Chapter 141 Legs Play Year, The Conquered Black Earth!!!

“Konoha Hidden Village and Iwakuma Village can form an alliance relationship.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the black earth did not show much joy.

She knew.

Although Konohaagrees to her request, decides to ally with Iwakuma Village. But the other party will definitely have certain requirements.

Therefore, Kuroto did not open his mouth at the first time, but quietly waited for Naruto to wait for the following of the whirlpool.

Seeing the look of the black earth, Naruto Uzumaki nodded secretly in his heart.

This woman,

Very clever.

“If you want KonohaVillage and Iwakuma Village to form an alliance, you only need to agree to one condition.”

“In the future, Iwakuma Village must become an appendage of KonohaVillage. After Naruto finished speaking, Kuroto’s face changed instantly. ”

She had thought that Konoha might take the opportunity to make some excessive demands.


But I never thought about it

Konoha’s appetite was so great.

Make Iwakuma Village an appendage of Konoha? Are you kidding!

“No way, we wouldn’t agree to such a rude request. For the refusal of the black earth, Naruto Uzumaki had already expected it. ”


There was no unexpected expression on his face.

“Is it?”

“That seems like a pity.”

“If you don’t agree to this condition, then the alliance is over.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kuroto clenched his fists.

“Our Iwakuma Village will never become a subsidiary of other ninja villages, even if it is death!”

“You wooden leaves or change the conditions.” Black Earth gritted his teeth and said. ”

Becoming an appendage of Konohameans that everything in Iwakuma Village will have to be approved by Konohain the future.

A ninja in Iwakuma Village

It can also become inferior.

This is a very difficult thing for Iwakuma Village, which was once one of the five (big) ninja villages.


“Do you think you are now qualified to negotiate with me about conditions?”

“Also, let me remind you.”

“If we don’t agree to our terms, how many ninjas will be left alive in Iwakuma Village in the end?”

“Don’t forget, during the Ninja War, there was a lot of hatred between Iwakuma and other ninja villages.”

“Especially Yunyin Village, I think they should already be preparing to do something about Yanyin Village.”

“Do you think that the village is going to die, and is your so-called persistence still necessary?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kuroto fell silent.

The other side is right.

If the alliance fails this time, Iwakuma Village will probably really die.

Don’t look at the ninja world is calm now

That’s because the various ninja villages have just experienced the third ninja war, and they are evenly matched with each other.

Now that balance has been broken

Iwakuma Village will definitely suffer a devastating blow from other ninja villages.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you.


It has always been a very cruel world.

“We’ll fight to the death.”

“Even if you fight until the last ninja!”

Black Earth said strongly.

In her heart, even if she died, she couldn’t make Iwakuma Village a laughingstock of the entire ninja world.

“It’s a shame.”

“When you go back, each ninja village will launch an attack on Iwakuma Village.”

“Of course, we won’t kill them all.”

“Iwakuma Village will become a captive land for the major ninja villages, and the ninjas in Iwakuma Village will be the livestock that are kept in captivity.”

“Whether they are enslaved or used for human experiments, men are killed at will and women are reduced to playthings.”

“Even, many people kneel on the ground like dogs to please the people who have abused them for a bite to eat.”

“You should have thought about all this, right?”

Naruto opened his mouth slowly.

The voice is not impatient.


But it made Black Earth’s whole body feel a cold coolness.

In Naruto Uzumaki’s depiction, the black earth seems to see the hell on earth.

As the granddaughter of Tu Ying, Black Earth is aware of some of the dark side of the village.

It’s just that she has very little contact

So I didn’t think about it in the first place.

Now Naruto Uzumaki words

It made her feel a deep sense of fear.

She finally knew that the current outer realm of Yanyin Village was probably far more dangerous than she had imagined.

Once you go wrong

Iwakuma Village will surely fall into a state of no return!

“I agree with Konoha’s request.”

After the black earth finished speaking, the body seemed to be drained of strength.

Suddenly he fell to the ground.

The originally agile eyes also looked a little unfocused at this time.

See this scene

Naruto Uzumaki sighed inwardly.

Or the little girl is easy to coax.

I was immediately frightened.

If Ohnoki or Loess is still alive

If you want to get Iwakuma Village to agree to such a condition, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

“Since that’s the case, then ask Lord Tuying to sign it.” Naruto Uzumaki took out the contract he had prepared long ago. ”

Seeing the contract, Habi’s face showed a bitter smile.

Did the other party expect her to agree? But there is nothing black earth can do.

Compared to the kind of scene depicted by the vortex

Now Iwakuma Village has only become a subsidiary of Konoha’s ninja village, which is already the best result.

“From now on, Iwakuma Village will be a vassal of Konoha.”

“And you are my pawn in control of Iwakuma Village.”

“But rest assured, as long as you are obedient, Iwakuma Village will definitely become more prosperous than before.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kuroto nodded mechanically.

By now, she could only resign herself to fate.


After Kuroto handed the signed contract to Naruto Uzumaki, Shizuren suddenly took her in his arms.

“You… What are you doing? ”

Feel the powerful heartbeat of this whirlpool Naruto, and the warm heart that embraces the black earth

I couldn’t help but beat violently.

“You’re my man now, and you can do whatever I want. Things in the village have been done now. ”

It’s time to do his own thing.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kuroto didn’t struggle.

Just as Naruto Uzumaki said she was now

It’s just a shame on the other side.

The night passed quickly.

Naruto was still radiant, but Black Ten didn’t even have the strength to move.

Thinking back to the madness of last night, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.

Leg play is really not just talk.

“Master, the target of the AkatsukiOrganization is the tail orc pillar force, you must be careful.” After last night’s events, Kuroto’s name for Naruto had changed. It’s just that in the time of a day, both mentally and physically, she has been completely conquered by Naruto Uzumaki. You don’t have to worry about the organization. ”

“I have my own arrangements.”

“And you can rest assured, in the future, not only Yanyin Village, Yunyin Village, Shayin Village Wuyin Village… All of these will become the ninja villages of Konoha’s vassals. ”

“When I unify the ninja world, you will understand how right the choice is now.”

Looking at the black earth that nodded obediently, Naruto did not say much. Now that the matter in Iwakuma Village was settled, it was time for him to return to the organization.

If nothing else, Kakuto and Feiduan should be back soon.

It’s time to take the next step.

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