Chapter 143 Uchiha Obito, which cannot be contained!!


“Konoha these bastards.”

“I actually agreed to Iwaku’s request for an alliance.”


Yunyin Village Thunder Shadow Building

Inside the Ray Shadow office.

The fourth generation of Lei Yingai looked at the information just sent by his subordinates, and smashed the wall with an angry punch.

“Lord Lei Ying, please don’t continue to do this.”

“The current budget of Yunyin Village is not high.”

“Every time you repair the Thunder Shadow Building, it takes a lot of talent. Mabuyi saw the angry Ai and said calmly. ”

“If it weren’t for the fact that the leaves were inserted horizontally, we would have had endless money now!”

“This big fat piece of meat in Yanyin Village has long been eaten by me in my mouth.” Ai Leng snorted, and the expression on his face was very dissatisfied. ”


After hearing that Iwakuma Village was almost wiped out, he did not sleep all night in excitement.

Overnight, the troops were dispatched and began to prepare for a war against Iwakuma Village.

But just when he had everything ready

It was revealed that Iwakuma Village and KonohaVillage had formed an alliance.

This made Ai feel as uncomfortable as eating.


He also planned to start a war this time while Iwakuma was in crisis.

This can both reap enormous benefits from the war.


I was also able to take a good breath of the breath of the Third Ninja War.

His father

The third generation of Thunder Shadow was killed by the ninjas of Iwakuma Village.

He had never forgotten this vendetta.

But now

Because of the interference of the wooden leaves

All his plans were in vain.

“Lord Lei Ying, this time Konoha suddenly announced an alliance with Iwakuma Village, I’m afraid there is something inside.”

“Otherwise, there’s no reason to do such a thankless thing.” Mabuyi calmly analyzed. ”

It is in stark contrast to the angry Ai next to him.

“Whatever the reason, now we can’t take a shot at Iwakuma Village.”

Ai sighed in disappointment.

The last time he took the middle ninja exam, he had already seen the strength of Konohaand nothing else

Just a whirlpool Naruto

It was not something that Yunyin Village could deal with.

Not to mention

Konoha also possessed the perverted forbidden art of dirt rebirth.

“I think the most urgent thing now is to investigate and find out who can make the village of Iwakuma fall to such a point.”

“What is the purpose of their attack on Iwakuma Village?”

Mabuyi is worthy of being the strongest think tank in Yunyin Village.

The point of the problem was grasped at once.

Now the whole ninja world

Who the hell is that?

I have the power to make Iwakuma Village what it is now! Hearing Mabuyi’s words, Ai fell silent.

Oh, yes

If you don’t understand the purpose of the gang that attacked Iwakuma Village, all the ninja village will be sleepy.

After all

Since the other party has the ability to kill Tu Ying, he will destroy the village of Iwakuma to the throne.

That would have the ability to do the same to other ninja villages.

“Ma Buyi, pass on the order, recently the village has entered the first level of alert.”

“Also, tell Chirabi not to leave the village lately.” Ai’s thoughts coincided with that of Azabuyi. ”


Mabuyi didn’t say anything more and turned away.

The current ninja world

I’m afraid it’s going to be another storm.

In a secluded mountain range in the village of Yunyin —

A dark ninja with sunglasses and a large body is sitting on the ground and humming a song of his own creation.

That’s when it happened

A masked ninja appeared in front of him.

“Cold than the life of the adult, Lord Thunder Shadow.”

“Don’t leave the village for some time now.”

“Inside the village, it has also entered a state of first-level alert.”

Hearing the words of the Dark Ninja, Kirabi was stunned and then spoke.

“Yo, big brother, that idiot, he attacks me every day.”

“Uncle Ben’s life has been so miserable, the anger in my heart has been accumulating!”


“Eight Grid Tooth Road, Coog Tooth Road!”

Looking at the Chirabi who has fallen into his own world, the ninjas of the Dark Ministry have become accustomed to it.

A teleportation disappeared in place.

Chirabi looks unreliable though.

But for Lord Lei Ying’s orders, he still listened.

“By, don’t sing, I can’t sleep like you.” The voice of an eight-tailed cow ghost came from inside the body. ”

“Yo, little brother of the eight tails, Uncle Ben is Chirabi.”

“What the killer bee said is that it is down, and you better not let me argue with you!”

“Eight Grid Tooth Road, Coog Tooth Road!”

In the spirit world, the cow ghost flew the Chirabi hammer out with one punch.

Chirabi is good everywhere.

I just love rapping.

And it’s also particularly ugly, annoying to the eight tails.

“Finally found it.”

Just as the cow ghost and Chirabi were arguing, a chuckle came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, two ninjas dressed in red clouds and black robes appeared in front of Chirabi.

“Yo, who are you two?” Could it be a thief who has infiltrated the village? ”

Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, Chirabi continued to speak in a rap tone

And then

He also posed in a strange pose.

“Face numbness, this guy seems a little bit abnormal.”

Seeing Kirabbi’s appearance, Uchiha laughed exaggeratedly.

However, after seeing that Naruto did not react at all, he stopped awkwardly.

“Ah Fei, Chirabi will be left to you.”

“This time, it’s time for you to do a little bit too.”

Naruto looked at Uchiha and said.

He’d like to take a look

Uchiha is not able to deal with Chirabi.

Under the premise that he does not expose the eye of the Kaleidoscope abbreviation.


“Face numbness, I can’t do this.”

“Chirabi is an eight-tailed pillar force, or you come.”

Listening to Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha quickly waved his hand.

Although he did not take the eight-tailed human pillar force in his eyes.


If you want to beat the Eight-Tailed Pillar Force, you will inevitably expose many of his hole cards.

This is something that Uchiha does not want to see.

“Leave this kind of thing to the chief.” Naruto shook his head. ”

I had already made up my mind that I wouldn’t help Uchiha with me.

He wanted to see how long Uchiha could fit the soil.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s appearance, Uchiha scolded a few words in his heart.

You guy

Isn’t that a fighting maniac?

Why did you suddenly change your character today? However, there is nothing Uchiha can do with the soil.

They have now appeared in Yunyin Village.

If you continue to delay, you may not be able to catch the eight-tailed human pillar force.


Uchiha didn’t plan to continue pretending to be crazy and stupid.

Instead, he restored his deep voice.

He was going to start playing Uchiha in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

See if you can pull Naruto into his side.

“If that’s the case, let me see my true strength.”

“Uchiha clan, the power of the gods.”

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