than Uchiha with soil!

“Deidara, shut your mouth.”

Under Naruto’s icy eyes, Deidara finally remembered that the guy in front of him,

Not a good talker.


But one move destroyed the monsters of Iwakuma Village!

“I was suddenly inspired again, goodbye.”

Deidara slipped decisively.

Although he was very eager to discuss art with Naruto Uzumaki.


In comparison,

Or his own life is more important.

He definitely did not want to die like this until he perfected his final art. After Deidara closed her mouth, the whole world finally fell silent.

Naruto Uzumaki and his party, after three days of hurrying,

Once again, we came to the Land of Rain.

Inside the base of the Akatsukiorganization.

“You’re back.”

Seeing Naruto and Deidara and the others, Tendo Payne slowly stepped out of the shadows.

As for what happened in Iwakuma Village, he already knew.


Payne was more curious about Naruto Whirlpool.

With his own strength, he was able to defeat the four-tailed human pillar force in a row, the earth shadow of Ohnogi, and kill tens of thousands of rocks to flee in all directions.

At last

It even used a trick to turn the entire Iwakuma Village into a ruin.

This power,

Compared with him, I’m afraid I won’t let it go.

“This time thanks to the face hemp, otherwise our task would not have been completed so smoothly.”

The scorpion was the first to speak.

He now for Naruto Uzumaki,

The hostility that had begun was long gone.

Instead, he worshipped Naruto Uzumaki.

If not Naruto Uzumaki,

With his and Deidara’s strength,

I’m afraid it will be impossible to complete the capture task of the five-tailed human pillar force.


Even himself,

I’m afraid I’m going to die inside Iwakuma Village.

“I already know that.”

“Face hemp, what reward do you want?”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, Tendo Payne asked.

For a strong person like Naruto Uzumaki, you must draw it together.

With the help of Naruto Uzumaki,

The plan to collect the tailed beast will surely be successfully completed.

“Forget about the reward or something.”

“I like the feeling of fighting, and if I plan to catch the tailed beast in the future, I can help.”

Hearing Payne’s words, Naruto Uzumaki smiled coldly in his heart.

What rewards do I want?

I want reincarnation eyes, do you give?

It was better to hurry up and implement the tailed beast capture plan, so that he could become a ten-tailed human pillar force earlier.

“That’s the best thing to do.”

Payne looked at Naruto with relief in Naruto’s eyes.


That’s the best employee in the world.

Not only does it not require a reward, but it also takes the initiative to ask for more to contribute to the organization.

Look at the others.

Deidara knew all day about kneading mud.

Scorpion knew that every day he would ask for money to engage his puppet.

Je and Uchiha took the soil all day long and could not see a shadow.

Fei Duan is also busy every day to find someone to perform a ceremony for the so-called evil god.

Everyone didn’t let him worry about it.

If only they all had the same consciousness as Naruto Uzumaki.

Does he still have to worry about it all day?

“This time, everyone has done a beautiful job.”

“Kakuto and Hidan went to capture Nanao and haven’t returned.”

“Next, let’s take a few days off.”

“The next target is tentatively set as two tails and eight tails.”

When Payne finished speaking, he turned and left.

The rest of the crowd dispersed.

The only ones left were Naruto and Konan.

“It’s ten million in cash that you can take and squander it.”

Konan threw a box into Naruto Uzumhir’s hands.


He also began to quietly look at Naruto Uzumaki.

“Well, I’d rather not have the money.”

“If you want to stay with me for a few days.”

Looking at AkatsukiNan’s cold face, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

“I don’t like to hear these words.”

“Don’t do it next time.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Konan’s face turned a rare red.

From small to large,

It was the first time that the opposite sex had said such a thing to her.

“Got it, next time I’ll put it another way you like.”


AkatsukiNan snorted softly, and then turned into countless paper cranes and disappeared in place. ”

After Konan left, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.

AkatsukiNan has a unique and very cold temperament,

Naruto Uzumaki loved it.


He wasn’t in a hurry either.

“Everyone, we must work together in the future.”

“We must make the enemy pay the price!”

“Avenge Lord Tuying and his dead companions!”

Iwakuma Village,

Above a ruin.

Thousands of ninjas from Iwakuma gathered together.

They are ninjas who survived the explosion of the Great Spiral Wheel.

Looking at the devastation, the ninjas of Iwakuma Village were very depressed.

In just one night, the originally bustling village of Iwakuma was turned into a ruin.

They not only lost Lord Tuying, but also lost countless companions!

“Cheer up, everyone!”

“If this continues, it will only chill the dead companions.”

Black Earth stood on top of the wasteland, working hard to boost the morale of the people. In the sneak attack of the Akatsukiorganization, she lost her father and grandfather.


She can’t fall,

She must lead Iwakuma Village through the next difficult time!

“Lord Black Earth, with our current strength, do we still have a chance to take revenge?”

Someone asked.

At the peak of Iwakuma Village,

They don’t have anything to do with each other.

Not to mention now.

“Rest assured, although we have suffered heavy losses this time, we have at least figured out the enemy’s intentions.”

“Their target is the tailed orc pillar force.”

“Since they have attacked our Iwakuma Village, then in the same way, they will definitely attack the people of other ninja villages.”

“So, we’re going to look for allies.”

“If the entire ninja world unites, the enemy will definitely be defeated!”

Black Earth is still very clever.

The current village of Iwakuma is full of dangers.

Even if the members of the AkatsukiOrganization will not target them again,

Other ninja villages will also take advantage of the opportunity to attack Iwakuma Village for their own benefit.

And they,

But there was no force at all that could resist.

If you want Iwakuma Village to survive this crisis temporarily, you can only go to the other ninja villages to form an alliance.

After the alliance, the other ninja villages will not take a shot at Iwakuma for the time being.

At least

There will be no action until the common threat of the AkatsukiOrganization is eliminated.

And Iwakuma Village,

You can also take advantage of this time to develop well and stabilize the situation in the village.


That’s what Black Earth is thinking right now.

“Lord Black Earth, after that you will be the Shadow of the Earth, and we will all listen to you!”

“Yes, whatever you do, we support you!”

“Long live Lord Tuying!”

“Long live Lord Black Earth!”

After Kuroto proposed his own method, the surviving Iwato invariably regarded Kuroto as the next earth shadow.

Because Kuroto is the granddaughter of Ohnogi, her father Loess also has great prestige in Iwakuma Village.

Therefore, the black earth becomes the shadow of the earth, and no one will object.

“Since that’s the case, then I’ll be the fourth generation of Iwakuma Village!”

“I promise, I will definitely lead the Iwakuma Village to glory again!”

After the black earth finished speaking, the crowd cheered in an instant.

The curry is ringing the oar, and the party is asking for the end.

Pacified everyone in the village.

Next, it’s time to seek alliances.

And if you want to seek an alliance.

Konoha Village,

Undoubtedly the best goal.

“It seems that we have to go to Konoha as soon as possible.”

Looking into the distance, Black Earth murmured in a low voice.

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