Chapter 146 Dealing with the tailed beast’s stuff can also kill people?!!

“Hey, Fei Duan, haven’t you gotten any blood yet?”

“Don’t rush me, how hard this guy is, you don’t know.”

Hearing Kakudo’s urging, Fei Duan muttered impatiently.

This time, the two-tailed human pillar force could already maintain its sanity in the form of a fully tailed beast.

This makes the battle much more difficult.

Even if Fei Duan and Kakuto both joined forces, there was no way to slap each other down for a while.

“Damn, the ninjas of Yunyin Village will come to support you.”

Looking at the unruly sewers that had been destroyed, Kakuto was secretly anxious

The battle caused such a big movement, and it must have been discovered by the ninjas of Yunyin Village.


The ninjas of Yunyin Village were already on their way to support.

“Don’t say so much, who would have thought that the Perfect Man Pillar Force could exert such a powerful force.”

The performance of the two-tailed human pillar force greatly surprised the expectations of the flying section and the angle.

At the time of capturing the Seven Tails, the Seven Tails Pillar Force was also completely tailed at the last moment.


After being completely tailed, Seven-Tails will only rely on their own instincts to use the power of their tailed beasts.

This is not a threat to the flight segment or the angle.


The two of them easily defeated the Seven-Tailed Pillar Force. Originally, I thought that this time it would be easier to deal with the two-tailed human pillar force.

But I didn’t expect that,

This dilemma will now be found.

Just as Kakuto and Feiduan were attacking with all their might, there was a sudden cracking sound in the distance.

Followed by

A large number of Yunyin Village ninjas appeared nearby, completely encircling Kakuto and Feiduan.


Seeing this scene, Kakuto cursed in a low voice.


The worst case scenario still happened.

“Lord Yukito!”

After the ninjas of Yunyin Village arrived, they did not rush to Kakuto and Feiduan to attack.

Instead, they tacitly blocked the two men’s retreat.

Yugito as a two-tailed pillar is a ninja with a very arrogant personality.

She had always disliked people interfering in her battles.

“Just watch from the sidelines.”

“These two guys, I’ll be able to fix it right away!”

Seeing the support coming, Yukito snorted coldly.

And then

Continued to attack Kakuto and Feiduan.

Under the gaze of the ninja of Yunyin Village, Kakuto and Hidan all felt a great pressure.

When fighting, you can’t put all your mind into it.


Soon the two were found by the wooden man and flew out by a sharp claw

Horns have lost a heart again.

And the flying section,

It was split in two.

“That’s trouble.”

Kakuto had a cold sweat on his forehead and had already begun to think about a way out.

The peak of his fighting power was when he had five hearts.

Because at that time, he was able to easily unleash the Five Elements Ninjutsu and form a variety of powerful combinations of ninjutsu.

Now that two hearts had been lost, Kakuto’s combat effectiveness had plummeted.

“Hey, Kakuto, first help me close my body.”

Looking at Kakudo, Fei Duan roared loudly.

He knew all too well who his teammate was.


Kakuto had now begun to plan to aMadaradon himself and escape.

“Shut up!”

Kakuto snorted coldly and ignored the flying section.

How could Nio possibly give him time to repair Fei Duan’s body!

“Hmm, these two guys, they dared to take a shot at Lord Yukihito, I really don’t know if I’m dead or alive.”

“Yes, Lord Yukito is one of the strongest ninjas in our Yunyin Village.”

“But then again, what’s going on with that guy on the ground?” Obviously, the body has been broken into two pieces, how can it still be alive? ”

Seeing that Hidan and Kakudo were at a disadvantage, the ninjas of Yunyin Village all began to discuss.

“Hey, this guy is so good at hiding, you guys can help me solve him.”

“I’ve had enough.”

After fighting with Kakuto for a while, Yukito spoke.

The corners are really good at running.

For such a long time, she had not been able to kill Kakudo.

Yugito was already impatient.

“Got it, Lord Yukito!”

Hearing Yukito’s words, the ninjas of Unyin Village responded in unison.

