Chapter 142 Next Goal, Yunyin Village!!

Inside Naruto’s office,

Tsunade and the black earth face look at each other,

The atmosphere became a little eerie for a while.

“Cough… Today we are going to discuss the matter of Iwakuma Village. ”

“Black Earth, let’s talk a few words first.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kuroto spoke softly.

“Our Iwakuma Village is willing to become a vassal ninja village of Konoha.”

“And, willing to obey the leadership of Konoha.”

After Black Earth finished speaking, he handed the contract that had been signed long ago to the Gang Hand.

Tsunade took a quick look and placed the contract on the table.

“This time, I’ll send some ninjas from the Dark Ones to Iwakuma Village.”

“In the future, if you have anything to do, you need to report to them.”

Hearing Tsunade speak, Kuroto nodded.

The contract is already very clear on it.

Black Earth didn’t have any opinions.


Seeing Kuroto’s nod, Tsunade called Uchiha into Naruto’s office.

“You choose ten ninjas from the Dark Tribe, and follow Tuying to Iwakuma Village.”

“This is the contract between Iwakuma Village and us.”

“You see.”

After taking over the contract, Uchiha took a quick look.

After reading it, Uchiha looked at Naruto Uzumaki with admiration in his eyes.

Iwakuma was willing to take the initiative to become a vassal of Konoha’s ninja village.

This was something I couldn’t have imagined before.


Uchiha thought of another layer. Iwakuma Village may just be the beginning.

After that,

Yunyin Village, Shayin Village, Wuyin Village………

These ninja villages may become ninja villages that are subordinate to Konoha.

By that time,

There will be no more wars in the ninja world.

When I think about it,

Uchiha had more respect for Naruto Uzumaki in his heart.

It was his desire from childhood to adulthood.

However, as we age,

Uchiha was seeing less and less hope.

Right now

Things started to take a turn for the better.

“Lord Tsunade, Lord Naruto, I’ll arrange it right away.”

Uchiha is smart.

Just by looking at the contract, you know what you need to do.


Uchiha left.

With the departure of Uchiha Mustela,

The atmosphere inside Naruto’s office became eerie again.

Neither Tsunade nor Kuroto took the initiative to speak.

Especially Tsunade looked at the black earth with a hint of hostility.

“Cough… In the future, everyone will be sisters, and you must get along well ~ Seeing this scene, Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t help but say. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Black Earth stood up.

“Lord Tsunade, please take more care of you in the future.”

Having said that,

He bowed to Tsunade Hand.

Black Earth’s perception of his status was clear.

If you want Iwakuma Village to get enough benefits in the future, you still have to please as many people as possible.

“Well, please take more care of me.”

Tsunade nodded slightly.

Although it was a little cold, it did not have the same hostility towards the black earth as before.

“Well, Black Ten, let’s go back to Iwakuma Village first.”

“Tsunade is in charge of warning the other ninja villages.”

“You can discuss the specific plan.”

“I still have business, go first.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and then he launched the Flying Thunder God and left.

Let them solve the problem of Tsunade and Black Earth on their own.

It had been a long time since he had come out of the AkatsukiOrganization, and he still had to go back as soon as possible to think of it.

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t stay much longer.

Instead, he launched the Flying Thunder God Technique and quickly rushed towards the base of the Rain Country AkatsukiOrganization.

“Face hemp, flying segment and horn are all back, and the leader asks us to assemble.”

Outside the door,

The sound of Uchiha carrying earth came from there. Naruto slowly opened his eyes.


It was just the right time to come back on your own.

Walk out of the room,

Naruto came to the hall of the base.

He was the last to arrive, and everyone was waiting for him, but,

But no one felt dissatisfied.


Be respected wherever you are.

Even the AkatsukiOrganization is no exception.

Kakuto and Feiduan stand at the forefront,

In front of them was the Seven-Tailed Man Pillar Force, who had fallen into a coma.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki, the faces of the two were somewhat unnatural.

Apparently, they had also heard about what Naruto had done in Iwakuma Village.

Especially Kakuto,

The thought of him taking the initiative to find trouble with Naruto Uzumaki made a cold sweat flow from his forehead.

It was lucky enough to survive the killing hands of Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto Uzumaki looked at Fei Duan curiously.

What kind of existence the Death God that Fei Duan believed in was a kind of existence, and Naruto Uzumaki was very curious.

After that,

He must give the flying segment to the Great Snake Maru,

Let the Great Snake Maru explore the secret of the flying undead body.

That’s the first sight,

Let Fei Duan’s heart begin to hair.

He always felt,

Naruto looked at him with something not quite right.

“Now that everyone has arrived, let’s start pulling out the Seven Tails.”


With the participation of all the members of the AkatsukiOrganization, Nanao was withdrawn.

up to now

The AkatsukiOrganization had already collected three tailed beasts.

They are four tails, five tails, and seven tails just now.

“Chief, what are we going to do next?”

Fei Duan asked.

He was a man who could not stay idle.

As believers in evil gods,

Fei Duan’s biggest hobby is to find sacrifices for evil gods every day.


He wanted to start his next mission without stopping.

“The next task of your squad is the two-tailed pillar force of Yunyin Village, by the wooden people.”

Hearing Fei Duan’s words, Payne opened his mouth coldly.

And then

He set his eyes on Naruto Uzumaki and Uchiha with the earth.

“Face Ma, Ah Fei, you will be responsible for capturing the eight-tailed pillar force of Yunyin Village, Qirabi.”

“He is the younger brother of the fourth generation of Lei Ying’ai, and he is also the perfect human pillar force of Yunyin Village, so this task is entrusted to you.”

Naruto had no problem with Payne’s arrangement.

Right now

The whole Akatsukiorganization, except for Penn,

Only he and Uchiha Obito Earth could have the strength to complete the task of capturing the eight-tailed human pillar force.

Seeing that Naruto had no opinion, Payne went on.

“I’ll work with the Scorpion Squad to capture the six-tailed human pillar force.”

“After all the tailed beasts have been captured, we will attack the final target, Konoha!”

Payne finished speaking, and there was a little more hatred in his tone.


It was because of Konoha that he lost both of his parents.


Later, because of the self-coming,

He, Yahiko, and Konan, had the power to protect themselves in the chaotic world.


Because of Konoha’s Shimura Tunzang, Yahiko lost his life.


Nagato hated Konoha very much.

In Nagato’s eyes,

As the most powerful ninja village in the ninja world,

The ninjas of Konoha had never experienced the great pain of war.

And without pain,

It means not being able to understand others.


Nagato decided,

After the other tailed beasts have been collected,

With the Akatsukiorganization, he launched an attack on Konoha.

Naruto’s approach gave him inspiration.

He was going to destroy Konohajust like Naruto the Vortex destroyed Iwakuma Village.


Only then can they feel the pain in their hearts.

Hearing Payne’s words, Naruto Uzumaki sneered a few times in his heart.

Wait for the tailed beast to collect almost the county,

It was time for him and Akatsukito fight a decisive battle! he

I have long wanted to see the power of the Samsara Eye!

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