Chapter 140 Is this the legendary leg shadow?!!

Konoha Village.

Naruto Building.

Inside Naruto’s office.

Naruto Uzumaki suddenly appeared beside Tsunade through the Flying Thunder God Technique.

“Naruto, you’re back.”

Seeing the sudden appearance of Naruto Uzumaki, a hint of joy flashed on Tsunade ‘s face.

I don’t know why,

Although it hadn’t been long since the last time he had met Naruto Uzumaki.

But Tsunade felt like a long, long time had passed.

Time hangs heavy on one’s hands

Maybe that’s how it feels.

“Did you miss me when I came back this time?”

Naruto Uzumaki wrapped his hands in his arms and began to be dishonest in his hands.

“Hmmm… Who will miss you, you haven’t been doing it all day. ”

“I’m letting you come back this time for… Ah… You…… Don’t move…”

Tsunade glared at Naruto Uzumaki in shame.


But there is no deterrent at all.

Instead, it makes her look charming.

“It’s like this every time, I really want to beat you up!”

Tsunade sorted out his clothes and rinsed his mouth, showing a hint of tiredness on his face.

This bastard,

It’s so capable of tossing and turning.

“Is it?”

“I see you just……”

“Don’t… Stop it! ”

Tsunade covered Naruto’s mouth in shame.

There was nothing she could do about Naruto in the vortex.

“Well, what’s the reason for letting me come back this time?”

Naruto looked at Tsunade and his face became serious.

“What happened in Iwakuma Village, did you do it?”

Tsunade looked at Naruto Uzumaki and spoke softly.

“That’s right.”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki admit it, Tsunade showed a look that was indeed so.

“Now Iwakuma Village has chosen a new earth shadow.”

“She’s in our Konoha right now and wants to form an alliance with us Konoha.”

Hearing Tsunade’s words, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

It was exactly as I expected.

Lost the earth shadow of Ohnogi, two tailed orc pillar power.

Even the ninjas in the village were killed by three-quarters at once.

Iwakuma Village’s strength has now plummeted.

It has gone from a tiger that no one dares to provoke to a lamb to be slaughtered.

The other ninja villages must have all looked at Iwakuma Village.

Once they confirm the current strength of Iwakuma Village, they will definitely launch an attack on Iwakuma Village.

As a result, Iwakuma Village may even be in danger of being wiped out. In this case, Iwakuma can only seek refuge from Konoha.


Konohais the only ninja village that can shelter Iwakuma in this situation.


Konohaalso never took the initiative to launch an attack on other ninja villages.


Regardless of the consideration, Konoha Village is the preferred target of the Iwakuma Village alliance.

“Who are their earth shadows?”


Naruto asked.

“No, it’s the daughter of the yellow earth, the black earth.”

“Okay, then I’ll go talk to her myself.”

After knowing that the person who came this time was Black Earth, Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes lit up.

In the original work, the black earth has the title of “leg shadow”.

A pair of big long legs, white and straight.

Naruto Uzumaki felt,

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it will be a big pity.


“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking!”

Seeing Naruto’s eyes, Tsunade was keenly aware of the abnormality. As soon as he thought of the beautiful legs of the black earth, Tsunade was angry.

Naruto this bastard,

There must be no good intentions.

“Alas… You think it is not right to think so, everyone will be sisters in the future, and you must be angry. ”

“What’s more, I am doing all this to achieve the great goal of unifying the ninja world and eliminating war.”

“So, I can only sacrifice myself.”

Naruto Uzumaki said with some grievance on his face.

This scene,

Let Tsunade almost spit out a mouthful of blood.


You’ve been a victim of feelings, haven’t you?! In order to accomplish the goal of unifying the ninja world?

When I don’t understand anything about the little girl? I don’t blush at all when I talk nonsense,

This bastard,

Or as brazen as ever! But

Spit on the spit attribute,

Tsunade didn’t say much.

She knows,

A good ninja like Naruto Uzumaki is bound to have countless suitors.

If nothing else,

It is his apprentice Haruno Sakura, who is Naruto’s number one little fan.

“Then I’m gone.”

After Naruto finished speaking, a teleportation technique disappeared in place.


Now it’s time to talk to Black Earth.

……… In an inn in Konoha.

Black Earth was holding his cheeks and looking out the window.

On the street,


Everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

This scenario,

Even in the former Yanyin Village, the black earth had never been seen.

Although they are also the most powerful ninja villages in the ninja world.

But have to admit.

Compared with Iwakuma Village and KonohaVillage,

The level of prosperity is still too much worse.

At this moment,

Black Earth suddenly noticed that there was something abnormal behind him……… Quickly turning, the black earth swept towards the back of the look.


With a muffled sound, Kuroto’s ankle was grabbed by the ninja opposite.

“Who are you?”

Looking at the ninja in front of him, Kuroto asked solemnly.

This room,

She had already laid out the enchantment.

The other party was able to quietly pass through the enchantment and come behind her.

It is enough to illustrate that the other party is not simple.

“I’ve come to talk to you about the alliance.”

Lowering Kuroko’s legs, Naruto took a closer look at the woman in front of him, is this the legendary “leg shadow”?

I have to say,

The legs of the black earth are indeed very tempting,

Of the women Naruto had ever seen, none of them could be compared to the Black Earth.

Although the appearance of the black earth is not as impressive as that of Tsunade and the hata field, it is also very attractive.

In particular, the black earth still has a wild breath on it.

Such a woman is the most able to stimulate the most primitive desire in a man’s heart.


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kuroto was obviously a little unconvinced.

Alliances are such things,

Shouldn’t it be Naruto himself coming to talk to her?

“I’m Naruto Uzumaki.”

“You’re Naruto Uzumaki?!”

Black Earth opened his mouth wide in surprise.

When the Great Snake Maru launched the Konoha Collapse Plan, ninjas who came to take the Naka Ninja Exam were all over the ninja world.


Naruto Uzumaki who is out of the limelight, the name is naturally spread in the ninja world.

Black earth naturally also heard of,

She had even fantasized about meeting Naruto Uzumaki.


Today it really happened.


Looking at Naruto’s face, Kuroto’s mind was the only thought that Naruto was the most handsome ninja she had ever seen.

And at a young age, he has such a strong strength, such a person,

Always be able to arouse women’s good feelings at the first time.

Black earth is naturally no exception.

“Can you talk to me now?”

Naruto Vortex naturally didn’t know what Kuroto’s mind was thinking at the moment.

He only wanted to use the black earth to complete his purpose of controlling the Iwakuma Village.

“But… Yes……”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kuroitsu became a little embarrassed.

Is my performance just a little rough?


Before Kuroto could think about it more, Naruto Uzumaki spoke.

“We can agree to your request.”

“KonohaVillage and Iwakuma Village can form an alliance.”

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