And then

At the same time, they launched an attack on the corners.

Under siege by ninjas in Yunyin Village,

Kakuto finally couldn’t hold on any longer.

Two hearts were exploded one after another.

“Are you going to die here this time?”

There was still one last heart left, and Kakuto sighed helplessly.

In the current situation, the horns can’t see any hope of escape.

“It seems that the right time has come.”

Just when Kakuto was desperate, there was a sudden chuckle around him.

Followed by

A masked ninja and a handsome young man appeared beside him.

“Face hemp, Ah Fei!”

Seeing the two people who suddenly appeared, Kakuto both shouted in surprise.


Finally don’t have to die!

For the power of Naruto Uzumaki, Kakuto was deeply aware of it.

If he is there,

Then there may still be a chance to escape today.

“Sigh… It’s just a matter of grabbing a two-tailed human pillar force, and you’re really messing up. ”

“I said Kakuto, how did you survive after the assassination of the first Naruto failed?”

Seeing the appearance of Kakuto and Hito, Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t help but shake his head.

These two goods,

In addition to the strange ability, the strength is even weaker than expected.

“The two-tailed human pillar can still maintain sanity after the tail is completely beastly.”

“This time we miscalculated.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kakuto quietly shifted the subject.

Although he had actually assassinated the original Naruto.

However, this process can never be told to others.


His reputation was about to be ruined.

“Okay, you go pick up the flying segment.”

“Ah Fei, you are in debt to cover them.”

“Two-tailed human pillar power, just leave it to me to deal with.”

Naruto Uzumaki saw that Kakuto had no intention of saying anything, nor did he continue to ask questions.


Kakuto assassinated between the Thousand Hands Pillar,

It was nothing more than throwing a shuriken eight hundred miles away.

“Got it.”

Naturally, Kakudo didn’t have any opinion on Naruto’s arrangement.

And Uchiha Obito soil,

I was very upset.

It felt like he was about to become Naruto’s little brother.

Obviously, he is the biggest boss of the AkatsukiOrganization! But

Now the enemy is present,

He could only listen to Naruto Uzumaki.

After all

Collecting tailed beasts was the most important part of his plan.

Without the power of Naruto Uzumaki,

It is not really possible to successfully collect all the tailed beasts.

“Face numbness, this time please please.”

“Be careful, the human pillar force after the complete tail beast is very dangerous.”

“If you are careless, you will probably be killed.”

“Me and Fei Duan were almost all killed.”

Although knowing that Naruto Uzumaki is very strong,

But Kakuto still couldn’t help but remind Naruto of Uzumaki.

Now Naruto Uzumaki can be considered his savior.

He didn’t want Naruto to have any accidents in the middle of nowhere.


“Can you still die against such a thing as a tailed beast?”

Hearing Kakuto’s words, Naruto Uzumaki had a look of surprise on his face.

This made Kakuto and Fei Duan open their mouths, and for a moment they didn’t know what to say.


Isn’t it common sense that a tailed beast will die if it is not careful?

The power of the tailed beast is like a ninja nuclear weapon! This guy,

In the end, do you recognize the current situation?

“Hmm, it’s loading again.”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, Uchiha snorted unhappily.

This bastard,

He is taking the opportunity to show off his strength again.

But the other side has this capital.

The tailed beast was really no different from a pet in front of Naruto Uzumaki.


Although Uchiha was very upset with Naruto’s behavior in his heart, his heart thought,

The next time he dealt with the tailed beast, he would have to say the same thing.

Is there a lot of compulsion?

Coupled with his identity as the big BOSS behind the scenes, it is simply not too handsome!

“The amount… In short, it’s up to you now! ”

Although he was not lightly hit by Naruto Uzumaki’s words, looking at Naruto’s back,

Kakuto’s heart did not know why he had a full sense of security.

Now the corners are very happy,

In the beginning, it was he who saw the pearls,

Only then did he draw Naruto into the AkatsukiOrganization.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the vortex Naruto and Uchiha Obito soil, the people of Yunyin Village also became solemn.

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