Chapter 139 Wood Split Left Behind and Rushed Back to Konoha!!

“Is this the wooden leaf?”

“It’s really bustling.”

“No wonder Grandpa attacked Konoha when he was alive.”

Walking on the street of wooden leaves, Black Earth not only sighed a word.

Compared with Iwakuma Village,

The wooden leaves are not only very pleasant in the environment.


The village is also very prosperous.

Above the street,

People come and go everywhere.

A merchant who comes to do business or an employer who comes to hire ninjas.

It’s all in an endless stream.

It seems that Konohacan be called the strongest ninja village, and it seems that there is no reason for it.

“Lord Tuying, there is the Naruto Building in front of you.”

Walk through the bustling streets.

In the very heart of the wooden leaves,

A tall Naruto building appeared in front of Black Earth.

“Please come with me.”

The ninja of the Konoha Dark Department finished speaking, and then entered the Naruto Building with the black earth.

In Naruto’s office,

Tsunade was already waiting early.

“Lord Naruto, Lord Shadow has arrived.”

The Shadow Ministry gave a briefing, and then cast a teleportation to disappear.

“I don’t know what happened to Yanyin Village this time, but he let Tuying come over personally.”

Looking at the young black earth, Tsunade had a curious look on his face.

In general, for their own safety,

The shadows of each village will not easily enter other ninja villages.


This young girl who had just taken office had such great courage.

A man dares to come to Konoha.

“I guess Naruto has heard about the matter of Iwakuma Village?”

Hearing Kuroto’s words, Tsunade nodded, and his face became solemn, and Iwakuma Village was invaded by the enemy, and the three generations of Shadow Ohnogi were killed.

The news that the entire village had been destroyed had spread throughout the ninja world.

Naturally, Tsunade is also very clear about this.

I just don’t know what kind of force can make such a big move.

“Naruto, I’m here to seek an alliance.”

The black earth directly indicated its intentions.

Now that she is the weaker party, don’t ask for some cunning.


“It’s not something that can be decided overnight.”

“I need to have a good discussion with the village elders.”

Listening to Black Earth’s words, Tsunade casually made an excuse.

Are you kidding

Who doesn’t know that Iwakuma Village is now the weakest time! It can be said that

The whole ninja world,

Almost all the forces have their eyes on Iwakuma Village.

Everyone wants a piece of it.

Wood leaves are certainly no exception.


Naturally, Tsunade would not agree to an alliance with Iwakuma Village.

“Naruto, you better listen to me before you decide.”

Seeing that Tsunade refused, Black Earth was not surprised.

Instead, he showed a confident smile.

KonohaVillage also has its own tailed orc pillar force. The AkatsukiOrganization must also attack Konoha.


In the end, the programmator will certainly agree to his request for an alliance.


“Then tell me about it.”

After listening to Black Earth’s words, a trace of curiosity also arose in the palm of Tsunade Hand.

She wanted to hear why the shadow in front of her, who had just succeeded to the throne, was so confident.

“Naruto, you should have heard about the AkatsukiOrganization, right?”

“The people who attacked Iwakuma Village this time were the members of the AkatsukiOrganization.”

“And the purpose of their attack on Iwakuma Village is to target the tail orc pillar force of our village!”

Black Earth didn’t say much.

Tsunade is a smart person who can definitely hear her voice.


After hearing Kuroto’s words, Tsunade Tsuna’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his face became a little unnatural.

“Hmm, I knew you would be that look.”

Looking at the look of Tsunade Hand, Black Earth snorted coldly in his heart.

She had already guessed that Tsunade would react this way.

After all

Once the tail orc pillar force is involved,

No village with human pillar power can stand alone.

Of course

What Black Earth doesn’t know is that

Now Tsubasa’s heart was completely different from what she thought.

The moment Tsunade heard about AkatsukiOrganization, she understood.

The destruction of Iwakuma Village is probably inseparable from Naruto Uzumaki.

Only Naruto Uzumaki could have the power to destroy a ninja village.

However, when Naruto first left, he only said that he was going to infiltrate the AkatsukiOrganization, not that he would help the AkatsukiOrganization collect the tailed beasts.

But now,

Naruto not only helped Akatsukiorganize the collection of tailed beasts, but also took action to destroy Iwakuma Village.


What is Naruto’s purpose? Don’t

Naruto had long expected that the greatly reduced Iwakuma Village would come to Konoha to form an alliance? If this was part of Naruto’s plan, he wouldn’t be able to make a decision easily.

Let’s drag the black earth first, and wait for Naruto to come back and plan together.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Tsubasa’s face.

“Tu Ying, I really can’t give you an immediate answer to the matter of alliance.”

“Well, you go to the leaves and wait a few days, and we’ll give you an answer as soon as possible.”

Tsunade said something surprising to Kuroto.

She didn’t expect that it was already involved in the tail orc pillar force, and Konoha actually had this attitude.


Do they really think that Konoha can stay out of it?

“Naruto, this thing…”

Kuroto wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Tsunade Tsubasa.

“I said, in a few days, I’ll give you an answer.”

Hearing Tsunade Tsubasa’s words, Black Earth could only sigh helplessly.

Right now

It is she who asks for people,

It can only be enough to obey the arrangements of the Gang Hand.

After sending away the black earth, Tsunade took out from the table a handful of trait Ku Wu.

The top of the bitter no has been engraved with the magic of the Flying Thunder God.

As long as the Tsubasa injects Chakra into Ku Wu, activate the above formation.

Naruto was able to sense it.

This is also the contact method that Tsunade and Naruto Uzumaki have long worked out…….


“It’s the information of the Tsunade Hand.”

Rain Country,

Naruto, who was silently familiar with the Wooden Blood Inheritance Limit, suddenly sensed the news from Tsunade Hand.

“It seems that it is time for me to go back to Konoha.”

Naruto Uzumaki knew,

Tsunade would never contact him for no reason.

Over there with the wooden leaves,

There must have been something that needed to be solved on its own.

“Mu Shu Mu Fen Body!”

Naruto swirled his hands together and then split out of his body into a wooden doppelgänger that was identical to his body.

Anyway, there wouldn’t be any battle on the side of the AkatsukiOrganization now, leaving a wooden body that was enough to cope with the general scene.

Wooden doppelganger,

It is a doppelganger technique that is even more powerful than the shadow doppelganger.

The Thousand Hands Pillar once used this trick to deceive Uchiha Madara, who possessed the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye.


Staying here as a wooden doppelganger, Naruto Uzumaki is not afraid of being detected by others.

After injecting enough chakra into the wooden doppelganger, Naruto Uzumaki unleashed the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared in an instant.

After Naruto left Uzumaki everything,

Once again, calm was restored…. And.

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