Chapter 147 Knocks the ninja of Yunyin Village to shut himself down!!

Looking at the sudden appearance of the vortex Naruto and Uchiha Obito soil, the faces of the people in Yunyin Village also became solemn.


They didn’t feel any power in Naruto Uzumaki and Uchiha Obito But,

Just from the expressions of the two people’s faces that do not change color, you can know.

These two guys,

The strength is definitely much stronger than the horns and flying sections just now.

“It seems that today I really poked the rat’s nest.”

“A bunch of dirty rats, one by one, came out and died.”

Looking at Naruto and the others, Yukito snorted coldly.

She didn’t feel much in her heart.

In her opinion,

The ninjas of Unyin Village had already surrounded the whole place.

I believe that it will not be long before

Lord Thunder Shadow will also rush over.

At that time, these four guys in front of you,

You can’t run away anyway.

“Don’t talk so much.”

“Who’s going to die, not necessarily.”

Hearing Yukihito’s words, Naruto Uzumaki snorted softly.

The one who dared to speak like this in front of him, Yukito was still the first.

“Is it?”

“Since you don’t believe it, just give it a try.”

Yukito finished speaking and assumed an offensive posture.

“You’re in charge of solving the other three guys.”

“This person, just leave it to me to solve it.”

Yukito stretched out his huge claws and pointed at Naruto Uzumaki.


She was going to shred Naruto the Vortex into pieces.

“Got it, Lord Yukito!”

“Lord Yukito seems to be angry, this guy is going to be unlucky.”

“Yeah, I guess I’ll die without a whole body.”

“Hmm, if you dare to provoke us in Yunyin Village, you must find out the origin of these guys.”

“Lord Yukito, even if you shoot, none of them can run away today!”

The ninjas of Ungaku Village have faith in Yukito.

The whole village of Yunyin,

Except for Lord Ray Shadow and Lord Chirabi,

No one can defeat the fully tailed beastly Lord Yukihito.


These guys in front of you who can’t even be called by name will certainly not be opponents of the Wooden Man!

“Hear that?”

“Regret your stupidity!”

Listening to the praise of the ninjas of Yunyin Village, Yukito was very proud in his heart.

She was a very proud ninja.


It is a very happy thing for her strength to be recognized by everyone.

“Go and die!”

Yukito no longer hesitated and attacked Naruto directly at Uzumaki Naruto.

And looking at the claws that were rapidly approaching him, Naruto Uzumaki sneered and then,

Without evasively, he rushed up and raised his arm,

He hammered his fist at the claws of the second tail.

Seeing this scene, the ninjas of Yunyin Village all laughed.

“This guy wouldn’t be a fool, would he?” How dare you confront the completely tailed beastly Yukito Lord? ”

“Laugh at me, I originally thought that this guy dared to break into our encirclement, at least he had some strength, it turned out that he just had a brain problem.”

“If this punch continues, this guy will definitely be beaten by Lord Wooden Man and will not be able to leave any scum left, right?”

“After the complete tail beast, Lord Yukito is covered with chakra flames, and even if you get close, you will be burned, not to mention contact.”

“Also, if the brain is fine, it is impossible to dare to hit our Yunyin Village.”

The ninjas of Unakura Village taunted Naruto whirlly.

In their opinion,

Naruto Uzumaki this practice,

It’s no different than sending you to death.

And by the wooden man,

At this time, my heart also sneered.

Tough on her?

Don’t you know how perverted the body of the tailed beast really is? Even if it’s Lord Thunder,

Without entering the Thunder Chakra mode, he did not dare to fight with her.

“Hmm, ignorant idiot.”

Say it’s too late, it’s fast.

It’s just a blink of an eye.

Naruto’s fist and Nizuo’s claws collided.

Followed by

Yukito felt an unimaginably powerful force.

At the moment of contact,

The fully tailed beastly Yugito was violently shot out.


A loud roar came,

The body of the second tail left a deep ravine on the ground.

This punch,

It actually flew the second tail out of a distance of hundreds of meters.

“Gollum…… This… Am I not mistaken? ”

“Lord Yukito, was he beaten up?”

“How is this possible? After the tail beast is transformed into Lord Yukito, even Lord Thunder Shadow can’t fight hard, right? ”

“It must be magic, we must have been hit by magic!”

“This guy… Why nothing at all? ”

Seeing the fully tailed beastly Yuki Man was punched and flew hundreds of meters.

The ninjas of Unakura Village all looked at Naruto Uzumaki who was standing motionless and opened his mouth wide in shock.

They couldn’t believe it.

Someone was able to punch the completely tailed beastly Yugi Man out with one punch.

Even Fei Duan and Horn saw this scene and all fell into a sluggishness.

Although they knew that Naruto Uzumaki was very powerful.


With the human body,

One punch knocked the huge two-tailed man up hundreds of meters.

Seeing this kind of thing with their own eyes still gave them a great shock.

That picture just now,

It’s so impactful!

“Damn, why does this guy have so much power?”

“Is he also a tailed beast?”

Rising from the ground, Yukito shook his head.

Naruto had just swirled that punch,

It did her a lot of harm.


I haven’t waited for her to return to God,

Naruto Uzumaki appeared in front of him again.


Another heavy punch.

The two-tailed huge body was once again knocked out of the air.

And then

Before landing on the ground, he was hit by Naruto the vortex who appeared next to him again!

Madarag! Madarag!

Under Naruto’s continuous attack,

Nio Yugito didn’t have any power to fight back at all.

Tailed beasts compared to humans,

The biggest advantages are a strong body and great strength.

When these two points are compared,

The tailed beast has no advantage at all.

Therefore, under the great power and speed of Naruto Uzumaki,

Two-tail’s body was like a huge leather ball, kicked around in the sky.

Under the powerful attack of Naruto Uzumaki,

Even a tailed beast could not last long.


It didn’t take long,

Fully tailed beastly by the Wooden Man,

It was directly beaten back to its original form.

One last punch.

Yuki’s body was hammered to the ground.

And then

Smashed a huge hole in the ground.

“This makes you dizzy?”

“It’s really not resistant.”

Seeing Yukihito, who was already completely unconscious, Naruto Uzumaki shook his head in disappointment.

He just used magic to enhance the strange power, did not expect that,

In a few clicks, the tailed beast was beaten like this.

And then

The wooden man will carry it on his shoulders.

“Well, the task of capturing the two-tailed human pillar force is completed.”

Looking at Naruto who was carrying the swirl slowly approaching from a distance by the wooden man, the scene,

It fell into an eerie silence.

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